Dialog Percakapan Tentang Simple Future Tense

Dialog Percakapan Tentang Simple Future Tense

Buatlah percakapan/ dialog yang terdiri dari Beragam Tenses: Simple Present Tense, Simple Continous Tense, Simple Future Tense and Simple Perfect Tense pada situasi percakapan di dalam kelas

Daftar Isi

1. Buatlah percakapan/ dialog yang terdiri dari Beragam Tenses: Simple Present Tense, Simple Continous Tense, Simple Future Tense and Simple Perfect Tense pada situasi percakapan di dalam kelas


A: Have you done the assignment? (Simple Perfect Tense)

B: Sure. How about you?

A: I am doing it at the moment. (Simple Continuous Tense)

B: Will you do it in here? (Simple Future Tense) in the canteen?

A: Why not?

B: It's too noisy. I always do the assignment in the library. (Simple Present Tense)


A: Sudahkah kamu menyelesaikan tugas?

B: Tentu saja. Bagaimana denganmu?

A: Aku sedang mengerjakannya sekarang.

B: Akankah kamu mengerjakannya di sini? di kantin?

A: Kenapa tidak?

B: Di sini telalu ramai. Aku selalu mengerjakan tugas di perpustakaan.

Simple Present Tense digunakan untuk hal yang bersifat fakta atau rutin.

Simple Future Tense digunakan untuk hal yang terjadi di masa depan.

Simple Continuous Tense digunakan untuk hal yang sedang terjadi.

Simple Perfect Tense digunakan untuk hal yang sudah dilakukan di masa lampau namun masih terdapat efeknya hingga saat dibicarakan.

Pelajari lebih lanjut materi tentang Simple Tenses pada brainly.co.id/tugas/10939229

Kata kunci: simple tenses


2. tolong buat kan percakapan 4 orang tentang simple present tense,simple pasti tense, simple future

Adi : Hello, good morning friends.

Anna : Hi, Adi.

Edo : Good morning, Adi.

Adi : I have a good news.

Budi : What is it?

Adi : I will join the football competition.

Anna : Congratulations, Adi.

Edo : I hope you will win the competition.

Adi : Yeah. And yesterday, my father bought me a new shoe.

Budi : Can I looked at it?

Adi : Of course. Tommorow, I will bring it.

Edo : Ok, we wait for it.

Hope it helps

3. buatlah sebuah dialog sederhana yang mencakup future tense (simple future tense,future continuous tense, future perfect tense)

A : where will you be next weekend?
B : I will be at the beach. At this time next weekend I will be lying on the beach, getting a suntan and drinking cold drink.
A : Ahh, I envy you. I want to go too but I have to do a school report.
B : When will it be finished?
A : I think by the time you get back from the beach I will have finished the report.
B : Okay, then. Let's get a drink after I get back, shall we?

4. Percakapan verbal sentences menggunakan simple tense (present, past, future) continuous tense (present, past, future) perfect tense (present, past, future)


Ranz  : good morning Niana, whats up? we are long time no see.

Niana: oh morning Ranz. spectacular. wanna hear something amazing?

Ranz  : what's that? let me know

Niana: finally, i got my scholarship.

Ranz  : wicked, really? oh may god, what a lucky girl you are. congratulation Niana, iam happy for you.

Niana: thank you Ranz, by the way what are you doing here?

Ranz  : it's sunday, so i just accompany my mother to get some food

Niana: so how about your new position in your office? is that good to be a manager?

Ranz  : its more than good, more than what i've thought before, that is amazing. i've to attend many conference around this world which is that was my dream , i mean my bigest dream since i was kid.

Niana: waw, iam happy for you Ranz. now i know, no matter how difficult the way, we will pass it well and succeed to reach our seccees.

Ranz  : true that, for sure.

Niana: oh god, i almost forget it.

Ranz  : whats going on?

Niana: i will move to Canada for my scholarship at Friday, i hope you can join my small party, we just gonna dinner and maybe you wanna say good bye to me hahaha.

Ranz  : don't worry. i'll come. btw, i think my mother is done, so i'll go. see you Niana, Byee

Niana: oke, See you at Friday Ranz, Byee

semoga membantu ya..


5. yang bisa tolong dong bikinin dialog 2 orang dalam bentuk simple future tense

chenle: sehun, i heard you will move to another school outside the city. is it true?
sehun: yeah. sorry, i forgot to tell you
chenle: when will you move?
sehun: next week
chenle: i will miss you
sehun: i will miss you too
*suddenly the bell rings*
chenle: i have to go now, bye
sehun: bye, see you...

maap kependekan

6. buatlah percakapan 2 orang menggunakan simple future tense, 10 kalimat.


X: Hi, where will you go?

Y: I will go to market. I will buy some daily needs

where will you go?

X: I will go to our friend's house.

Y: When will you be there?

X: I will be there at 11.00 a.m

Y: Can I go with you?

X: Sure

Y: I will bring some money

X: That's good idea, We shall buy some snacks

and some drinks

Y: I will take some money on the table




7. Buat dialog tentang plans for semester holiday dengan menggunakan simple future tense.

My next holiday Nina : where will you go for spent your holiday ?? Tio : maybe i will go to kuta beach.. And you?? Nina : ohh i don't know.. Perhaps i will go to my grandmother's home in yogyakarta.. Tio: ohh.. It's amazing Nina: thanks.. Have a nice holiday.. Tio: have a nice holiday too Gitu itu pointnya tambah dong.. Kalo sedikit nggak ada yang mau jawabArya      : Hi Erna, why do you collect many stamps?
Erna      : Ohh…. Hi Arya. I am collecting the stamps for my collection.
Arya      : What do you mean?
Erna      : Yes, actually my hobby is collecting stamps.
Arya      : Why do you like collecting stamps?
Erna      : Because I like to see the unique pictures of the stamps. How about you, what is your hobby?
Arya      : Hmm… I think I don’t have hobby. Should we have a hobby?
Erna      : Not really. But in our lives we must have something we like most which is called hobby.
Arya      : So, hobby is a pleasure. Then, I think I have a hobby now.
Erna      : Of course, so what is your hobby?
Arya      : I like to read comics especially detective Conan.
Erna    : That is your hobby. Reading comic. Do you have all of detective Conan’s collection?
Arya      : Yes, I do. I even go to the black market because the original comics have not yet been published. How about your stamps collection?
Erna      : So far I have collected stamps from some countries but I still should find other stamps.
Arya      : Do you need much money for your hobby?
Erna      : Yes of course I need much money because I order the stamps so it costs little bit expensive.
Arya      : Wow…. Your hobby is expensive.
Erna      : Yeah but I like to do it.
Arya      : Okay good luck with your hobby.
Erna      : Thank you.- See more at:

8. Perbedaan simple future tense dengan future continuous tense


Simple future tense juga mengekspresikan fakta.

Future continuous sebenarnya tidak selalu berupa rencana atau apa yang akan seseorang lakukan di waktu yang akan datang.


Maaf jika salah

Semoga membantu!!!

9. contoh percakapan dua orang menggunakan simple future tense

A: hi, how's life?
B: everything's good, how bout you?
A: im great. so happy saturday! im so bored, i wanna go out with you
B: yap, me too. do you have any plan? sucha going to somewhere 
A: yas I do, I will go fishing tomorrow, will u join me?
B: yea great idea, i will go to ur house tomorrow. see ya
A: see yaHanifa : Hey Alsy!Where will you go on Sunday?
Alsy : I'll go to swimming pool. Will you join me?
Hanifa : That's great idea ! Sure... :) and I will bring my underwater camera, so we can take a picture togethee in water.
Alsy : Cool !! Okay then I'll bring a warm tea, lemonade, barbecue, and some cookies....
Hanifa : Woow ! I guess it will be so fun ! haha

10. Buatlah contoh dialog percakapan singkat present continuous tense,perfect tens,simple present tense,past continouse tense,past perfect tense,future tense dllPlis bantuin​


in telephone:

citra: hallo, are you mary,?

mary: yes, i'm, who are you?

citra: mary, it's me citra, are you remember me?

mary: citra?. hmm, oh yeah, i remember you are my best friend in bandung..

citra: where do you live?

mary: i live in malaysia.

citra: have you call intan?

mary: why i've to call intan?

citra: his father is die.

mary: die? when did he die, and why?

citra: he die 1 week ago, he die because he invection covid 19.

mary: innalillhahi wainailaihi rojiuun.

citra: when will you back to indonesia?

mary: i'll back to indonesia next week.

citra: really! i'm so happy. how long have you been visiting malaysia?

mary; i've been visiting malaysia for 2 months

citra: oh, good

mary: sorry citra, my mother have call me.

citra: yeah, no problem..

mary: see you again


all tens

11. contoh percakapan dalam bahasa inggris yang isinya ada tense : simple present tense, simple past tense , simple future tense , present continious tense, present perfect tense, past continious tense .

I eat rice. (present tense)
I ate rice (past tense)
I will eat rice (future tense)
I am visiting South Korea tomorrow (continous tense)

I have visited South Korea (perfect tense)
I was visiting South Korea last year (past continuous tense)
Arya      : Hi Erna, why do you collect many stamps?
Erna      : Ohh…. Hi Arya. I am collecting the stamps for my collection.
Arya      : What do you mean?
Erna      : Yes, actually my hobby is collecting stamps.
Arya      : Why do you like collecting stamps?
Erna      : Because I like to see the unique pictures of the stamps. How about you, what is your hobby?

Arya      : Hmm… I think I don’t have hobby. Should we have a hobby?
Erna      : Not really. But in our lives we must have something we like most which is called hobby.

Arya      : So, hobby is a pleasure. Then, I think I have a hobby now.
Erna      : Of course, so what is your hobby?
Arya      : I like to read comics especially detective Conan.
Erna    : That is your hobby. Reading comic. Do you have all of detective Conan’s collection?

Arya      : Yes, I do. I even go to the black market because the original comics have not yet been published. How about your stamps collection?

Erna      : So far I have collected stamps from some countries but I still should find other stamps.

Arya      : Do you need much money for your hobby?
Erna      : Yes of course I need much money because I order the stamps so it costs little bit expensive.

Arya      : Wow…. Your hobby is expensive.
Erna      : Yeah but I like to do it.
Arya      : Okay good luck with your hobby.
Erna      : Thank you.

12. contoh dialog bahasa Inggris simple future tense bertema sholat​



I wanna kill my teacher

13. contoh percakapan dua orang menggunakan simple future tense

Luna: Jen, how about our plan to go to beach this weekend? Does it get permission from your dad?
Jena: Yess of course, but the problem is, where beach will we visit? Any idea?
Luna: Hemmm ,,,no idea.
Jena: How about Siung Beach in Gunungkidul Regency? I had a friend there, he could be our guide then, hpw?
Luna: Woaa,,,, it so brilliant idea. Oke,, iam with you.
Jena: Oke,,, now we must prepare what we need. Let’s go!

14. Contoh percakapan simple future tense empat orang

mita : "hi ver,la and vi "
vera: "what do you do?"
mita: " i will think about our holiday next month"
whela: "what does your plan?"
mita : " maybe...i will go to grandma's house"
vivi : " i have a plan.....how does we go to kampung bahasa inggris ? "
whella : "this good idea"
mita :"i think so "
vera : " ya.....i will say my mother about our planning "
mita :" sure "

15. Contoh percakapan simple future tense empat orang

Ini dia,.....demi anda,......jadikan jawaban yang terbaik yaaaa thanks....

Ann: Hi John !
John: Hi Ann, where is Kim ?
Ann: Oh,.. Kim isn't with me now
John: Why ? actually she always with you
Ann: She was prepare, she is going to RajaAmpat tommorow
John: Wow....lets go to her house
Ann: what will you doing in her house ?
John: I will make a surprise

16. Rumus simple future tense, future continuous tense, future perfeek tense

s.future tenses= will + V1 atau will + be + nonverb
future continous tenses= will + be + ving
future perfect = will + have + V3

17. 3 contohpast tensepresent tensefuture tensesimple past tensesimple present tensesimple future tense​


Simple past tense

*She was here yeasterday (Dia berada disini kemarin)

*They were happy last week (Mereka gembira minggu lalu)

*He was with me yeasterday (Dia bersamaku kemarin?

Simple present tense

*They are at school every day (Mereka berada di sekolah setiap hari)

*She is here every morning (Dia berada disini setiap pagi)

*We are go to school every day (Kami berangkat ke sekolah tiap hari)

Simple future tense

*She will go to Bandung tomorrow (Dia akan berangkat ke Bandung besok)

*I shall boil water in the kitchen (Saya akan mendidihkan air di dapur)

*We shall go to school tomorrow (Kami akan ke sekolah besok)

18. Tolong buatkan dialog yg mengandung 3 unsur di bawah ini : 1.Simple presentasi tense 2.Simple future tense 3.Simple past tense

1.1.do you sleep every night?
2.yes, i do
2.1.i am going to be a doctor tomorrow
2.are tou sure?
1. certainly
3.1.you was smart yesterday
2.are you kidding?
1.i'm not kidding

19. Coba buat satu contoh percakapan sederhana yang didalamnya terdapat simple future tense

A: "We will have a long weekend. I think I'm so happy"
B: "So do I. I will make a greateset holiday ever".
A: "Where will you go to holiday?"
B: "Raja Ampat is good destination. I will go tommorow by plane"
A: "Ohh... that's so amazing. I'll go to my hometown".
B: "Good idea. I look you're so homesick"

Yana : Oh, Cinta. We are going
to have Science test next Thursday. I do not like Science. I am sure I will not get a good score. I didn’t pass the previous test so I did remidial test.
Cinta : Don’t worry, you will be fine. The material now is easier than the previous one. I believe all of us will pass the Science test next Thursday.
Yana : But, I think the material now is as difficult as the previous one. Oh, I will not go to school next Thursday.
Cinta : So, what are you going to do at home?
Yana : Hm, nothing. I will just lay on the bed all day.
Cinta : Oh, dear. It won’t help you. You will surely have the Science test on the following day.
Yana : You are right. So, will you help me to tell the questions since you have had the test previously?
Cinta : No, that is called cheating, Yana. And I am sure that the teacher won’t give you the same questions.
Yana : So, what should I do?
Cinta : I think we can learn together. I will come to your house this weekend. I will show you that it’s not so difficult as you think.
Yana : Oh, thank you very much, Cinta. I feel so grateful to have you.
Cinta : No worries.

20. jelaskan tentang simple future tense dan future perfect tense​


Future Perfect Tense Menyatakan suatu peristiwa yang mulai dikerjakan pada waktu lampau dan akan segera selesai pada waktu yang akan datang. Penggunaan future perfect tense adalah mencantumkan waktu yang jelas di masa depan. Misalnya dalam bentuk jam, next day, dll. Hal ini untuk memberikan kejelasan bahwa peristiwa tersebut akan selesai sebelum peristiwa lain terjadi.

Rumus Future Perfect Tense

Rumus Verbal


S + will + have + V3


S + will + not + have + V3


will + S + have + V3

I will have graduated when we meet next year (Saya akan sudah lulu ketika kita bertemu tahun depan)

I will have not taken the exam (Saya belum akan mengikuti ujian)

Will he have done it by this evening? (Sudahkah dia (akan) menyelesaikannya sore ini?)

Rumus nominal

I will have been at your house when the party starts (Saya akan sudah berada di rumahmu ketika pesta dimulai)

I will have not been there by this evening (Saya belum (akan) berada disana soe ini)

Will you have been here tonight? (Akankah kamu sudah disini malam ini?)

Keterangan Waktu Future Perfect Tense

by next … : menjelang … depan

by next week : menjelang minggu depan

by Sunday : menjelang hari Minggu

by tomorrow : menjelang besok

by next month : menjelang bulan depan

Contoh Kalimat Future Perfect Tense

I will not have graduated next May (Saya belum akan lulus bulan Mei depan)

The work will not have been finished next month (Tugas itu belum akan selesai bulan depan besok)

I will not have been at your house tomorrow (Saya belum berada di rumahmu besok)

Will you have graduated next May? (Apakah kamu sudah lulus bulan Mei depan?)

Rina will have done her home work (Rina sudah (akan) mengerjakan pekerjaan rumahnya)

I will have left at 9 p.m (Saya sudah akan pergi pada pukul 9 malam)


semoga membantu

jangan lupa❤

maaf kalo❌

jadikan jawaban tercerdas

21. Buatin dialog percakapan dua orang, tentang future tense??? Yg banyak percakapannya


- Future Tense

Here a dialog about future tense (The character is Adnan and Beni)

Main Idea : Plan to hiking at mount Bromo

Adnan : Hei Beni !

Beni : Hei Adnan ! How are you?

Adnan : I'm fine. Thank you, and you?

Beni : I'm OK. Oh, I almost forget. Do you have any plans?

Adnan : Plans? What about it is?

Beni : About our vacation. Hmmm, I think, I want to invite you to join with my team

Adnan : What team is it?

Beni : Hiking team, hehehe. In this vacation, we shall go to mount Bromo, maybe at saturday or monday

Adnan : Hmmmm, that;s interest. Who's the member team?

Beni : Many, there are Farhan, Lisa, and others.

Adnan : Yes, I will join to your team, maybe I will meet you tomorrow

Beni : Oh, I have something must to do. See you later

Adnan : See you.


Kelas          : -

MAPEL       : Bahasa Inggris

Kategori     : Tenses

Kode : -

22. dialog dalam simple past tense dan present tense (minimal 15 percakapan)

Mom : Did You Finish You're homework?

Me :Yup,I've Finished My homework.

Mom:Good.Have You Seen Your Dad?

Me: Yes,I Think I Saw him in the garage.

Mom:What Did He Do There?

Me:He Washed The Car

Mom: Can You Help Me Tidy Your room?

Me: Sure!

Mom:Follow Me!

(Later In The Evening)

Mom:All Done !

Me:Yay!We Tidied the room!

Mom: Alright,I'm Gonna go and cook dinner.


Mom:See you!

Me:You Too!

23. Contoh percakapan simple future tense empat orang

nayla:hey bella, where do you wanna in this holiday?
bella:hmm i dont know but my mom said we will go to bali, what about you guys?
nayla:i will go to sydney.
dea: i dont know, do you have any idea guys?
sara:hmm, i will go to puncak, do you wanna join with me dea?
dea: sure, i will go t puncak with you

24. Buat dialog percakapan min 20 pake future tense min 3 kalimat​


Gak t@u Dan. gak mau tau hahahahahahhaha

25. Pecakapan 2 orng menggunakan simple future tense tema sutdy in jakarta




Sebelum kita membuat contoh percakapan 2 orang menggunakan simple future tense dengan tema study in Jakarta, perlu kita pelajari lebih dahulu fungsi serta rumus simple future tense sehingga kita bisa menyusun dialog dengan benar.

Simple Future Tense berfungsi untuk menceritakan peristiwa yang akan terjadi, menyatakan akibat perbuatan tertentu dan memohon/meminta seseorang melakukan sesuatu.

Rumus yang digunakan adalah :  

Subject + will/shall + verb 1 (kalimat positif)  

contoh: (+) Elsa will go to Bandung tomorrow morning.

Subject + will/shall + not + verb 1 (kalimat negatif)  

contoh: (-) She will not go to Bandung next week.

Will/shall + Subject + verb 1 (kalimat tanya)  

contoh: (?) Will she go to Bandung tomorrow morning?


Berikut adalah contoh percakapan 2 orang menggunakan simple future tense.

Raymond and Lana are classmates. They are having a conversation in front of their class during a break.

Raymond: Hi, Lana. Why do you look so busy these days?

Lana        : Hi, Ray. I have to do some paper adjustments and fill in some forms from our teachers.

Raymond: Why do you have to do those things?

Lana        : I will move to Jakarta next semester and will continue my study there.

Raymond : Oh, I see. Will all your family move to Jakarta next semester?

Lana         : No, they will not move next semester. My parents and my little brother will move first. They are going to Jakarta next week. I will join them after I finish this semester final examination.

Raymond: That's great to hear that you will study in Jakarta. But, we will miss you here.

Lana       : I will miss you all too but we still have couple months until I move.   So, that's OK. Well, let's go to the canteen before the break is over, shall we?

Raymond: OK, let's go.

Pelajari lebih lanjut disini.



Detil Jawaban  

Kelas : 8

Mapel : Bahasa Inggris  

Kategori : Simple Future Tense

Kode : 8.5.3

Kata kunci : dialogue, simple future tense, shall, will

26. Contoh dialog sederhana yang mencakup fiture tense(simple future tense,future continuous tense,future perfect tense)

Yana  :  Oh, Cinta. We are going to have Science test next Thursday. I do not like Science. I am sure I will not get a good score. I didn’t pass the previous test so I did remidial test. (Oh, Cinta. Kita akan mengikuti test Sains Kamis depan. Aku nggak suka Sains. Aku yakin tak akan dapat nilai bagus. Akunggak lulus tes sebelumnya sehingga ikut remidi.)

Cinta  :  Don’t worry, you will be fine. The material now is easier than the previous one. I believe all of us will pass the Science test next Thursday. (Jangan khawatir, kau bakalan baik-baik saja. Materi sekarang itu lebih mudah daripada sebelumnya. Aku yakin semuanya bakal lulus tes Sains Kamis depan.)

Yana  :  But, I think the material now is as difficult as the previous one. Oh, I will not go to school next Thursday. (Tapi, aku pikir materi sekarang sama susahnya dengan sebelumnya. Oh, aku nggak bakal ke sekolah Kamis depan.)

Cinta  :  So, what are you going to do at home? (Jadi, apa yang akan kau lakukan di rumah?)

Yana  :  Hm, nothing. I will just lay on the bed all day. (Hm, nggak ada. Aku bakalan berbaring di tempat tidur seharian.)

Cinta  :  Oh, dear. It won’t help you. You will surely have the Science test on the following day. (Oh, say. Itu nggak akan membantumu. Kau tentu saja bakalan mengikuti tes Sains hari berikutnya.)

Yana  :  You are right. So, will you help me to tell the questions since you have had the test previously? (Kau benar. Jadi, apakah kau akan membantuku memberitahu pertanyaan karena kau sudah ikut tes sebelumnya?)

Cinta  :  No, that is called cheating, Yana. And I am sure that the teacher won’t give you the same questions. (Tidak, itu namanya curang, Yana. Dan aku yakin guru tak akan memberimu pertanyaan yang sama.)

Yana  :  So, what should I do? (Jadi, apa yang harus kulakukan?)

Cinta  :  I think we can learn together. I will come to your house this weekend. I will show you that it’s not so difficult as you think. (Kupikir kita dapat belajar bersama. Aku akan datang ke rumahmu Sabtu-Minggu ini. Akan kutunjukkan kalau itu nggak sesulit kau pikirkan.)

Yana  :  Oh, thank you very much, Cinta. I feel so grateful to have you. (Oh, terimakasih banyak, Cinta. Aku merasa sangat bersyukur memilikimu.)

Cinta  :  No worries. (Jangan khawatir.)

27. contoh dialog yang mencakup kalimat simple present, simple past tense, simple future

*In Hospital

Fitri : Hello Devi!
Devi : Hai Fitri!"
Fitri : What are you doing here? (simple present)
Devi : I am waiting for my sister, she is undergoing emergency treatment now. (simple present)
Fitri : What happened with your sister?! (simple past)
Devi : She got an accident (simple past)
Fitri : I'm sorry to hear that, i wish all the treatment well and she can gather with us and we will go along the street again.


28. dialog dalam bahasa inggris simple future tense

I will go home tomorrowA :" good morning my friend"
B :"good morning too"
A :"my friend,tomorrow morning I will go to Bali can you join with me..please?"
B :"ok.no problem my friend I will join with you..."
A :"thank you my friend.."
B :"you're welcome.."

29. contoh dialog simple future tense

Diaz will go to school by motorcycle next three years. Jakub = Rafál, would you accompany me to going to canteen?
Rafál  = I'm sorry. I will be writing the accountant journal after this.
Jakub = Oh, I'm also not yet. I will be doing those tonight
Rafál  = will you go to canteen right away?
Jakub = Yes, because i'm fell hungry
Rafál  = Ok, i'll go there after the journal already finished

30. carilah minimal 10 kalimat simple future tense yang ada pada percakapan ini​


1. But I'll have to buy new shoes if I do that.

2. I suppose I'll buy something new, but I don't know what.

3. I'm sure they'll love it.

4. I'll get it for you if you like.

5. So I'll do it then.

6. What are you going to wear to the wedding?

7. I don't know what I'm going to do.

8. I'm going to town now.

9. No, but I know what I'm going to get them.

10. Maaf ga ketemu 1 lagi

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