Contoh Percakapan Asking And Giving Information

Contoh Percakapan Asking And Giving Information

contoh 10 percakapan asking and giving information

Daftar Isi

1. contoh 10 percakapan asking and giving information

What do you think of…? Apa pendapat Andatentang…?What do you think about…? Apa pendapatAnda tentang…?How d’you feel (about…)? bagaimana perasaan mu tentang……..?What d’you reckon (about…)? apa yang kamu rasakan tentan…….?What’s your opinion of…?apa pendapat mu tentang……..?(What do think about) that? apa pendapat mu tentang itu ………?What are your views on…? apakah pandangan mu terhadap…………?Where do you stand (on…)? diamana posisi mu pada …………..?What would you say to… / if we…? apa yang akan kamu katakan pada …………..? jika kita………?Are you aware of…..? apakah kamu menyadari bahwa ……………?

2. berikan contoh percakapan tentang asking and giving information

Jadi misalnya : hi ,what do you think about deren
I think his nice ,and he have tall body , and you?ASKING INFORMATION
yang pertama :
A :Don't you understand of what she said?
B :yes,she said that we should speak english in our english class

yang kedua :
A :do you know what i mean ?
B :yes,sir
yang ketiga :
A :what do you think of the picture?Beni did it well,didn't he?
B :ye,he did,.it is verry beautiful

yang keempat :
A :the meal is not that how you say it?
B :i don't think so.its nice

3. berikan contoh percakapan tentang asking and giving information

A; don't eat that
B: why?(asking)
A; because is my food(giving)
B: sorryasking information :
1. Excuse me. Who is she?
2. Can you tell me where you live?
3. Can you help me to find my spectacle?
4. Could anyone tell me what happen there?
5. Sorry to trouble you, but do you know where my ruler is?
6. Do you happen to know where Miss Icha is?
7. Do you see my new pencil case?

giving information :
1. She is my sister !
2. I live at Antene street number 100
3. I saw it in the bath room an hour ago
4. There is any car accident
5. Don’t you remember that you’ve left it in my cupboard
6.He goes to the post office
7. Here it is. I have found it in yard

4. contoh dialog asking and giving information

Sinta: Nina, how is your cousin?

Nina: She is fine. She is moving here very soon.

5. contoh percakapan asking for and giving information

asking : may i help you?
giving : yes, where can i find yellow street.
asking: can you give me information
giving: yes, we will go to Museum

6. Berilah contoh percakapan 3 orang tentang asking and giving information

ini ada  tapi hanya percakapan 2 orang...a:do you know where is the book store?
b:yes,turn right and the book store is on your right
a:thank you
(at the bookstore)
a:how much is this book?
c:it is $3.00 but since today is the bookstore birthday we'll give you $2.00
a : ok here's $2.00
c:here's your boo,have a nice day

klik terima kasih
pilih solusi terbaik

semoga membantru :)

7. buatlah text percakapan asking and giving information minimal 30baris

Zaki : Good morning, Indah!
Indah : Good morning too, Zaki!
Zaki : May I know if there's any new information?
Indah : Yes. Our Biology teacher, Ms. Rina, will exchange school for only 2 weeks.
Zaki : What do you mean with exchange?
Indah : She will teach another school for a moment.
Zaki : Why?
Indah : Because according to our school principal, she's the best biology teacher.
Zaki : Which school she will be teaching?
Indah : If I'm not wrong, she will be teaching at Matahari School.
Zaki : Oh, the time is up!
Indah : Let's go upstairs to the class.
Zaki : Let's go!!

8. berilah percakapan bahasa inggris tentang giving and asking information! please

luna: morning lusi
lusi: morning too luna.Whyt's happen?
luna: i want to ask you.
lusi: okay,i'll answer your question.Just ask!
luna:whether information about the tour to the museum is true?
lusi: yes.Mr.Toni says that two days ago.And he says we are to gather in classroom
luna: okay, thank you lusi.
lusi: your welcome.A : excuse me. can you do me a favor?
B : yes, ofcourse. what can I do for you?
A : me and my friend are going to the cinema. but we don't know where the cinema is. can you give us the direction of the cinema?
B : oh..the cinema is straight forward, if you see the traffic light turn left. the cinema is next to halloumi restaurant
A : thank you so much
B : you're welcome

9. contoh asking,giving,and danying information

Asking = Hello can i give you a ride?
Giving = Here's the Book!
Dancing = Let's Dance!Asking for information=> how do you usually get to school?
Giving information=> we usually walk or take the bus
Denying=> no, i never go to school by car

10. contoh dialog asking dan giving information dalam percakapan sekolah​


Janson: It’s already late. What are you making?

Zaki: Coffee. I’m going to watch a football match. Anyway, where is the sugar?

Janson: It’s on the top shelf.

Zaki: Oh, thanks.

Janson: No problem. I think I want to watch the match, too. When does it start?

Zaki: I think it’s at one or one thirty.

Janson: Can you check it first? I want to sleep for a while and set an alarm.

Zaki: (checking his phone) Oh, it’s at one thirty.

Janson: OK. Thanks.


11. contoh percakapan asking and giving help

A : hi B ! how are you ?
B : hi A ! i am fine thanks
A : what are you doing right now ?
B : i am watering flower
A : oh, that's good, i am glad you participate to preserve our earth by planting many flower here. Do you know ? flower make the air fresh
B : yeah i know. Then will you help me to tend the garden ?
A : sure, i will help you
A: Good evening, how are you today?
B: I'm fine.. How about you?
A: Not well... I think about tomorrow home work.
B: Are you not finish yet?
A: Yes, I don't understand about the home work. Can you help me for doing this?
B: Yes, of course.. why not? that's my pleasure
A: Thank you so much friend, without you, i would fear of the punishment tomorrow..
B: You're Welcome Friend..


12. contoh percakapan asking and giving compliment!

A: wowww what a beautiful dress. you look beautiful with this dress.
B : oh really? thankyou I'm glad you like it. you lokk beautiful too
A: thank you
B: you're welcome
Dian: good performance!
Taylor: i'm glad you like it
Dian: i like your voice, your voice so amazing!
Taylor: thank you so much!

13. contoh percakapan asking and giving information tentang binatang,kecuali binatang peliharaan.tolong dijawab untuk pr besok

Marie : Brother, which one is turtle and which one is tortoise?
Dean : Turtle's leg is flat and turtle using that for swiming. tortoise live in two world. but some can't swiming, Marie. you understand?
Marie: Yes. thanks Brother

14. Contoh percakapan asking and giving information on the phone untuk 3 orang

Berikut ini adalah contoh percakapan/dialog asking and giving information yang berisi 3 orang:

Lutfi and Ika: Halo...

Maryam : Halo, Maryam is talking. Who are you?

Lutfi : We are Lutfi and Ika your class mates.

Maryam : Ahhh... I see. What's wrong?

Lutfi : We just want to ask you, do you know where is Mr.Rahman our teacher lives?

Maryam: Yes, he lives on jln. Wasur street no 2. Why?

Ika: We are going to visit him, Rara said that he is sick. Oke, thankyou for your information. byee...

Maryam: Bye....


Asking and giving information adalah ungkapan yang digunakan untuk bertanya dan memberitahukan sebuah informasi.

Aturan dalam Asking for Information

Memulai kalimat tanya dengan WH Questions. Seperti What, Where, Why, When, Who, dan How.Bisa juga memulai awal pertanyaan menggunakan Modal Auxiliaries, seperti: Can, Could, Will, Would, Shall, Should, Must, May, Might, Had to.

Aturan dalam Giving information

Memberikan informasi dengan kalimat yang jelas.Memberikan informasi secara detail agar dapat di pahami.

Pelajari lebih lanjut

Contoh Asking and giving information

Arti Asking and giving information

Detail jawaban

Kelas : VIII

Mapel : Bahasa Inggris

BAB : 1 Asking and giving information

Kata kunci: asking, giving

Kode: 8.5.1


15. Bantu jawab pliss Contoh percakapan Asking Giving and Denying Information lengkap dengan terjemahannya

A: excuse me can you tell me where is the publik library?
B: sure. The publik library is about five hundred Meyers from here..
A: Thank You.. for your information
B: don't mention it...

A: permisi. Dapatkah Anda mengatakan kepada saya dimana perpustakaan umum.?
B: tentu. Perpustakaan umum kira kira lima ratus meter dari sini.
A: terimakasih atas informasinya.
B: jangan katakan itu

16. contoh percakapan asking and giving opinion

1 A : what do you think about this plant?
   B : i think its beutiful

2 A : what's your opinion about our class?
   B : i think this class is the most fantastic class i ever seen.Tika : Hey Vio
Vio   : Hey Tika, you look different now
Tika : I just cut my hair, what do you think about my hair?
Vio   : I think your hair looks beatiful
Tika : Thank you
Vio   : You're welcome

17. buatlah percakapan ttg "asking&giving information" dg cara asking : ......... giving : ...... asking : ..... giving : ..........asking :: : ............#thank's

(this dialogue located in a car dealership)
A : "Good morning"
G : "Good morning, welcome to the dac's car dealership, can i  help you sir ?"
A : "Yes, i am looking for a new sportcar, can you show me the newest sportcar in here ?"
G : "Yes, sure there are 3 amazing sportcars in here, the first one is Assoluto promessa, this car built for those who really likes to drifting, this car has a amazing handling but this car isn't really fast, the second one is Kamata angelus, this car is really fast and has a amazing grip. This car is suitable for racers who really likes to race in a circuit. The lastest one is Age abeille, this car has a great handling and also great price. So which one do you want to pick ? ".
A : "Hmmm.. i think i want pick Kamata angelus, because i really like to spend my time in a circuit. So, when my car is damaged, where i can find the service center for Kamata ?" 
Q : "Don't worry, there are a lot of service center for your car, is there any another questions ?"
A : "Alright, one last question, can i install an upgrades for Kamata with third party aftermarket spare parts ?"
Q : "No, you can't sir. You have to install an upgrades with Kamata's original spare parts in Kamata service center"
A : "Hmmm. i see, thank you for your information, How about the payment methods in here ?"
Q : "You can buy your car in here with credit card or cash, but if you want to buy Kamata angelus you have to pay it with your credit card"
A : "Alright, I buy this car with my credit card, here it is my credit card"
Q : "Alright, wait a few moments"
[after payment finished]
A : "Thanks for your helping, i can buy this amazing car"
Q : "You're welcome sir, thanks for coming"

18. contoh dari asking and giving information


Simple Situation ( Situasi biasa)

Customer : Excuse me, can you tell me where I can find menswear? (Permisi, Dapatkah Anda memberitahu saya di mana saya dapat menemukan pakaian pria?)

Shop Assistant : Sure. Menswear is on the second floor. (Tentu,Pakaian pria adalah di lantai dua)

Customer : Oh, also, could you tell me where sheets are. (Oh, dan juga, bisa Anda memberitahu di mana yang satuan).

Shop Assistant: No problem, sheets are on the third floor at the back. ( Tidak masalah, yang satuan ada di lantai tiga di bagian belakang)

Customer : Thanks for your help. (Terimakasih atas bantuan anda)

Shop Assistant: My pleasure. (Ya tentu)

Brother : When does the movie start? ( Kaopan Film akan dimulai?)

Sister : I think it’s at 9. ( ku pikir pada jam 9)

Brother : Check, will you? ( maukah kanu memeriksanya?)

Sister : You’re so lazy. Just a second. ( kamu sangat pemalas)

Brother : Thanks sis. ( terimakasih kak)

Sister : Yes, it starts at 9. ( iya filmnya mulai jam 9)

More Complex / Formal Situation ( Situasi Resmi)

Man: Excuse me, would you mind answering some questions? ( Permisi, maukah Anda menjawab beberapa pertanyaan?)

Business Colleague: I’d be happy to help. ( Aku akan senang bisa membantu)

Man: I wonder if you could tell me when the project is going to begin. (Aku bertanya-tanya jika Anda bisa katakan padaku ketika proyek ini akan dimulai).

Business Colleague: I believe we’re beginning the project next month. (saya yakin kami mulai proyek bulan depan.)

Man: and who will be responsible for the project. (dan yang akan bertanggung jawab untuk proyek.)

Business Colleague: I think Bob Smith is in charge of the project. (saya pikir Bob Smith adalah bertanggung jawab atas proyek)

Man: OK, finally, would you mind telling me how much the estimated cost will be? (OK, akhirnya, maukah Anda memberitahu saya berapa perkiraan biaya akan?)

Business Colleague: I’m afraid I can’t answer that. Perhaps you should speak with my director. (Aku takut aku tidak bisa menjawab. Mungkin Anda harus berbicara dengan saya Direktur)

Man: Thank you. I thought you might say that. I’ll speak to Mr. Anders. (Terima kasih. Saya pikir Anda mungkin mengatakan bahwa. Aku akan berbicara untuk Mr Anders).

Business Colleague: Yes, that would be best for that type of information. Man: Thank you for helping out. (Ya, itu akan menjadi terbaik untuk jenis informasi. Laki-laki: Terima kasih untuk membantu keluar).

Business Colleague: My pleasure ( ya, tentu)


Asking information (bertanya informasi) contohnya:

Could you tell me where the bank is?

(Bisakah kamu memberitahuku dimana bank?)

Giving information (memberi informasi) contohnya:

You can find the bank at the corner of the street.

(Kamu bisa menemukan bank di pojok jalan ini)


Asking and Giving Information adalah kegiatan menanyakan atau memberikan informasi kepada lawan bicara (meminta dan memberi izin).

19. Contoh percakapan Asking Giving and Denying Information lengkap dengan terjemahannya

Asking and Giving Information :

Andi : Can you please tell me where is the restroom? ( bisakah kamu memberi tahu saya dimana toilet? )
Rizki : Yes of course, the restroom is in the left of 9B class. ( Ya tentu, toiletnya ada di sebelah kiri kelas 9B)

Denying Information :

Risna : can i see your homework? ( bolehkah aku melihat pr mu? )
Citra : Sorry, but you should do that by yourself ( Maaf, tapi kamu harus mengerjakannya sendiri )

20. buat lh percakapan asking and giving information

A : I want to go to the beach, which way do you i have to get through?
B : Well, you can start from here by go straight and then turn left, after that you can see there is an old hut which is mean you are not far from the beach. next step is go straight for 1 miles, then, youre facing the beach.
A : Thank you very much for your information.
B : you are very welcome.Customer : Excuse me, can you tell me where I can find menswear? (Permisi, Dapatkah Anda memberitahu saya di mana saya dapat menemukan pakaian pria?)
Shop Assistant : Sure. Menswear is on the second floor. (Tentu,Pakaian pria adalah di lantai dua)
Customer : Oh, also, could you tell me where sheets are. (Oh, dan juga, bisa Anda memberitahu di mana yang satuan).
Shop Assistant: No problem, sheets are on the third floor at the back. ( Tidak masalah, yang satuan ada di lantai tiga di bagian belakang)
Customer : Thanks for your help. (Terimakasih atas bantuan anda)
Shop Assistant: My pleasure. (Ya tentu)

21. contoh percakapan asking information dan giving information untuk empat orang

Melani : Excuse me, may I take the seat near of you?
(Permisi, bolehkah saya duduk di dekat anda?)
Jehan : Of course, here you are.
(Tentu saja, ini.)
Melani : Hai, introduce my self, my name is Melani Nahampun.
(Hai, perkenalkan diri saya, nama saya Melani Nahampun.)
Jehan : Hai, I am Jehan. Mela,,,? Is that correct?
(Hai, saya Jehan. Mela,,,? Apakah itu benar?)
Melani : You may call me , Melan. Where will you go?
(Anda dapat memanggil saya, Melan. Kemana kamu akan pergi?)
Jehan : To the post office, and where will you go?
(Ke kantor pos, dan kemana kamu akan pergi?)
Melani : Supermarket .
Jehan : If you want to go the supermarket, you do not have to wait this bus, you have to wait over there. It is a wrong for you
(Jika kamu ingin pergi ke supermarket, kamu tidak perlu menunggu bus ini, kamu harus menunggu di sana. Ini salah untukmu)
Melani : Oh, are you sure? I am a new comer here. Thank for your information, Jehan
(Oh, apakah kamu yakin? aku pendatang baru di sini. Terima kasih untuk informasimu, Jehan)
Jehan : Be careful Melan. Nice to meet you
(Hati-hati Melan. Senang bertemu denganmu)
Melani : Nice to meet you too
(Senang bertemu mu juga)

22. contoh percakapan asking and giving attention

icha=sehun do you know ? i get a good mark just now!
sehun= wow that's great!!!

23. Contoh percakapan tentang asking for &giving something. Asking for &giving opinion. Asking for and giving information and affering something

A:heyy girl!
B:what's up?
A:why are you look like so bored and look mad
B:yess..I have just scolded by Headmaster,really??
A:because of what?
B:I was late
A:ohh....why did you late?Are you sleeping overnight?'s because there was no public transportation
A:ohh...and then?
B:so,there was no empty space for me to sit
A:ohh...I suggest you to set an alarm everymorning if it's will happen again?
A:I suggest you to go with your friend who ride motorcycle if there ia traffic jam?
A:Go fly!!

24. contoh kalimat asking and giving information

Asking for Information

-Excuse me, could you tell me how to get to the bus station?
-Can you show me on the map?
-Excuse me, do yo know where the police station is?
-How far is it to the beach form here?
-How are you today?

Giving Information

-It's this way
-On your right
-Turn left and it is beside post office
-Not so far, just 1 kilometer from here
-I'm fine

25. contoh dialog giving and asking information

Bella : How are you?
Ricky : I am fine, how about you?
Bella : Fine too thanks
Ricky : Hey, what do you think about my new bag?
Bella : Wow, I think it is a good bag with the newest style. Where did you buy it, Ricky?
Ricky : My auntie bought it for my birthday gift. What’s your opinion about the color?
Bella : Hmm in my opinion, it has a bad color
Ricky : Why? You know it's my auntie's choice
Bella : Because the color is glamour and look too over for boy like you, but I appreciate it
Ricky : Yeah. Thanks for your opinion, Bell

26. buatlah contoh percakapan asking for,giving and denying information....!


A : Excuse me, could you tell me where is the nearest bookstore?
B : Oh, sure, just go straight ahead, then turn to the left, you will find a big bookstore across the street.

A : Do you know that Justin Bieber's concert was canceled?
B : Oh, really? I don't know about that

A : Did you go out with Greg last night? He told me that you left your jacket on his car.
B : No, i didn't. I don't even know Greg.

27. contoh percakapan dengan menggunakan ASKING and GIVING FACT, ASKING and GIVING OPINION!

A : what is your opinion about our school??
B : in my opinion our school is clean and beautiful

28. contoh percakapan asking and giving information yang lengkap

Contoh Dialog 
Andi : Excuse me, could you tell me where the public library is, please ? Adib : The public library? Let me see. Oh yes, of course i know. It is in Rajawali Road. Andi : Is the near here? Adib : You just go along this street until you come to the first traffic light. Then turn left. Andi : Thank you

29. contoh dari asking and giving information


A: excuse me sir

B: yes, can i help you?

A: do you know where the biggest mall in the city is?

B: why yes. you can go to the downtown's park and from there you can see the mall.


Bagian A yang bercetak tebal adalah menanyakan informasi tentang lokasi mall terbesar di kota. Sedangkan yang B adalah memberikan informasi di mana letaknya.

30. membuat percakapan tentang asking and opinion,asking detail information,giving detail information,receptionis...percakapan 4 orang 8 kali berbicara..

asking opinion
A:what do you think my dress?
B:your dress is beautiful

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