Descriptive Text About Mom

Descriptive Text About Mom

descriptive text about my mom

1. descriptive text about my mom

                                                  My Mother

              My mother is beautiful girl. She full name is Sukarlina. My mother was born in Sleman on June 28, 1966. Her tall is 155 cm and her weight is 60 kg. She has a black and bumpy hair. Her eyes are black. My mother has a light brown skin color. My mother is not fat and skinny too.
            She is very lovely, friendly, patient, and she loves to help people. I love my mother, because she is a good example to me. She always has a smile on her face. She is so sweet and lovely. He is happy to make other laugh with his jokes. She has skill in cooking. every Sunday morning she always join gymnastics in the village.
             She is a very good person, as a and mother. She always takes care of her family. My mother always steadfast in the face of her son. She is very concerned with her ​​condition. My mother really loves cleanliness. She is very net person. I’m proud of being her son.

2. Descriptive text about chef

At their highest levels, professional chefs may also be called head cooks because they manage the kitchens in which they work. They oversee subordinate cooks and kitchen staff, and prepare menu items themselves. Their days may regularly last 12 hours and can include early mornings, late evenings, weekends and holidays.

3. descriptive text about Malioboro :))

Malioboro is located in the city of Yogyakarta. More famous for being the shopping center, the center of the typical souvenirs of YogyakartaMalioboro is a shopping place located in Yogyakarta. You can shop souvenirs there. Malioboro is a very crowded place, especially on the weekend/ holiday. Malioboro is one of the famous place in Yogyakarta.

4. Descriptive text about cat

Cats are cute,cuddly and very fluffy XD I have a lovely cat called Monie. He is
very cute and funny.
Monie is small and full colour. His hair
has three colours; black, white and
yellow. The black fur is on his body,
white is on his tail and legs, and the
yellow one is around his stomach, face
and neck.
Every day I give him some food and
drink. He likes rice and fish. I also give
him some milk. It makes him stay
Monie has good behavior. He never
steals food. My family and I love him
very much.

5. descriptive text about art

teks deskriptif tentang seni

semoga membantu;)

6. descriptive text about camel​


Camels are four-legged mammals with the ability to survive in a desert. According to the data, there are only three species left of camels in the world. They are: Dromedary Camels (one-humped camel), Bactrian Camels (two-humped camel) and Wild Bactrian Camel which has a very limited population. Only some place in the world are inhabited by camels, those place are: The Middle East, The Horn of Africa, Central Asia, Northwest China and Mongolia. Camels can provide a lot of things for humans, for example: they produce milk, we can eat their meat, we can use their hair for textiles, and we can also ride on themor use them as a courier to bring our belongings.

Camels legs are very long. It is recorded that the average height of a full-grown adult camel can reach 1.85 m, it could reach the height of 2.15 m if we add the size of the hump into it too. The “hump” is where they store the fat that can be changed into water to keep their body hydrated whenever food and water is scarce. It is located on top of their back. Their head resemble the head of a horse and their eyes is located on each side of the head. Their eyes is protected by the three eyelid and two rows of long lashes, which help them survive the blowing sand. They can also shut their nostrils when the sand storms is coming.

Most camels can live up to 50 years old. An adult camel can reach 1,000 kg of body weight. Even with this heavy body, they can still run at 65 km/h and sustain its speed at 40 km/h in a long range run. They are herbivore, since most of them live in a desert so most of the time the consume desert plants as their main diet. Their color varies from cream, brown, black and tan.

7. descriptive text about raisa

Raisa Andriana,also known Raisa,was born in Jakarta on June 6,1990. This beautiful lady is mixed Sundanese-Dutch. She is a solo singer. The Genre of her music is pop and jazz. Her famous song is ''Could it be'' which takes her to be one of famous lady singer in Indonesia.
Raisa is good loking with long hair and pointed nose. She has white skin and nice smile. Her chubby check makes her face is easy to remember.

8. descriptive text about arnold

teks deskriptif tentang arnold .
itu diartikan atau di buat teks deskriptif ?
mohon penjelasannya
smoga jawaban tadi benar

9. descriptive text about owl​

aku kurang mengerti seharusnya langsung tanya dokter aja

10. descriptive text about pengemis

A beggar is a poor and usually homeless person who lives by asking for money or food from people.
Sometimes, a beggar wears ragged clothes. He lives mostly on the street or walks around a neighborhood. A beggar is common phenomenon in a developing country like Indonesia. There are a huge number of beggars you can see everywhere. You can find them right on your front door knocking it for a little cash or coin, at markets, bus stops, on public transportation. They are just everywhere. A beggar is usually a homeless person or an less fortunate person.
But sometimes it's people who don't have a job, so they beg.
The most popular place that beggars go to beg is at traffic lights.
When the light turns red they go to each car and do a mini act or sometimes they just beg.
Some beggars are creative in their work, like singing, or dancing and many more.

11. descriptive text about Bj.Habibie

          BJ HABIBIE
     Bacharudin Jusuf Habibie, is more commonly known simply as Rudy Habibie or BJ Habibie, was the third president of Indonesia, Holding office from 1998 to 1999. He was born on June, 25, 1936 in Pare-Pare (South Sulawesi). Habibie studied at Bandung Institute of Technology. Then, in 1954 Habibie was given scholarship by Ministry of Education and Culture to study aircraft construction engineering in Aachen, Germany.
             After obtaining a doctorate in 1965, he joined an aircraft industry in Hamburg and later aircraft manufactured, where he became a vice-president.  In 1974, Presiden Soeharto asked Habibie to return to Indonesia and placed him in charge of the strategic state-owned oil company. In 1978, Habibie was appointed Minister of Research and Technology, a post he held until March when he was endorsed as vice-president. His tenure as Minister of Research and Technology was best remembered for the founding of the national aerospace company Dirgantara, which headquarters is located in Bandung.
       Unfortunately, his strategy did not produce the desire results. In a very ironic twist, Dirgantara has been forced to fire many employees in recent years. Indeed, its previous sales of airplanes to other countries were paid not in currency but in commodities such as rice.

12. descriptive text about bird

Hello my friend , I’m here I’d like to talk about my pet . 
The name of my pet is KENARI. KENARI is a male canary bird . I give the name because I don’t have idea to give him name , so I give name from his call name in indonesia . Canary bird is a pure bird from canary island one of land on African. I get him from bird shop near my friend house. 
He has a beautiful feather , the color of his feather whitish yellow and the feather is smooth  and cute. He can fly fast and can make a beautiful sound melodic  . His claw sharp but it will not hurt, the fuction of his claw is for open the fruit skin for his food. I like him , because he is a present from my parent when I birthday, and he can make a beautiful sound . He live in cage , but he seems happy because I give him a food three times for a week , and always clean his cage every Saturday.
So maybe just about my pet , I apologize when any error , thank you for your attention . Goodbye

13. Descriptive text about florist

Mrs. Farida is a florist. She seels many beatiful flowers, like rose, jasmine, orchid, plumeria, and other. Her shop is on the Sukapura street. Everyday, the shop crowded with shoppers. Mrs. Farida has a loyal buyers for goods sold cheap because the price of the flower is not too expensive.

14. descriptive text about bag!

i have a bag , i love this bag so much, the colour is red and have a lot of pocket, my bag is pretty small, but its very suitable for me, i love this bag because it's gifted from my father for my 14th birthday

15. descriptive text about flood

Around 15,000 homes in Bandung regency, West Java, were inundated following heavy rain over the past few days, while more floods and bad weather are expected throughout the archipelago in the coming week.

Bandung regency Disaster Mitigation Agency (BPBD) chief Marlan said residents in seven districts who previously insisted on satying in their flooded homes were being evacuated.

“Many of them who had chosen to stay have requested evacuation help,” Marlan told The Jakarta Post.

The affected districts are Baleendah, Banjaran, Bojongsoang, Cicalengka, Dayeuhkolot, Rancaekek and Soreang.

More than 4,000 people have left their homes since floods hit on Friday morning. “The number continues to grow because evacuations are ongoing,” Marlan said.

The agency has prepared shelters in the districts, including at police and military headquarters and houses of worship.

Heavy rain caused the Citarum River to overflow, pouring water into Baleendah, Dayeuhkolot and Bojongsoang districts. Flooding worsened after a section of the riverbank collapsed in Cileunyi.

16. descriptive text about pillow

Descriptive Text Tentang Bantal Kesayangan

My Favorite Pillow

Weekend is my lazy day. I can sleep all day long and I can sleep anywhere. I can sleep on the couch, I can sleep on the floor, and I can also sleep on the carpet. But the most comfortable one is when I sleep on my bed with my favorite pillow. Actually, it is an ordinary bed pillow, but I've been using it for years, and this make the pillow able to adjust its thickness for my head and my neck perfectly, so I can get the best rest with it.

The color of my favorite pillow was clean white, but right now it is no longer as clean as it use to be, even the color look a lot more like gray than white. The skin of the pillow is made of cotton. It is filled with a typical kind of synthetic foam called Dacron, the similar substance use to fill dolls. The shape of the pillow is rectangle. The pillow is not as thick as it was, it is just like the content disappear slowly everyday. So when I want to use it, I am going to concentrate the dacron in the middle of the pillow and place my head on it, and the pillow will adjust itself automatically.

Thanks for all, if you like my answer, please made this answer of questions is the best answer

17. descriptive text about pen!​


A pen is a stationery that helps people to write. There is many types of pen, and some of them are, gel pens, ballpoint pens, erasable pens, etc. A pen helps me a lot, it helps me to write my homework, it also helps me to write a documents, to write letters, and lots more.

A pen is a daily need for humans. They needed for school, or college, or working, and lots of things. A pen really helps us.

Semoga membantu ka, maaf kalo salah ya...

Jawaban: The pen is a writing instrument used for writing. It usually consists of a metal or ball end, or nylon end, which is attached to a metal or plastic holder.

Pens are used for school, work, and other needs.

#Hope this helps

#Sorry if wrong

#Keep spirit^^

18. Descriptive text about awkarin


deskripsi kan teks tentang awkarin

19. descriptive text about dufan​

JAWABAN NO 1.Dufan or Dunia fantasi is a tourism place in Jakarta. it is supposed to be a fun fair for people to hang out or use one of the attractions there. it normally have all the fun fair ride for example: rollercoaster, Merry go around, haunted house and more

also there are some gift shops to buy some gift for yourself or for other people when you're visitning jakarta


DUFAN is amusement park locates in north Jakarta. Its one of amusement service relate with Ancol beach. Dufan was created since August, 29 1985 ago and created by company who known as "Team Dufan". Dufan is abbreviate of Dunia Fantasi, those name was chosen according the history of location knew as monkey habitat.


- Amusement park located in North Jakarta

- Has International class verified theme park

- The biggest amusement park in Indonesia

Tinggal Dipilih Saja


Arigatou Gozaimasu ( Terimakasih )

20. descriptive text about florist


I have a neighbor. She is a florist. Florist is someone who sells and arranges flowers. She always go to her flower shop early in the morning and open up her shop. She really loves flower. Everytime I see her, she always busy to take care of her flower. No wonder that her flowers looks beautiful.
Florist has many kinds of flowers to sell. For example, roses, jasmine, orchid, daisy, and the other. But perhaps, the most popular flower is roses. My florist neighbor has many customers because, her flowers beautiful. There are a time where florist will received money from selling the flowers or not.
Most of florist is a girl. Because, girl has a kindness to flower and it looks more suitable with flower. But, there are some of boy who is a florist too.

*semoga membantu ^^

21. descriptive text about jakarta

I hope this description will help you :-D

Jakarta is the capital city of Indonesia. It is centrally located within the country on the northwest coast of Java Island at the mouth of the Ciliwung river. Jakarta dominates Indonesian’s administrative, economy, cultural activities, an is a major commercial and transportation hub within Asia-with a population of about 9 million, Jakarta has more people than any other cities in Indonesia.

The climate is hot and humid year-round. Rainfall occurs throughout the year, although it is the heaviest from November to May. To average annual precipitation in Jakarta is 1, 790 mm. The city lies on a flat, low plain and is prone to flooding during periods of heavy rainfall.

Kota is city’s oldest commercial area. It is located south of the old Sunda Kelapa Harbour. Glodok, the south of Kota is a banking, retail and residential neighborhood with a large Chinese population. Merdeka Square with Monas (The National Monument) dominates the city’s central district. Surrounding the square are Istana Merdeka, the presidential palace, the National Museum, and the Istiqlal Mosque.  Jakarta spacious, Jakarta beautiful, Jakarta extraordinary :-D

22. descriptive text about crocodile

deskeripsi teks hewan buaya crocodile

Crocodiles range from 5 to 25 feet (1.5 to 7.5 m) in length. Crocodiles are one of the planets oldest living creatures, thought to be around 200 million years old which means that crocodiles were around in dinosaur times. Crocodiles live throughout the watery tropics of Africa, Asia, America and Australia, congregating in freshwater environments in the worlds lakes and rivers. Crocodiles feed on fish, reptiles and mammals, the prey size generally dependent on the size of the crocodile.

Legend has it that if you are being chased by a crocodile, the only chance you have of getting away is by outsmarting the crocodile. Apparently the way to do this is to run away from the crocodile diagonally down a hill! The myth says that crocodiles have a very slow turning circle meaning that if you run diagonally, the crocodile theoretically cant catch you.

As crazy as it sounds, crocodiles are known to swallow stones when they are on the banks of the water. The crocodile does this to not only help its digestive system but also to aid the crocodiles water buoyancy. It is thought that by swallowing stones, the crocodile may also be able to swim to deeper parts of the water.

The crocodile is also unable to stick out its tongue (probably from all those stones in the crocodiles stomach)! The crocodile is able to regrow new teeth very quickly after losing the old ones, throughout the crocodiles life.

23. descriptive text about rhino

A rhinoceros, often abbreviated to rhino, is one of any five extant species of odd-toed ungulates in the family Rhinocerotidae, as well as any of the numerous extinct species. Two of these extant species are native toAfrica and three to Southern Asia.

Members of the rhinoceros family are characterized by their large size (they are some of the largest remaining megafauna, with all of the species able to reach one tonne or more in weight); as well as by an herbivorous diet; a thick protective skin, 1.5–5 cm thick, formed from layers of collagen positioned in a lattice structure; relatively small brains for mammals this size (400–600 g); and a large horn. They generally eat leafy material, although their ability to ferment food in their hindgut allows them to subsist on more fibrous plant matter, if necessary. Unlike other perissodactyls, the two African species of rhinoceros lack teeth at the front of their mouths, relying instead on their lips to pluck food.

Rhinoceros are killed by humans for their horns, which are bought and sold on the black market, and which are used by some cultures for ornamental or traditional medicinal purposes. East Asia, specifically Vietnam, is the largest market for rhino horns. By weight, rhino horns cost as much as gold on the black market. People grind up the horns and then consume them believing the dust has therapeutic properties. The horns are made of keratin, the same type of protein that makes up hair and fingernails. Both African species and the Sumatran rhinoceros have two horns, while the Indian and Javan rhinoceros have a single horn.

24. descriptive text about motorcycle

teks dekskipsi tentang sepeda motorMotorcycle is a contraption that looks like a bike with gears and engines.

25. descriptive text about arnold

arnold is a man. arnold is a student. arnold is a smart student. arnold always got the champion.
maaf kalo ada salah kata

26. descriptive text about professions

My Brother is a Postman. 

I have a brother. His name is Johny. He is a postman. 

My brother works at the Central Post Office. Everyday he delivers letters to many people. He usually starts his job at 8 a.m. 

First, he goes to the addresses near his office. Then he continues to the  addresses far from his office. He stop working at 2 p.m. 

He never bored with his job. He is happy to be a postman. 

Adapted from English in Focus

27. Descriptive text about market

a market is a place where people buy food or other things

28. Enrichment about Descriptive text​


artinya Pengayaan tentang teks Deskriptif

29. descritive text about descriptive text tentang sekolahschool

My School

My school is a green and beautiful school. There are so many large trees which make the air around my school become very fresh and clean. It is very large with an area around 600 m2 and surrounded by high fences. Overall, it has 30 buildings consisting of 21 classrooms, 2 teacher room, a language laboratory, a Science Laboratory, 2 toilets, a Multimedia room and a Hall. Those buildings are arranged to form a rectangle and surrounded field in the middle commonly used as sports place and ceremony.

When enter my school, we are greeted by billboards that written “Let’s go forward with us” in front of the gate. Beside the gates, there is a black security post. The security post is guarded by two securities. They are in charge of maintaining security in my school. Beside the security post there is a large fish pond which beautifies my school.

After passing through the security post, we will pass a parking area with its size approximately 12 m2. The parking area can accommodate all vehicles belonging to teachers and students. Every morning the entire vehicles are parked well there. After passing through the parking area, we’ll see the main building of my school. The building is quite large. It serves as teacher and employees’ room in my school. Every morning the teachers always lined up in front of this building to welcome their students. We always greet them before entering into complex of classroom. It has become a tradition in my school to honor our teachers. We consider our teacher as our parents in school who keep and educate us.

After passing the main building, we will go into a building complex of classrooms. On the right side is complex of classes for 1st and 2nd grade, while on the left side is a complex of classes for 3rd grade and Another buildings such as language laboratories, Science laboratories, an art building, a multimedia room, a library, toilets and a Hall. In front of every classroom there are small flower gardens which add the beauty of my school. The gardens are regularly used by students as a place to play and learn.

My school also has a large canteen. The canteen is located behind the complex class exactly behind the Hall. My School’s canteen sells a lot of foods like snacks, cakes, meatballs, fried chicken, rice and noodles. Though they sell a variety of food, my school always maintains the cleanliness.

selalu terjaga di sekolah kami.

30. descriptive text about bag

a bag is an object that can hold your items such as books. and usualy used by students to carry booksi have a new bag. i bought it two days ago. it is a backpack. it has 3 sides. the first side is in front of my bag. it likes a pocket to keep small things. the second side is the main of the bag. i can keep my laptop in my bag and some books. the last side is in the right and the left of the bag. it uses to keep of water bottle. its colour is blue. i like it very much.

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