Announcement Tentang Sekolah

Announcement Tentang Sekolah

1. Buatlah 2 contoh announcement! ( 1 announcement di sekolah dan lancementdiluar sekolah)​

Daftar Isi

1. 1. Buatlah 2 contoh announcement! ( 1 announcement di sekolah dan lancementdiluar sekolah)​


apa yang telah berpartisipasi dalam kayu yang telah berpartisipasi


Pengumuman Pertemuan Orang Tua Murid dan Guru

Perhatian seluruh siswa, sebentar lagi ketua kelasmu akan membagikan sebuah undangan untuk orang tua mu untuk menghadiri Pertemuan Orang Tua dan Guru pada hari Rabu, 11 Oktober 2017. Pastikan kamu menyampaikan undangan itu kepada orang tuamu karena pertemuan Orang Tua dan Guru ini sangat penting. Terima kasih.


semoga membantu

2. contoh announcement di sekolah

Announcement !

Our school will have a Singing Competition that will be held on 22 March 2018
Registration will be held on 6th-9th at OSIS room. Free registration and full of prize!

Contact person : Wildhan (0838 1234 5678)


don't forget to bring your fieldtrip forms this friday! only students with signed fieldtip forms will be able to get on the bus. parent s, please make sure that your child is wearing cool and comfortable clothing. summer weather is here.


3. Contoh Announcement disekolah


Sudent Council will hold a "Sharing and Discussion" for grade 10 on November 29, 2018 (10.00 - 12.00) at Multi-purpose Room. Please come and join this session.

For more information, please contact Serena - (11Science, ID LINE: serena.williams)

Student Council

4. sebuah announcement singkat tenteng sekolah


To all members of dancing club of SMP N 1 Bumiayu,

We will have dance practice as the preparation of dance competition next month. The practice will be held on :
Day : Sunday
Date : 1 December 2014
Time : 03.00 p.m.
Place : School hall

Please come on time.

Sincerely yours,

The leader


To: Staff and members of students' organization.
Would you like to come and join us on:
Day: MondayDate: 3 October 201
Time: 09.30 a.m
Program: Regular meeting.
Thanks for your attention.

Regina Mutiara

5. tolong bikin announcement yang ada di sekolah yang agak panjang​


Attention to students grade one, three and five there will be a test for those that doesn't come at the designated day at the third of August two thousand nineteen, for those that doesn't need to take the test will be given a task by their teacher for the day

sorry kalau salah

6. Contoh announcement tentang football turnamen di sekolah

there will be football tournament in school tomorrow. it will be started at 3pm at the school hall. we hope all of students can come to watch the tournament.

7. tuliskan announcement tentang libur sekolah?

 To all grade from 7-8 We have a holiday at 11-13 may 2015
  all students are must Study Indepedently

8. contoh teks announcement dari sekolah untuk orangtua

Attention please.

To all students in this school, there will be a parents-teachers' meeting. The meeting will be held after school tomorrow. Please inform your parents about this.

Thank you.

9. Buatlah announcement / pengumuman yang ada disekolah dan advertisement.​


• Announcement


All students of SMP Englishiana are invited to join some competition that will be held on 17 August 2016 to celebrate Indonesian Independence Day. There will be Running, swimming, and many other interesting competition.

Registration will be held on 10th-15th August at Osis room. Don’t miss it! Free Registration but full of amazing prizes! For More Information contact our Osis chairperson.

• Advertisement





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Attention, all student of SMP Al Ihsan Yapis Kotaraja, the lunch bell has ringed, every student may go and have a lunch in the canteen, remember to throw your rubbish to the bin thank you for listening, enjoy your lunch

10. Buatlah Announcement tentang kegiatan sekolah yang melibatkan siswa siswi sebuah sekolah



Our school will have Some Competition that will be held on 17 August 2016 to celebrate Indonesian’s Independence day. There are Running, swimming, and many other competition.

Registration will be held on 10th-15th August at Osis room.

Free Registration and full of prize!

For More Information contact our Osis chairperson.

Terjemahan : Sekolah kita akan mengadakan beberapa lomba yang akan diadakan pada 17 agustus 2016 untuk merayakan hari kemerdekaan Indonesia. Ada lomba lari, berenang, dan banyak lagi.

Pendaftaran dibuka dari 10-15 agustus di ruang OSIS.

Pendaftaran gratis dam ada bnayak hadiah.

Untuk informasi lebih lanjut hubungi ketua OSIS.

11. contoh announcement tema kegiatan di sekolah

to welcome the new members of our school badminton club,
the students association will hold a student gathering for new members of the club on 14 february 2017 at 4 p.m in the school hall.
to all new members ,please come as it is a must for you.

for more information
contact rudy at the student centet

student affair staff

12. tolong dong bisa berikan saya contoh announcement yang ada di sekolah

tomorrow,we wear blue and white uniform because we will follow ceremony in tuban yard at 03.00 o'clock
please attend of our alumnust farwell party !

13. bikinlah announcement lomba futsal di sekolah

Hello soccer players! We have some good news for you guys!
There will be a soccer tournament open for all teams around the city.

Location             : Hanlim Park Center
Date and time    : Tuesday, 8th July 2016 10:00 - 17:00
Registration fee : 200K/team

Champion      : 2.000.000
1st runner up  : 1.800.000
2nd runner up : 1.150.000
3rd runner up  : 800.000

(if there are some teams that haven't played or having a rematch, tournament will be continued 2 days later)

tanggal dan hari ngawur, kalo mau di realisasi silahkan..

14. tolong buatin announcement yang ada di sekolah ,,, sama artinya ..

Attention to all students and teachers in the school, the mayor will make some comptetion for all students and teachers. There will be writing test, poetry test, and speech test. I hope you could present after school finish.

Perhatian kepada seluruh murid dan guru di sekolah, walikota akan menyelenggarakan kompetisi untuk semua murid dan guru. Akan ada tes menulis, puisi, dan pidato. Saya berharap kalian semua bisa hadir setelah pulang sekolah.
Kepala Sekolah
attention for all student!
our friend, Siti just her math's book.
The book is red and there is a funny cat picture on the cover. If you do get, please return to Siti at grade 8C. Thank You

Artinya :
Perhatian untuk semua siswa! Teman kita, Siti baru saja kehilangan buku matematikanya. Bukunya berwarna merah dan ada gambar seekor kucing lucu pada sampulnya. Jika ada yang menemukan, mohon dikembalikan pada Siti di kelas 8C. Terimakasih.

15. contoh announcement tidak berangkat sekolah​


assalamualaikum wr.wb

kepada seluruh siswa siswi mts ash shiddiqiyyah untuk 2 minggu kedepan kegiatan belajar mengajar formal kita akan berhenti untuk sementar waktu dikarenakan pandemi covid 19 di indonesia semakin merebak. oleh karenanya harap maklum untuk semua pihak. begitupun kegiatan belajar di rumah masih akan dipantau lewat media sosial yang nantinya akan digunakan untuk berkomunikasi. sekian yang dapat disampaikan

wassalamualaiku wr.wb.


kepala sekolah Mts ash shiddiqiyyah


16. Contoh announcement tentang sekolah dan bebas

This is a new schook year and there are many new students around. please be friendly and help them understand the rules of our school thank you
Missing bag blue with sea motif anyone who found please return to anna KLS 7 - A thanks

17. contoh announcement ttg kegiatan sekolah

English Speech Contest

To all students in SMAN 3 Jogja, In commemorating the 29th school birthday. The school will hold an English Speech Contest..
Day   : Friday 
Date  : 08 April 2016
Place : Hall of SMAN 3 Jogja

Each class should register at least one student with one of these following topics :
The Advantage of Learning English
The Difficulties of Learning English

Registration will be held on 1st-5th April at OSIS room.
Free Registration and full of prize!

For further information, visit the committee of this English Speech Contest 



announcement_due to the act that the next two days are christmas holidays and followed by the first semester holiday, all students are requested to study at home during those days starting on tomorrow. school will recommence on 4th january 2016. merry christmas and happy holiday! _principal

18. Announcement tentang eskul dancing di sekolah

For all students, Extracurricular dance will be held at the school on 18th of October 2016 at 3P.M, all students are obliged to follow the extracurricular. Thank you Headmaster Semoga jawabannya bisa membantu:)

19. contoh announcement tentang bazar buku di sekolah

There will be book's charity yesterday in our school to commemorate World Book Day. For all student we hope your participate.

20. Contoh announcement dari kepala sekolah

My beloved student
We have 5 new rules. There are:
1.You must arrive in school at 7:10 AM
2.Do not bring cell phones in class
3.You can phone buddy your phone, and can be taken during a break and after school
4.You cant snacks outside school gates
5.Always wear black socks when dressing scout

21. contoh announcement di lingkungan sekolah


SMA Juang will hold the cleanliness of the school environment event. The event is planned to be held on Saturday, March 5, 2017. All students are required to bring cleaning equipment.

It is informed to all students in grade 4, 5, and 6 Nurul Ulum Elementary School, that Nurul Ulum Elementary School will conduct Little Doctor training. Each classes is obliged to send five representatives to be a trainee in little doctor program. The training will be held from 9 to 12 March 2017 in the Nurul Ulum Elementary School hall. Participants will get a uniform, a summary book, and a certificate.

For students who will follow the little doctors program are expected to enroll in the teachers’ office. The latest registration is on March 5th , 2017.

Bandarlampung, March 1st , 2017

22. Buatkan announcement tentang kelulusan sekolah dalam bahasa Inggris

Jawaban: Heyy gradulation for you, i hope you more happy in the your new school :))

Maaf kalo salah

23. Contoh Announcement tentang pengumuman kegiatan sekolah

Attention! Any 10th Graders interested in playing football , see Mr. Budi Gunawan in Sport Room for further information. maaf kalau ada kata yang salah ga trllu jago b.inggris.Announecement
Friday, 27 December 2016
     Announced to the students that tomorrow :
                                  Day : Saturday
                                  Date : 28 December 2016
                                  Place : School Field in SMPN 456 Jakarta
Held a Scout camp,
for the attention of the students we said thank you,

Muhammad Amran

24. Berikan 1 Contoh announcement di sekolah

contoh announcement di sekolah :
Attention for all osis please meet up in the school mosque

25. Announcement yg menarik tentang kegiatan sekolah

Announcement. Let's talk, a biweekly magazine invites students to submit their articles. They can be personal experiences, product reviews, hot issues, study tips, comic strips, or jokes. They should be typewritten: times new roman, size 11, in single spacing. You may use artistic font types as long ad they are functional. Don't forget to include the tittle of the article, topic, writer's name and contact number or e-mail address. Articles must be receied by not later than 20th april 2016. Any works published will be rewarded accordingly. (Head department - arivia, class xi mia2)Menurut saya announcement yang menarik tentang sekolah Yaitu tentang lomba yang diadakan ,atau sistemik osis di sekolah . Maaf kalo gk jelas Mohon bimbingan nya

26. contoh texs announcement di sekolah?

seperti pengumuman dalam pengadaan lomba 17an dll
ATTENTION PLEASE!All students of SMP Englishiana are invited to join some competition that will be held on 17 August 2016 to celebrate Indonesian Independence Day. There will be Running, swimming, and many other interesting competition.Registration will be held on 10th-15th August at Osis room. Don’t miss it! Free Registration but full of amazing prizes! For More Information contact our Osis chairperson.DIMOHON PERHATIANNYA!Semua siswa dari SMP Englishiana diundang untuk mengikuti beberapa kompetisi yang akan diselenggarakan pada 17 Agustus 2016 untuk merayakan Hari Kemerdekaan Indonesia. Akan ada lomba lari, renang, dan banyak kompetisi menarik lainnya.Pendaftaran akan diselenggarakan pada 10-15 Agustus di ruang Osis. Jangan sampai ketinggalan! Pendaftaran gratis tetapi dipenuhi hadiah menakjubkan! Untuk Informasi Lebih Lanjut hubungi ketua Osis kami.

27. contoh announcement tentang bazaar buku di sekolah


to commemorate education day , our school will hold a "book" bazaar. The event will be held in the school on 6th Desember 2017 at 11 a.m . All students or public are welcomed to attend

Please get your ticket to your class captain
Don't lose the ticket! Join it or you will be left behind

The OSIS Chairperson

28. Membuat announcement agar orangtua datang ke sekolah

please ask your parents to come to school at 2 pm tomorrow.
we are going to have a meeting and to discuss about the preparation of national examination. the meeting will be held in our school hall. please come on time. 
thank you for your kind attention
mr. bun
the headmaster

29. Contoh announcement tentang football turnamen di sekolah

School Football Tournament

to All Student
from Football Club

We invite you to join the tournament. Please send the best team from your class. Maximum team member is 13 person.

Let's join us!
Get 1.000.000 IDR total PRIZE!!
And see which the best class team in our school.
Thank you

30. Contoh announcement piknik sekolah

membawa bekal itk perjalanan makan kesana

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