Contoh Percakapan Hope

Contoh Percakapan Hope

Contoh percakapan hope dan wish

Daftar Isi

1. Contoh percakapan hope dan wish


A = My father is sick and is currently in the hospital.

B = I hope your parents recover.


A = I wish i lives in village.

2. Contoh percakapan expresing hope dan congratulations dalam 1 percakapan

a : heyy, congratulation on getting first place of english competition!
b : thank youuu, i hope you can achieve first place too in science competitionyou; congratulation friend. you won the first winner and i wish i could be like you next year. 
friend; thank you friend. i pray if you study hard, you can get like i did, i am crossing my fingers for you friend
you; thank you so much
friend; no worries

3. Contoh contoh kalimat percakapan hope danwish


I hope we can better from them

i hope you can do it!

i hope we still can together

4. Buatlah contoh percakapan menggunakan kata Congratulation wish hope good luck​


i wish you were in a bike race

5. Contoh percakapan pendek hope dan wish congratulations

Percakapan pendek (short conversation) yang berisi ungkapan congratulation, hope dan wish:

Lina: Hello, Ratih. How are you?

Ratih: Hi, Lina. I'm fine, thank you. How about you?

Lina: I'm OK. So what's up?

Ratih: Hey, do you still remember the writing competition which I've participated in last month?

Lina: Yes, I remember.

Ratih: You know what? I've won the first prize! I'm so happy!

Lina: Wow!  Really? Oh, that's awesome, Ratih! Congratulations!

Ratih: Thank you!

Lina: I knew it! Your writing is awesome! I told you, you'll win the competition.

Ratih: Yeah, thank you, Lina. Oh, and next week I'll participate in the bigger competition for every winner in Jakarta. I hope I can pass the preliminary test. And I wish you can be there with me.

Lina:  Hey, I trust you! And I will be there with you, OK?

Ratih: I know, thank you, Lina, you are my best friend!


Di dalam percakapan tersebut ada ungkapan congratulation pada kalimat:

Oh, that's awesome, Ratih! Congratulations!

Ungkapan wish dan hope pada kalimat:

I hope I can pass the preliminary test.I wish you can be there with me. Pelajari lebih lanjutMateri tentang contoh hope and wish tentang contoh dialog congratulating people tentang cara memahami kalimat dalam bahasa Inggris Jawaban

Kelas: 9

Mapel: 5

Bab: 1. Expression of congratulation, stating hope and wishes

Kode: 9.5.1

#AyoBelajar #SPJ2

6. contoh percakapan bahasa inggris tentang hope yang singkat

Dialogue About "Hope"

George : Hai Felice , How are you ?
Felice : Haa , I'm not so good now . I've stomachache
George : Oh dear , We must go to the doctor
Felice : No , I just need some rest time
George : Okay ... I'll go to the market for buying some nutritions .
Felice : Yeah , thanks George
George : I hope you'll get well soon .
Felice : I hope it too A:"Hello Anna,will you come tou Rita's house tonight?"
B:"Iam afraid i can't"
A:"Why? do you wanna go to with your boyfriend"
B:"No,my father is sick.i have to make sur that.somebody can take him care before i go."
A:"I am sorry to hear that and i hope your father gets better as soon as possible.
B:"Thank you four your hope"
A:"You're welcome anna"

7. Tuliskan contoh percakapan soal conratulation dan hope


A : "Hi, B. I'm so happy today!"

B : "Hi, A. What is it?"

A : "I passed my English test."

B : "Congratulations! I'm proud of you."

A : "Thank you."


A : "Hi, B. We have an English test soon!"

B : "Hi, A. Thank you for the information."

A : "No problem. I hope you can do it."

B : "Thanks, A. Good luck for you!"

[ correct me if i'm wrong! ]

8. tuliskan contoh percakapan 5 orang tentang congratulate,wish and hope​

SANTI: HELLO SITI CONGRATULATETIONS YOU WIN !                                         SITI: THANKYOU  SANTI !                                                                                          SANTI: YOU WELCOME                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 ANTO: I  SO HAPPY YOU WIN                                                                                                            

9. Contoh percakapan singkat wish/hope

x: i heard elsa got an accident yesterday
y: omg, how is she now?
x: she is still at hospital right now
y: oh i hope she get better soonmolog: happy birthday molig, what is your hope this day?
molig: thanks, i hope get a private jet,a villa with 5 stars service, and 100 lamborghini cars

10. Buatkan 3 percakapan tentang hope dan 3 percakapan tentang congratulation

Jawaban: Hope : I hope you be a stronger to defend your sadnes

: I hope I am a super man

: I hope you will be a god father

Congratulation : congratulation for your 20th birthday

: congratulation you are a father now

: congratulation as your new job

Semoga bermanfaat


11. Contoh percakapan singkat congratulation hope and wish


pakai bahasa inggris yang benar yaa -!!


Hi, Congratulation for your 10th birthday, hope u will be more smarter, dutiful to parents, and can make your family and country proud.. wish you all the best !!

from =

to =

semoga membantu ya dek :)

12. contoh percakapan wish and hope congraslatulation


hi, Andy. i'd like to congratulate you on your success to be the winner of singing competition. you must be really happy about it. i hope you can be a successful singer in the future and i wish you can win the next competition too.

Andy : thank you Lisa. by the way, i know you like to play piano and I think you are a great pianist.

Lisa : Thanks. Andy, i think have to go. I have to meet my mom now. good bye.

Andy : good bye.

13. percakapan wish and hope

n : happy bday elsa! wish u all the best and more better than before,,
e : yeah thankyou nadia!
n : urwell

a : i hope u not lazy again..
k :ahahah maybe im not,,
a ; haha
A : Wish me good luck
B : Okay. Dont be nervous. You are a great actor.
A : Do you really think so?
B : Yes. I hope your drama runs well.
A : Thank you very much.

14. Buatlah sebuah contoh percakapan congratulation wish and hope !


wish : i wish i can tell you something

        : i wish the best for you

        : i wish your exam next year much better

hope : i hope she know something

         : i hope you can do it

         : i hope it can be fixed


wish : ingin / keinginan

hope : berharap

15. Tolong buatkan contoh percakapan tentang hope?

dear, ....
HI, friends, tomorrow i will have birthday party at 19.00. i HOPE YOU CAN COME TO MY birthday party, and dont forget to bring the present
DELA : Hey ayum .. do you know about LPI?
AYUME :Do You mean is Liga Pendidikan Indonesia? :v
DeLa : Yes,When The competition Begin?
Ayume : Insyaallah ,at 8 may2015..
Dela : Who Will follow the competition ?
Ayume : i dont know.. but Uni say Hisyam Follow the competition :v
Dela : I HOPE They'll can be the winnner :v
AYUME : Aaaaaa..?
Dela : why?
Ayume : but i hope yabis can be the winner of the competition?
Dela : o  :v

16. 1.Carilah contoh percakapan yg mengandung ekspresi Congratulation and hope



jaemin:haechan,yesterday i got an A for my english test.

haechan:congratulations jaemin for your test.

jaemin:thankyou haechan


eric:jacob,why are you sad?

jacob:my kitten is gone

eric:i hope you can find your kitten back

jacob:thankyou eric

17. Contoh percakapan pendek hope dan wish congratulations

Vito : Congratulations finally you can rob that bank !

Don carlo : Hope Your happines can hold until end , and wish god be with usMAPEL: Bahasa Inggris
Contoh percakapan pendek hope dan congratulate
Yankee: Congratulations on being the champion of the class, Bruno! I hope you will be the winner of the school's competition, too
Bruno: Thanks. I hope so, too

18. contoh percakapan pendek yang menggunakan kata hope untuk smp

A:Hello Anna, will you come to Rita’s house tonight?
B: I am afraid I can’t.
A: Why? Do you wanna go to with your boyfriend.
B: No, my father is sick. I have to make sure that somebody can take him care before I go.
A: I am so sorry to hear that and I hope your father gets better as soon as possbile.
B: Thank for your hope.
A: You’re welcome Anna.

19. Contoh percakapan tentang congratulations hope and wish 2 orang dengan bahasa inggris dan artinya

Q:"I'm happy for you,congratulation!,I hope you will get the best with your study."

A:"Thank you,wish me luck!"


Q:"Saya senang untuk mu,selamat!,Saya harap kamu akan mendapatkan yang terbaik dengan studi mu."

A: "Terima kasih,semoga saya beruntung!"

semoga membantu^^

20. percakapan hope and dream

A: what do you do after graduating from this school?
B: I'll continue my study, get a job, and get married :D

21. contoh percakapan tentang hope and dream ? ditolong yg penting banget soalnya

hope artinya harapan dan harapan kadang 2 membantumu dream artinya mimpi dan kadang mimpi dapat memberi gambar yang buruk maupun yang baik ✌rina : what is your dream?
rini : I want to be a doctor, I hope my dream can real
rina : wow, I hope also, you can reach for your dream
rini : thanks rina

semoga membantu
jadikan yang terbaik pliss^^

22. Berikan Contoh Percakapan Pendek Tentang Expressing Hope&Prayer Masing Masing 1 Percakapan


23. Contoh percakapan hope and wish tentang adiwiyata

Contoh percakapan hope and wish tentang adiwiyata


A: I want your school to follow the provincial level adiwiyata, really?

B: yes,its really. Iam very excited to hear the news!!!

A: hahha... that is fun. I hope my school can also take part in the activity up to the provincial level ... but never mind. I hope you can follow the activities well.

B: do not be discouraged. I hope your school can take part in the Adiwiyata activities next year. btw, thank you!

A: you are welcome.


24. Buatkan Contoh Percakapan 2 orang tentang expressing hope

hi what are doing?
i really busy noware you serious?(terkejut/surprise)
yeah because my family coming soon in my home(panik/panic)
so let's go to your home
thank youa : hey, where is the examination will be placed?
b : at the school tomorrow
a : oh, i hopes we could get a high score

25. Contoh percakapan dengan menggunakan kata hope

nana : hello ani
ani : hai nana
nana :do you have a sister, ani ? what's her name ?
ani : yes, her name is lala putri annisa, you can call he lala.
nana : oldest or youngest ?
ani : youngest
nana : ohh I HOPE you have fun with her
ani : oke thanks

Maaf bila salah tenses atau penempatan kalimat, karena saya mengarang ini mennggunakan otak saya, buka mnggnk gogle trsnltr.
 jika ingin mengangganti nama bisa saja.
Vanesha : Happy birthday Lea, I hope you'll be more beauty, more kind and smarter than before. and because this is your 17th birthday I hope you'll be more mature and be a good girl for anyone.
Lea : Thank you so much for your pray to me. 

26. buatlah contoh dialog dengan menggunakan kata congratulation dan i hope,dalam bahasa inggris...(percakapan antara guru dan murid,serta percakapan dengan teman)...

sumber buku kelas IX

27. contoh percakapan menggunakan wish and hope

Nina : It's almost holiday! I really can't wait! Do you already have a plan for your holiday, Reyhan?

Reyhan : No, not yet. I think my family and I will just spend the holiday at home. My father does not really like travelling. He is such a boring person. I really wish I could go to the mountain. I really need fresh air, literally.

Nina : How could someone do not like travelling? You father is so unique. Or, your father must be a very hard worker. He only thinks about his job. But, I hope he changes his mind this time.

Reyhan : I hope he will change his mind forever so we can travel all around the world every holiday.

Nina : Haha you're right!

Reyhan : So what about you? Do you already have a plan?

Nina : Yes, off course, that's why I really can't wait. My family and I are going to go to Japan.

Reyhan : Really? Ah, I wish I were your brother so I could go to Mountain Fuji.

Nina : You still can join us. Just buy the ticket and then you fly with us.

Reyhan : I need to rob a bank for the ticket. You should help me.

Nina : No way!

Semoga membantu :)


Kelas : 7

Mapel : B. Inggris

Kategori : Wish and Hope

Kata kunci : wish, hope

Kode : -

28. buat percakapan tentang exxpresing hope?

I hope you succes
I hope you

29. contoh percakapan bahasa inggris tentang congratulations,hope,and wish​


iwish every year I can make some improvement i hope indonesian will be better every yearcongratulation for the salary raise

30. Contoh percakapan singkat wish/hope

x: i heard elsa got an accident yesterday
y: omg, how is she now?
x: she is still at hospital right now
y: oh i hope she get better soonBudi : "Hello Dira, how are you"?
Dira : "Hi Budi. I'm fine thank you and you?
Budi : "I'm fine too thank you. By the way, can you come to my house for my birthday party. I'm so hope you can come".
Dira : "Of course. And I wish you accept my gift for you"
Budi : "Okay thank you. See you Dira"
Dira : "See you too"

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