Contoh Short Functional Text Warning

Contoh Short Functional Text Warning

contoh soal un tentang warning( short functional text ) serta jawabannya

Daftar Isi

1. contoh soal un tentang warning( short functional text ) serta jawabannya

Don't Give Feed To Animals!
Don't fighting In the School!

2. pengertian dari short functional dan beri 1 contoh short functional text!

terbagi jadi caution, greeting, short message, invitation, dll
intinya itu teks singkat yang berfungsi untuk menyampaikan informasi
contohnya ya :
1. Caution! Drive slow, children at play
2. Create your own software for free!

3. tolong berikan contoh yang bukan short functional text?

in and I can we will need anything is bank new Jersey sand beaches on my resume and so f in a he Anna's mom uuu usi

4. pertanyaan mengenai label (short functional text)

maksutnya itu gimana ? berikan contoh sedikit saja dn gampang

5. functional text tentang notice,caution,warning,short message,greeting card,invitation card,annountcement,advertisement,label besrta contoh ,dan contoh soal. ditolong donk besok kumpul nih poin gede

Notice :
Keep Clean at Classroom
( Harap kelas selalu bersih )

Caution :
Beware of wolf
( Awas ada serigala )

Warning :
Beware of hole in street
( Awas ada lubang di jalan )

Short massage :
Yesterday you cleaning at classroom ok?
( Besok kamu membersihkan kelas ok?)

Announcement ( Pengumuman ):
for student class 7
Recruitment OSIS at school will be Held on 7-October-2018
( Untuk murid kelas 7
Penerimaan OSIS di sekolah akan dilaksanakan pada 7-Oktober-2018 )

Greeting card : ( Kartu Ucapan )
Congratulation your grade 1 in School
( Selamat Rangking kelas 1 di Sekolah )

Advertisment : ( iklan )
Buy it my Comic book "Diary Smaker" in Book store "Jaya" and get discount
( Beli lah buku komik Diary Smaker di toko buku Jaya dan dapatkan diskon nya )

Sekian jawaban nya Semoga bermanfaat :-)

6. short functional text notice

Fungsi pendek teks pemberitahuan/fungsi notifikasi (pemberitahuan) secara singkat

7. Poster tentang short functional text Dalam bahasa inggris


Poster about short functional textpen


Poster tentang short functional text

artinya dalam bahasa Inggris

Poster about short functional textmaaf

maaf ya kalau salah ☺️

8. sebutkan short functional text

agar lebih mudah di baca

9. Tolong buatkan short functional text tentang corona​


coronavirus are virus that very danger and harm for we

10. contoh short functional announment


to all students of SMP 54, we inform that English club will be held:
on saturday, 21st of november, 2017. at 9 am.
the place will be at hall of SMP 54. please be on time.

thank you,

Mr. arief & team


11. apasih yg di maksud short functional text beserta gambarnya

short functional text itu seperti
announcement(pengumuman), notice(larangan), letters(surat), messages(pesan), weathers reports(laporan cuaca), invitation(undangan), dan masih banyak lagi

12. Buat 2 soal tentang tips (short functional text)!

bicara tentang short functional text berarti bicara tentang
announcement, etc

contoh soal
1. what is the purpose of narrative?
jawab: the purpose of narrative is to entertain the readers

2. mention the generic structure of procedure
jawab: aim/goal (purpose), ingredients/materials/tools and steps

13. short functional text advertisement

to promote the product or to inform people about the product, to notice display that used to persuade people to buy some products

14. bagaimna penjelasan dari Short Functional Text dan contoh nya apa saja

short functional text itu yang biasa digunakan di kehidupan sehari hari, isinya singkat tapi jelas.
contohnya poster, banner, pamphlet, dll

15. apakah pengertian dari short functional text ?

short functional text adalah teks fungsionalpendek
Short Functional text adalah sebuah teks pendek yang berfungsi untuk menyampaikan sebuah informasi tertentu yang berisi perintah ,pengarahan ,sesuatu yang harus dilakukan atau tidak boleh  yang dilakukan yang dapat larangan,undangan,kartu ucapan,pesan pendek,daftar belnja dan lain-lain 

16. Definisi dan Contoh short functional text schedule?

 contoh SFT : 

Attention please, there is a mathematics book was found in the park. there's no name on it. only initial "QR". if you're the owner, you can go to information room to claim it. thank you~

definisi : teks pendek yang fungsinya menyampaikan informasi tertentu.

#itusetauku .___.

17. sebutkan contoh short functional text (notice) tentang sekolah!

stop bullying save school zone
no cell phone in classroom
notice keep the door closed
notice not noise in classroom or library

18. Notice: adalah salah satu jenis short functional text yang berisi sebuah …​


Perhatian, Detail Dalam

19. Contoh short functional text + penjelasan seperti apa isinya, di mana kita dapat menemukannya, dll

Short functional text is a text that has social function to inform something. It's called short functional text because the text is short and has a specific information.
Notice is a sign or printed statement that gives information or a warning to people.
A caution is a warning or piece of advice telling you to be careful.
Greeting card is a card, with a picture in front and a message inside, that you send to someone on their birthday or on a special occasion.
Personal letter is a letter that is used for personal gain. The latter relates to personal affairs. For example the letter of a child to his parents or a letter for a friend.
The characteristics: Not using letterhead and The use of language freely, in accordance with the wishes of the writter of the letter.
An official letter that is used for official purposes, either written from individuals, agencies, institutions and organizations. Example: job application letter.
The characteristics: Using the letterhead, Using the number of letter, Using the opening greeting & closing, Using formal language.
Label can be found on the back of most food products. This label gives information about the products, and can be useful if one is trying to eat healthy or one needs to avoid anything one is allergic to.
Short message is a written piece of information that you send to another person.
Advertisement is a public announcement in a newspaper or on the radio, television, or Internet advertising something such as product for sale. It is a notice or display that is used to persuade people to buy some products.
Language of advertisement: Using the correct or suitable words, Using the interesting & suggestive expression, Text of advertisement should be directed to the goals.
Content of advertisement: Objective & honest, Brief & clear, Attractive attention.
Announcement is something said, written, or printed to make known what was happened or (more often) what will happen. Announcement is used to give information about something in a public place.
The characteristics: The title or type of event, Date & time, Place, Contact person.

Invitation is a spoken or written request for someone's presence or participation.
Manual is a communication document technique which has a purpose of helping people to use certain system.

20. the purpose of short functional text

to inform
to announcement
to tell
to advertisementklo advertisement ~ to advertise / to promote
klo anoucement ~ to anounce
klo message~ to tell / to inform
klo invitation~ to invite

21. Notice is ....10 poinA short functional text which informs about recipeA short functional text which informs people to do / not to do somethingA short functional text which informs experienceA short functional text which informs message​


a short functional text which informs people to do/not to do something

22. Tolong sebutkan 30 macam short functional text !

recount text, procedure text, narrative text, descriptive text, report, advertisement, letter, email, announcement, invitation, caution, warning, notice,

23. Jenis jenis. Short functional text besrta conrohnya

1. Notice/caution/warning : Umum, tidak selalu  berbentuk warning 
contoh : - sorrry, we are moving to the second floor
- No Littering (tdk membuang sampah disini)

2. Greeting card 
Ungkapan umum yang digunakan : Congratulation on ....
- we congratulate you on...

3. Invitation Card (Kartu Undangan)
contoh : a birthday party, a farewell party, a wedding anniversary
- you are invited to .....

4. announcement : pengumuman 
contoh : announcement about the cancellation of a flight
- announcement about the delay of a flight.

5. Advirtisement : iklan
contoh : To promote ....
- to announce ....

24. perbedaan report text dan short functional text apa?

Report text adalah penjelasan tentang sesuatu secara umum. sedangkan short functional text adalah tulisan yang dimasukkan untuk pembaca menyelesaikan tugas sehari-hari. contoh short functional text : Announcement, advertisements, greeting card, dll.

25. apa saja short functional text itu?

Greeting cards
Short messages
Invitation cards
Shopping lists
Food labels

A.    Announcements
B.     Advertisements
C.     Greeting cards
D.    Short messages
E.     Notices
F.      Cautions
G.    Invitation cards
H.    PostcardsI.       Shopping lists
J.       Food labels

26. Carilah macam-macam short functional text message!

-Shoping list
-Greeting card
-Short Message
Sekian yg aku tau...

27. contoh-contoh short functional text dan tulislah tujuannya (the purpose is)dari masing-masing contoh

- Memo

Purpose of memo : To deliver information from the main power staff of a company or formal institution to their employee.

- Short Message Service

To inform someone about important information to do as quickly as possible.

- Announcement

Purpose of announcement is to deliver about important news or information to do for the members of the institution.

- Notice

Purpose of notice : To warn people to do or not to do.

28. bantu buat tugas sekolah di suruh buat short functional text di gambar

1.) Hati-hati listrik bertegangan tinggi ( becarefull high voltage )
2.) Hati-hati lantai basah ( caution wet floor )
3.) Peringatan, jangan masuk ( caution do not enter )
4.) Peringatan, permukaan panas jangan di sentuh ( caution, hot surface do not touch )
5.) Jangan merokok ( no smoking )
6.) Bahaya, kaos tangan dan masker harus digunakan pada saat bekerja di area ini ( warning, gloves and masks should be worn when working in this area )
7.) Jangan buang sampah sembarangan, bantu menjaga masyarakat tetap bersih ( please don't litter help keep your community clean )
8.) Matikan handphone ( turn off mobile phone )
Selesai, sebenarnya kurang jelas mau diapain jd, diartikan aj ya :)

29. Generic structure of short functional text...

struktur generik teks fungsional singkat

MAAF KALO SALAH............!!!!!!!!!!

30. apa pengertian dari schedule dan tujuannya dalam short functional text

roster semoga terbantuschedule itu jadwal, fungsinya yah kaya untuk mengetahui susunan kegiatan gitu

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