Contoh Soal Taking Simple Phone Message Pilihan Ganda

Contoh Soal Taking Simple Phone Message Pilihan Ganda

dimana saya bisa menemukan contoh-contoh soal pilihan ganda taking simple phone message?

Daftar Isi

1. dimana saya bisa menemukan contoh-contoh soal pilihan ganda taking simple phone message?


Google (simple right? :v)

2. contoh percakapan taking simple phone message​

Ring ring ring...

Finn : Hello, who's this?

Millie : Hello, this is Millie. May I talk to Louis please?

Finn : Okay mills, wait a sec.

Millie : Sure.

Louis : Hey babe, what's up?

Millie : Louis, I wanna ask you whether you want to join me to a camp or not?

Louis : I obviously will come Millie. Don't worry, i'll be by your side lovely everyday. It's in this Saturday isn't it?

Millie : Yeah, glad you remember. Then I'll wait you in the bus stop near my house Kay? You can bring Finn also.

Louis : Alrighty, bye love you mwah

Millie : Bye too honey

3. pengertiannya taking simple phone message

Salah satu cara mudah / praktis untuk membalas pesan / membuat pesanis something that is important and useful in very language

semoga membantu...

4. contoh soal tentang simple phone message beserta jawabannya​


TO : Wahyu

I remember we played inthe rain yesterday. Today ,you are absent because of fever . hope you get well soon and we could enjoy playing in the rain again



What is wrong whit wahyu

a. He played in the rain

b. he is in hospital now

c. he has a fever

d. he is all right

jawaban yang benar : (C)

5. Make a dialogue about taking simple phone message!​


viona:hello who is this?

shela:hi viona this i am your old friend shela, do you still remember me?

viona:oh yes I remember you, how are you shela?

shela:I am fine, how about you?

viona:I am fine,thank you

shela:o yeah how we met, i really miss you

viona:Of course why not I miss you too

shela:okay we will meet tomorrow at the cafe, which we used to meet in the past, you still remember the place, right?

viona:yes I still remember the place, what time do we meet?

shela:twelve o'clock


shela:then I'll end the phone first, I want to help my mother cook




sorry if it's too long

6. 4. Make a sentance that uses “taking simple phone message” below:a. Making a phone callb. Answering a phone calc. Taking a phone messaged. Leaving a phone message​


a. I'm making a phone call now.

b. My friend is answering a phone call.

c. My sister is taking a phone message.

d. She is leaving a phone message.


[tex]\large{\bold{Present \:Continuous :}}[/tex]

Digunakan untuk menyatakan sesuatu yang sedang terjadi.Form :

(+) S + to be + V ing + O/C(-) S + to be + not + V ing + O/C(?) to be + S + V ing + O/C + ?Keterangan :

S : Subject (Subjek) ; I, you, they, we, she, he, it, be : is am, are.V ing : present participle, e. g : eating, drinking, drawing, etc.O : Object (Objek)C : Compliment (Keterangan)Note :

Gunakan to be am untuk subjek I.Gunakan to be is untuk subjek she, he, it, dan benda/objek tunggal.Gunakan to be are untuk objek you, they, we, atau benda/objek jamak.Bisa menambahkan kata now, at the moment, etc di akhir kalimat.

Hope it helps

Details :

Subject : English

Grade : VIII

Topic : Present Continous

Key word : Make sentences using Present Continous

Code :

7. berikan masing-masing 2 contoh daria. Making a phone call (2 contoh)b. Answering a phone call(2 contoh)c. Taking a phone message(2 contoh) d. Leaving phone message(2 contoh)​


a. - I'm sorry for bothering you, but can I speak to Mr. X right now?

- Hello, I am Ms. Y, can I speak to Maria?

b. - Yeah Nia is here, what can I help you?

- Pizza hut is here, what do you want to order?

c. - sorry, I'm texting you, please answer my text.

- hey, It's me. please text me if you need help.

8. Tuliskan Masing Masing 2 Contoh Dari. 1. Making a phone call 2. answering a phone call 3. Taking a phone message 4. leaving a phone message​


1. she is making a phone call with john

2. My mom is answering the call


Semoga bermanfaat:)

9. What is the purpose of taking simple phone message?


To gain information and chat people through messaging also we can know about specific thing.

10. materi talking simple phone message

Taking simple phone message is something that is important and useful in every language. At home or at work, we might need this skill when we receive a call on the phone and need to pass a message for others. We'll discuss how to take a simple phone message in this post.


We often find ourselves in a situation when we receive a phone call for someone who's not there and there's a message we need to take for that person. There are some useful different phrases we can use for that.

When calling someone

- Hello, can I speak to [name], please?

- Good morning/afternoon. This is [your name]. I would like to speak to [name].

If you're the caller and the person you want to talk to is not there, you can leave a message. Here's some other useful phrases you can use.

- I would like to speak to [name] about ...

- Could you ask [name] to call me back at ... pm?

- Do you know when he/she will be back?

When receiving the call

- Hello, [your name] speaking.

- Good morning/afternoon. [your name] speaking.

- Good morning/afternoon. This is [your company name and your name] speaking. May I help you?

When a caller asks for someone who's not there

- I'm sorry. He/she is not at home/in the office at the moment. ... [provide the reason here]. May I take a message?

- [Name] is not here, yet. Can I take a message?

- I'm sorry. He's in a meeting now. Would you like to leave a message?

- She's on a vacation leave now. May I take a message?

When the message is not clear, you can ask the caller to repeat.

- Could you speak more slowly, please?

- Could you repeat that, please?

- Could you spell that, please?

Let's take a look at the dialogue below as an example.


(1) Linda is calling her friend, Tina. But, Tina is not at home. Her brother picks up the phone and asks Linda if she wants to leave a message.

Dodi: Hello, Dodi speaking.

Linda: Hey Dodi, is Tina home?

Dodi: Uhmm... Who is this? Tina hasn't come back home yet.

Linda: This is Linda. Do you know when she'll be back?

Dodi: Oh hey, Linda. I'm not sure but probably in an hour or two. She went out to buy something. Can I take a message?

Linda: Yes, could you tell her to call me back, please?

Dodi: Sure.

Linda: But I've just changed my number. Could you pass it to her?

Dodi: Yeah... What's your number? I'll take a note.

Linda: Okay. My number is 0815-9876-799.

Dodi: Let me repeat. 0815-9876-799, right?

Linda: That's correct.

Dodi: Ok. I'll tell her when she comes back.

Linda: Thanks again, Dodi.

Dodi: You're welcome.

(2) Tatia is calling Mr. Rio's office. But, Mr. Rio is currently away for a meeting so his assistant, Leia, is answering the call.

Leia: Good morning. Leia Gunawan from Smith Company speaking. May I help you?

Tatia: Good morning. This is Tatia Sukma. I would like to speak to Mr. Rio.

Leia: I'm sorry. Mr. Rio is currently away for a meeting. Would you like to leave a message?

Tatia: Yes, please. Please tell him that I'm Tatia, the marketing office from Nielda Company. I would like to confirm the project he's submitting to our office last month. Could you tell him to check his email and call me back after he check that?

Leia: Of course. Do you have the email address so I can tell him to check the email from that address?

Tatia: Yes. It's

Leia: Ok. Let me repeat,

Tatia: That's correct. My number is 739-5282.

Leia: Got it. 739-5282.

Tatia: Yes.

Leia: I'll let Mr. Rio know about it after he comes back from the meeting.

Tatia: Thank you so much.

Leia: You're welcome.


Actually, there's no strict rules on how to receive a call and take a message. We just need to make sure we know who the caller is, what do they want to talk about, what the message is, and to what number the person should call them back if they have many numbers. For more examples, you can check these links below.

Simak lebih lanjut di -

11. Buatlah dialog tentang taking simple phone message

Dialog tentang taking simple phone message:

Dustin: "Hi this is Dustin. Can I speak to Mike?"

Nancy: "This is Mike's sister. I'm sorry Mike is out, can I take a message?"

Dustin: "I have sent the final report to his e-mail, so please tell him to check it out"

Nancy: "Okay I will let him know once he gets home"

Dustin: "Great, thank you"


Terjemahan dialog tentang taking simple phone message:

Dustin: "Hai ini Dustin. Bisakah saya berbicara dengan Mike?"

Nancy: "Ini kakaknya Mike. Maaf Mike sedang keluar, bisakah saya menerima pesan?"

Dustin: "Saya sudah mengirimkan laporan akhir ke e-mail nya, jadi tolong katakan padanya untuk memeriksanya"

Nancy: "Baik saya akan memberitahukannya begitu dia sampai di rumah"

Dustin: "Bagus, terima kasih"

Taking a simple phone message merupakan sebuah aktivitas dimana seseorang menerima sebuah pesan yang disampaikan dari orang lain melalui panggilan telepon.  Dalam melakukan pekerjaan maupun di rumah sekaligus, kita memerlukan kemampuan menerima telepon yang baik agar pesan dapat tersampaikan dengan baik serta tidak menimbulkan kesalahpahaman.

Ungkapan yang dapat digunakan untuk taking a simple phone message yakni:

Can I take a message? (Bisakah saya menerima pesan?)Would you like to leave a message? (Apakah anda ingin meninggalkan pesan?)May I write down your message? (Bolehkah saya menulis pesan anda?)Would you like me to tell him/her that you called? (Apakah anda ingin saya memberitahunya bahwa anda menelpon?)

Pelajari lebih lanjutMateri tentang pembahasan soal taking a simple phone message: tentang asking suggestion: tentang offering help:


Detail jawaban  

Kelas: 12

Mapel: B.Inggris

Bab: Bab 5 - Making, Fulfilling, and Rejecting Requests

Kode: 12.5.5


12. contoh soal bahasa inggris pilihan ganda tentang leave taking

1. What does someone say when he will leave?
a. How are you?
b. Good morning
c. Hello
d. See you later

2. Irma : Doni, this is Anisa.
Doni : Nice to meet you, Anisa
Anisa : .......
a. Thank you
b. Nice to meet you too
c. Fine, Thank
d. I am Anisa

Number 1 is D
Number 2 is B

13. buat dialog dealing with taking simple phone message tentang information technologies (komputer)

Receptionist: Janson Wine Importers. Good Morning. How can I help you?
Caller: Could I speak to Mr Adams, please?

Receptionist: Who's calling please?
Caller: This is Anna Beare.

Receptionist: Sorry, I didn't catch your name.
Caller: Anna Beare. That's B E A R E

Receptionist: Thank you. And where are you calling from?
Caller: Sun Soaked Vineyards

Receptionist: OK Ms Beare. I'll try and put you through. … I'm sorry but the line's busy. Would you like to hold?
Caller: Oh, that's a shame. This concerns an upcoming shipment and it's rather urgent.

Receptionist: He should be free in half an hour. Would you like to call back?
Caller: I'm afraid I'll be in a meeting. Could I leave a message?

Receptionist: Certainly.
Caller: Could you tell Mr Adams that our shipment will be postponed and that the 200 cases ordered should arrive next Monday.

Receptionist: Shipment delayed … arriving next Monday.
Caller: Yes, and could you ask him to call me back when the shipment arrives?

Receptionist: Certainly. Could you give me your number please?
Caller: Yes, it's 503-589-9087
Receptionist: That's 503-589-9087
Caller: Yes, that's right. Thanks for your help. Goodbye

Receptionist: Goodbye


14. Contoh teks formal bhs inggris tentang taking simple phone message?


I'm sorry, Mr. William is on meeting at this moment.
(Maaf, Pak William sedang rapat saat ini)

15. contoh soal simple present tense pilihan ganda



Choose one of the four choices that you think is the right answer then cross (x) on your chosen answer!

1. She _____ her dog everyday

a. To feed

b. Feed

c. Feeds

d. Feeding

2. I ____ always ____ to the dentist

a. Do not, go

b. Does not, go

c. Do not, went

d. Does not, went

3. When __ you ____ a shower?

a. Do, took

b. Do, take

c. Do, taken

d. Do, taking

4. Q: Do you like to sing?

A: …

a. Yes, I likes to sing

b. Yes, I like to sing

c. Yes, I am liking to sing

d. Yes, I liked to sing

5. Tom and I ____ ____ together.

a. Do surfing

b. Don’t surfing

c. Do surfs

d. Don’t surf

6. I ___ breakfast every day at 7 AM

a. Eat

b. To eat

c. Ate

d. Eaten

7. Q: How do you go to school?

A: We ___ the bus to school

a. Rode

b. Ridden

c. Ride

d. Riding

8. Q: When do you do your homework?

A: …

a. I have did my homework at 6 PM

b. I did my homework at 6 PM

c. I do my homework at 6 PM

d. I am doing my homework at 6 PM

9. Q: Do you enjoy playing in the park?

A: …

a. No, I doesn’t enjoy playing in the park

b. No, I no enjoy playing in the park

c. No, I don’t enjoy playing in the park

d. No, I don’t enjoys playing in the park

10. Q: Does he love his mother?

A: …

a. He love his mother

b. He loves his mother

c. He to love his mother

d. He is loving his mother

I study english today
My teacher explan today
My teacher doesn't explan today
Does my teacher explan today?

16. Contoh soal pilihan ganda tentang greeting and leave taking (10 soal)

10 soal pilihan ganda tentang greeting and leave

1. novi : hello kiky, good aftenoon
kiky : good afternoon, novi .............
a. nice to meet you
b. where are you?
c. how are you?
d. glade to see you
jawabannya : a

2. novi : i'm fine thank you and how about you?
kiky :..........................
a. i'm fine too
b. nice to meet you
c. good to see you
d. see you later.
jawabannya : a

3. hello kiky, my name novi ...............
a. how are you
b good afternoon
c. nice to meet you
d. glad to see you
jawabannya :c

4. doni : i'm doni. how do you do?
dina : ............ i' am dina mariana
a. are you ok?
b. how are you?
c how do you do?
d. I am fine.
jawabannya : d

5. the way to ask someone's news is ?
a. how is life?
b. where are you?
c. what is that?
d. do you like it?
jawabannya : c

6. it's seven a clock in the morning. wina will go to school. she say... to this parents.
a. good night
b. good aftenoon
c. good morning
d. good day
jawabannya : c

7. it's ten o'clock in the night, wina will go to slip. she says......
a. good night
b. good aftenoon
c. good morning
d. good day
jawabannya: a

8. before wanda goes to school in the morning, what she say ti her parents?
a. chase my way
b. go away
c cheerio
d. please leave.
jawabannya: b

9. what will you say when you meet your teacher at school gate in the morning?
a. good evening sir.
b. good bye sir.
c. good morning sir
d. good luck sir.
jawabannya: c

10. what is suitable response of expression 'thank you so much'
a. welcome home
b. come here
c. come in please
d. you are welcome
jawabannya : d

semoga membantu.

17. materi taking simple phone message dan dialog​


Mira : Hello Amir, good morning.

Amir : Good morning Mira.

Mira : How are you?

Amir : I'm good, you?

Mira : I'm fine.

Amir : Have you finished your math homework?

Mira : eh- umm....

Amir : Don't tell me that you didn't finish it yet..

Mira :'re right, i forgot to do my homework. Hehe.

Amir : Do you need help with the homework?

Mira : Yes! absolutely.

Amir : Alright, how about tomorrow?

Mira : Alright, see you tomorrow.

18. Yang di maksud taking simple phone


Percakapan di telephone

maaf kalo salah soalnya masih kelas 1 sd

19. what's is taking simple phone message​


Sms biasanya

Atau telfon


semoga Membantu

20. materi tentang taking simple phone message

Taking simple phone message is something that is important and useful in every language. At home or at work, we might need this skill when we receive a call on the phone and need to pass a message for others. We'll discuss how to take a simple phone message in this post.


We often find ourselves in a situation when we receive a phone call for someone who's not there and there's a message we need to take for that person. There are some useful different phrases we can use for that.

When calling someone

- Hello, can I speak to [name], please?

- Good morning/afternoon. This is [your name]. I would like to speak to [name].

If you're the caller and the person you want to talk to is not there, you can leave a message. Here's some other useful phrases you can use.

- I would like to speak to [name] about ...

- Could you ask [name] to call me back at ... pm?

- Do you know when he/she will be back?

When receiving the call

- Hello, [your name] speaking.

- Good morning/afternoon. [your name] speaking.

- Good morning/afternoon. This is [your company name and your name] speaking. May I help you?

When a caller asks for someone who's not there

- I'm sorry. He/she is not at home/in the office at the moment. ... [provide the reason here]. May I take a message?

- [Name] is not here, yet. Can I take a message?

- I'm sorry. He's in a meeting now. Would you like to leave a message?

- She's on a vacation leave now. May I take a message?

When the message is not clear, you can ask the caller to repeat.

- Could you speak more slowly, please?

- Could you repeat that, please?

- Could you spell that, please?

Let's take a look at the dialogue below as an example.


(1) Linda is calling her friend, Tina. But, Tina is not at home. Her brother picks up the phone and asks Linda if she wants to leave a message.

Dodi: Hello, Dodi speaking.

Linda: Hey Dodi, is Tina home?

Dodi: Uhmm... Who is this? Tina hasn't come back home yet.

Linda: This is Linda. Do you know when she'll be back?

Dodi: Oh hey, Linda. I'm not sure but probably in an hour or two. She went out to buy something. Can I take a message?

Linda: Yes, could you tell her to call me back, please?

Dodi: Sure.

Linda: But I've just changed my number. Could you pass it to her?

Dodi: Yeah... What's your number? I'll take a note.

Linda: Okay. My number is 0815-9876-799.

Dodi: Let me repeat. 0815-9876-799, right?

Linda: That's correct.

Dodi: Ok. I'll tell her when she comes back.

Linda: Thanks again, Dodi.

Dodi: You're welcome.

(2) Tatia is calling Mr. Rio's office. But, Mr. Rio is currently away for a meeting so his assistant, Leia, is answering the call.

Leia: Good morning. Leia Gunawan from Smith Company speaking. May I help you?

Tatia: Good morning. This is Tatia Sukma. I would like to speak to Mr. Rio.

Leia: I'm sorry. Mr. Rio is currently away for a meeting. Would you like to leave a message?

Tatia: Yes, please. Please tell him that I'm Tatia, the marketing office from Nielda Company. I would like to confirm the project he's submitting to our office last month. Could you tell him to check his email and call me back after he check that?

Leia: Of course. Do you have the email address so I can tell him to check the email from that address?

Tatia: Yes. It's

Leia: Ok. Let me repeat,

Tatia: That's correct. My number is 739-5282.

Leia: Got it. 739-5282.

Tatia: Yes.

Leia: I'll let Mr. Rio know about it after he comes back from the meeting.

Tatia: Thank you so much.

Leia: You're welcome.


Actually, there's no strict rules on how to receive a call and take a message. We just need to make sure we know who the caller is, what do they want to talk about, what the message is, and to what number the person should call them back if they have many numbers. For more examples, you can check these links below.

Detail tambahan

Kelas: SMP

Mapel: Bahasa Inggris

Kategori: Receiving a phone call

Kata kunci: Phone call, taking a phone message, receiving call

21. 5 soal phone pilihan ganda

pikir sendiri atauh dodol pake kamus

22. Materi tentang taking simple phone message dalam bahasa indonesia

Bhs. Indonesia
Materi tentang mengambil pesan telepon sederhana dalam bahasa Indonesia.
Maaf Kalau Salah

23. Apa itu taking simple phone message,jelaskan?

Mengambil pesan telepon yang sederhanamengambil pesan yg simpel

24. pengertian tentang taking simple phone

talking simple phone ialah percakapan antara 2 atau lebih dalam alat komunikasi telpon

25. Arti taking simple Phone message

is something that is important and useful in every language

26. tolong tuliskan contoh teks short message dan soal pilihan ganda 5

Dear, Ani.

Ani, please meet me at the Library at 2 pm. Don't be Late Ok!


27. contoh dialog taking simple phone ​


A = Hallo

B = Hallo

A = This is Jennie, may I sepak to Mirna, please?

B = Hold on

B = I'm afraid Mirna out to minimarket for a minute. Would you like to take a message?

A = Eumm.. No thank you



Min: Hai agnes, how are you today?

Agnes : I am fine thank you


Min: Halo Agnes, apakah kamu baik baik saja?

Agnes: Saya tidak apa apa terima kasih

Jangan lupa untuk follow aku ya

Jika ingin aku menjawab lebih banyak pertanyaan bahasa inggris, tolong follow aku dan like jawaban ini. Terimakasih

28. buatlah dialog tentang Taking simple phone message.minimal 20 baris​

Contoh 1

Bimo: Hello, assalamualaikum.

(Halo, assalamualaikum)

Rini: Wa’alaikumsalam. Who is this?

(Wa’alaikumsalam. Siapa ini?)

Bimo: This is Bimo. Is this Rini’s house?

(Ini Bimo. Apakah ini rumah Rini?)

Rini: Yes, that is right. What is it, Bimo?

(Ya, benar. Ada apa Bimo?)

Bimo: Can I speak to Rini?

(Dapatkah saya berbicara dengan Rini?)

Rini: This is Rini speaking. Is there any problem?

(Ini Rini yang sedang berbicara. Apakah ada masalah?)

Bimo: No. Mrs. Ani just told me before I went home that I had to tell you that Mrs. Ani wanted you to come to her house this evening.

(Tidak. Ibu Ani baru memberitahu aku sebelum aku pulang sekolah tadi bahwa aku harus memberitahumu bahwa Ibu Ani ingin kamu datang ke rumahnya sore ini)

Rini: Really? Why did not she just tell me?

(Benarkah? Kenapa beliau tidak memberitahuku?)

Bimo: You already went home.

(Kamu sudah pulang duluan)

Rini: Do you know why I should come to her house?

(Apakah kamu tahu kenapa aku harus datang ke rumahnya?)

Bimo: I think she needs your help to correct the assignments of social class students.

(Aku pikir dia ingin agar kamu membantunya mengoreksi tugas para siswa kelas IPS)

Rini: Oh, I see. All right, I will come to her house this evening. Thank you for the information, Bimo.

(Oh aku paham. Baiklah, aku akan datang ke rumahnya sore ini. Terima kasih atas informasinya Bimo)

Bimo: You are welcome. See you later, wassalamualaikum.

(Sama – sama. Sampai bertemu nanti, wassalamualaikum)

Rini: Wa’alaikumsalam.


Contoh 2

Hani: Hi, Jack! This is Hani.

(Hai Jack! Ini Hani)

Jack: Hello, Hani. What is up?

(Halo Hani. Ada apa?)

Hani: Do we have assignments or homework today?

(Apakah kita punya tugas atau PR hari ini?)

Jack: Yeah, Mr. Joni gave us a homework today. It is on English textbook on page 12.

(Iya, Pak Joni memberikan kita PR hari ini. PR Bahasa Inggris di halaman 12)

Hani: All right. Is there any homework else?

(Baiklah. Apakah ada PR yang lain?)

Jack: I think that is all. Why did you absent today?

(Aku pikir itu saja. Kenapa kamu tidak masuk hari ini?)

Hani: I was sick. I got fever.

(Aku sakit. Aku terkena demam)

Jack: Oh get well soon. How are you now?

(Semoga cepat sembuh. Bagaimana kabarmu sekarang?)

Hani: I am getting better, thanks for asking.

(Aku merasa lebih baik, terima kasih telah bertanya)

Jack: Good to hear that. Will you go to school tomorrow?

(Senang mendengarnya. Apakah kamu masuk ke sekolah besok?)

Hani: Yup. All right, see you later Jack.

(Iya. Baiklah sampai bertemu lagi Jack)

Jack: Okay, bye.

(Oke daah)


Talking simple phome messages?


I : Hello, Can I talk to Nina?

Nina : Yes, I'm, Nina.

May I know, who is this?

I : It's me, Rizka.

N : Can I help you?

I : Can I borrow your book?

N: What kinds of book?

I : The English book.

N: Okay. You can take it.

I : Thank you.

May I know your adress is?

N: Of course. Please note..

I: Hold on. I will take a paper.

N: Okay

I: Yes, please continue

N: Okay. It's on Jalan Merdeka 45 Jakarta

I: Okay. Thank you. I wiil be there in 30 minutes

N: I'm so sorry, Rizka.

I'll be at the hospital if you arrived at my house.

I: Are you got ill?

N: No, it's not me. It's my grandmother.

I: I pray that her will be get better soon.

N: Thank you, Riz.

I: Okay. thank you. Please bring your book tommorow at school.

N: Okay.

I: Thank you.

N: Your welcome.

I : Bye, Nina. See you soon.

N: Bye, Rizka.

29. 1.Mention some expressing of taking simple phonemessage.​


the phone is ringing, you've got a phone call


sorry if wrong

30. Make a simple dialog about taking simple phone message using your own word.....​

Simple dialog abt simple phone message

Renjun : Hi jisung how are u today?

Jisung : im fine thank you, and you??

Renjun : im good, anyway would you accompany me to supermarket at 1pm??

Jisung : suree

Renjun : okayy i’ll see you later

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