Contoh Soal Adjective Clause Beserta Jawabannya

Contoh Soal Adjective Clause Beserta Jawabannya

contoh soal adjective clause beserta jawabannya

Daftar Isi

1. contoh soal adjective clause beserta jawabannya

1. This is the city. I was born here.
2. You put the books somewhere. Show me the place you put it.
3. Regina is a beautiful young lady. She is my best friend.
4. Toci once met my girlfriend. Toci had never seen my girlfriend before.
5. Mr. Jono is our teacher. We like him very much.
6. Bandung is a town. I studied there in 2014.

Answer :

1. This is the city where I was born.
2. Show me the place where you put the books.
3. Regina who is a beautiful young lady is my best friend.
4. Toci once met my girlfriend whom he had never seen before.
5. Mr. Jono whom we like very much is our teacher.
6. Bandung is a town where I studied there in 2014.

jika puas jadikan jawaban yang terbaik yaa :) makasih

2. contoh soal essay adjective clause beserta jawabannya

i would have bought many cars if i had much money. that means......
i didn't have much money so i wouldn't buy many cars

3. contoh soal adjective clause beserta pembahasannya

quetion :The man is happy, he won the lottery
answer: The man who won the lottery is happy
Menggunakan who karena menggunakan subyek seseorang

4. soal-soal adjective clause dan jawabannya

Gabungkanlah 2 kalimat dibawah ini dengan menggunakan adjective clause
Dani is going to school. his mom is washing the dishes.
Dani is going to school while his mom is washing the dishes

5. 4 contoh adjective clause

1. the girl who see me is Yuke
2. the boy whom you help last week was bill
3. the ring that you are wearing is lovely
4. I want to buy dictionary which you showed to me last week

6. jelaskan perbedaan noun clause dan adjective clause, beserta contohnya, yang detail ya penjelasannya. #mqkasih

Baik noun clause maupun adjective clause dua-duanya memiliki pola yang sama:

relative pronoun + subject + verb + …

Relative pronoun yang digunakan dalam noun clause antara lain:
kata tanya (mis: which , who, whom, where, when, what, when, why, what, how)
kata tanya + adjective/noun/determiner (i.e. how old, what kind, how many, whose + noun, dst).
conjunctions (mis: whether, if, dst)
Relative pronoun yang digunakan dalam adjective clause (atau relative clause) jumlahnya lebih sedikit, antara lain:
that, which, who, whom, where, when, whose + noun.
what she is reading
that she is reading
what you did last summer
that you did last summer

7. soal penggunaan preposition dengan adjective clause

Soal Adjective Clause

1. The lady ….. lives across the street is my aunt.
a. Whom
b. Who
c. Whose

2. The boy ….. shoes are on the floor is my little brother.
a. Whom
b. Who
c. Whose

3. The moment ….. the clown burst in to surprise the teacher was great!
a. That
b. Where
c. When

4. The student ….. I teach is Budi.
a. Whom
b. Who
c. Whose

5. Do you bring the book ….. I gave it to you yesterday?
a. When
b. That
c. Which

8. contoh relative adjective clause

1. Mr. Andreas Noel, who is the proffesor in this college, will be absent this week because of illness. 2. The teacher who always gives us motivation is going to American today1.the teacher who always gives us motivation is going to surabaya today

9. contoh soal adjective clause dan pembahasannya

1. The lady ….. lives across the street is my aunt.

a. Whom
b. Who
c. Whose

2. Do you bring the book ….. I gave it to you yesterday?

a. When
b. That
c. Which

3. I still remember the place ….. I put my mobile phone last night.

a. Where
b. When
c. Which

Jawaban dan Pembahasan :

1. B.
Pembahasan : Subjek dari clause diatas adalah menggunakan who karena menggantikan sebuah subyek orang (I, you, we, they, she, he, Budi (nama orang). Setelah kata who, selalu diikuti oleh verb (kata kerja), dan clause diatas memberikan kita informasi yang lebih tentang “the lady”.

2. C.
Pembahasan : Pada dasarnya penggunaan which sama seperti who dan whom, hanya saja which digunakan untuk benda dan atau binatang.

3. A.
Pembahasan : Ini menjelaskan tempat, dan tentu saja menggunakan where karena menerangkan tempat.

Semoga membantu :)

10. contoh soal dan jawaban adjective clause

Contoh soal adjective clause :
- Gabungkanlah kalimat sederhana berikut ini menjadi kalimat kompleks yg mengandung adjective clause
=> Bandung is a town. I studied there in 2014.
Answer => Bandung is a town where I studied there in 2014.
Smoga membantu^^I studied in Bandung when it was 2014

11. pengertian dari Adjective Clause dan berilah contohnya??

Adjective clause atau relative clause adalah dependent clause yang berfungsi sebagai adjective dan menjelaskan tentang noun atau pronoun pada main clause dari suatu complex sentence (kalimat yang terdiri dari independent clause dan satu atau lebih dependent clause).Posisi adjective clause selalu mengikuti noun atau pronoun yang diterangkannya. Di dalam kalimat, noun atau pronoun itu berfungsi sebagai subject atau object. Adjective clause dimulai dengan suatu kata yang disebut relative pronoun (who, whom, that, which, whose, etc) yang berfungsi menjembatani hubungan dengan noun atau pronoun yang diterangkannya.

adjective clause (relative clause) adalah sebuah clause atau anak kalimat yang digunakan sebagai adjective  untuk menerangkan keadaan NOUN/PRONOUN.
example :  pizza , which most people love, is not very healthy

12. contoh adjective clause dalam bentuk paragraf

Fried chicken, which most people love, is very unhealthy. However, KFC, the most famous fried chicken franchise, is everywhere! This chicken phenomenon proves that people don't care so much about healthy eating lifestyle.

13. 100 contoh adjective clause bererta jawaban

saya ingin soal beserta jawaban adjective clause

14. contoh soal relative clause beserta jawabannya

1. I met a woman … is angry to everybody.
2. The girl … I asked gave me some cake.
3. I know the boy … toy is pricey.
4. I’ll show you the book … she gave to me.
5. The old man with … you came to the school is my uncle.

Answer :
1. Who
2. Whom
3. Whose
4. Witch
5. Whom

semoga membantu :)

15. 10 contoh kalimat adjective clause

1.the man who works at that company is my father
2. i know that girl who is reading in the library
3. the teacher whom you met at siantar plaza didn't come yesterday
4.He is the man who works hard to support their daily needs.
5.The woman whom you saw last night is my sister.
The man, whose car is antique, works as a lecturer.
6.Mueeza, which is very faithful, is my cat.
7.Bandar Lampung is a city where I was born.
cmn sgnii yg sya tau..

16. berikan beberapa contoh kalimat adjective clause!

Pizza, which most people love, is not very healthy. The people whose names are on the list will go to camp. Grandpa remembers the old days when there was no television.  Fruit that is grown organically is expensive. Students who are intelligent get good grades. Eco-friendly cars that run on electricity save gas. I know someone whose father served in World War I.

17. Contoh cerita yang mengandung adjective clause, minimal ada 10 kaliamat yang merupakan adjective clause tapi dalam bentuk cerita


A little duckling was terribly unhappy because he thought he was the ugliest amongst all his brothers and sisters. They’d not play with him and titillated the poor ugly duckling. One day, he saw his reflection within the water and cried, “Nobody likes me. I’m so ugly.” He decided to go away from home and went far-off into the woods.

Deep within the forest, he saw a cottage in which there lived an old lady, her hen, and her cat. The duckling stayed with them for a few times however he was sad there and shortly left. Once the winter set in, the poor duckling nearly froze to death. A peasant took him home to his woman and kids. The poor duckling was afraid of the kids and escaped. The ugly duckling spent the winter in a very marshy lake.

Finally, spring arrived. One day, the duckling saw a gorgeous swan swimming within the lake and fell in love with her. Then again he remembered how everybody made fun of him and he bent his head down in shame. Once he saw his own reflection in the water he was astonished. He wasn’t an unsightly duckling any longer, but a handsome young swan! Now, he knew why he had looked so completely different from his brothers and sisters. “They were ducklings but I used to be a baby swan!” he said to himself. He married the gorgeous swan and lived happily ever once.




18. buatkan contoh kalimat adjective clause.

Adjective Clause dinamakan juga RELATIVE CLAUSE yaitu Clause (anak kalimat) yang digunakan/berfungsi sebagai adjective yang menerangkan keadaan noun atau pronoun.
Contoh: WHO: He is the man who works hard to support their daily needs.
(Dia pria yang bekerja keras untuk menanggung kebutuhan sehari-hari mereka.)
WHOM: The woman, whom you saw last night, is my sister.
(Wanita yang kamu lihat tadi malam adalah saudara saya)
WHOSE: The man, whose car is antique, works as a lecturer.
(The man yang punya mobil antik itu bekerja sebagai dosen.)
WHICH: Mueeza is a cat which is very faithful.
(Mueeza adalah seekor kucing yang sangat setia.)
WHEN: He rang the bell when I was taking a bath.
(Dia membunyikan bel ketika saya sedang mandi.)
WHERE: Bandar Lampung is a city where I was born.
(Bandar Lampung adalah kota dimana saya dilahirkan.)
THAT: It is the car that I has dreamed for many years ago.
(Ini mobil yang telah saya impikan sejak beberapa tahun yang lalu.)

Maaf Kepanjangan :D

19. soal toefl materi adjective clause​


1. C 2. A 3. A 4. C 5. A 6.


Kak, tolong jadiin aku tercedas ya...

Jangan lupa untuk undang NJOSyafanee... menjadi teman!

Kak, maaf ya kalo ada yang salah...

20. contoh soal adjective clause menggunakan of which

i wearthat black hat which my aut gave me on my birtday party

21. contoh relative clause dan adjective clause

relative clause (adjective clause):
1. the man whom you saw yesterday is my father
2. the boy who wears the black jacket is my new classmate
3. this is the book which I always read

22. contoh kalimat adjective clause dan relative clause ??

adjective clause : that is the car which has 2 doors is mine

23. Contoh 10 soal ADJECTIVE CLAUSE ?dan jawabannya

1,a doctor is a person WHO examines and cures sick people
2,an orange is a fruit WHICH contains lots of vitamin C
3,a hospital is a place WHERE people go when they are sick
4,here is the book WHICH you want
5, the boy WHO sits next to satya is dewi's cousin
6,the author WHO wrote this book is a very brilliant man
7,my father gave me some money WHICH i really need for buying books
8,the art gallery WHERE many famous paintings is kept has been robbed last night
9,could  you show me the road WHERE leads to the train station?
10,a nurse is a person WHO  helps doctors doing their job

24. contoh kalimat noun clause adverbial clause adjective clause

Noun clause 
Example :
1.    I like what she is reading.
2.    She doesn’t know whom she loves more.
3.    I still remember what you did last summer.

Jenis-jenis Adverbial clause antara lain:
1. Clause of Time
- Shut the door before you go out
.- You may begin when(ever) you are ready.
- While he was walking home, he saw an accident.
- By the time I arrive, Alex will have left.

Adjective Clause

1.    I like the book that she is reading.
2.    She doesn’t know the one whom she loves more.
3.    I still remember the killing that you did last summer.
4.    The one whom she loves more will be happy.
5.    The killing that you did last summer will never be forgotten.

25. membuat soal adjective clause

Do you know who is Mr. Jackson?

Mr. Jackson is the teacher who helped me with my math problems.

26. 10 contoh kalimat adjective clause

1.the man who works at that company is my father
2. i know that girl who is reading in the library
3. the teacher whom you met at siantar plaza didn't come yesterday

27. contoh complex sentence adjective clause

I will marry you if you are handsome,Contoh kalimat future possible condition.

maaf kalau salah

28. Buatlah 10 soal Prepositional Phrases & Adjective Clause pilihan Ganda, beserta jawabannya​


Soal Adjective Clause

1. The lady ….. lives across the street is my aunt.

a. Whom

b. Who

c. Whose

2. The boy ….. shoes are on the floor is my little brother.

a. Whom

b. Who

c. Whose

3. The moment ….. the clown burst in to surprise the teacher was great!

a. That

b. Where

c. When

4. The student ….. I teach is Budi.

a. Whom

b. Who

c. Whose



5. Do you bring the book ….. I gave it to you yesterday?

a. When

b. That

c. Which

6. Can you see the bird ….. is on the fence?

a. When

b. That

c. Which

7. I still remember the place ….. I put my mobile phone last night.

a. Where

b. When

c. Which

8. Give me the reason ….. you study in EngllishOnline.

a. Why

b. When

c. Where

9. Tokyo, ….. is located in japan, was my favorite city to visit.

a. Which

b. That

c. Where

10. Fruit ….. is grown organically is expensive.

a. Which

b. That

c. Whom


no 1 : B                

no 2 : C

no 3 : C

no 4 :A

no 5 :C

no 6 : B

no 7 :A

no 8 : A

no 9 : A

no 10 : B

Maaf kalau salah !!

semangt mngrjakan tugas" nya y !!

29. Apa yang dimaksud dengan adjective clause dan contohnya

Adjective clause (atau relative clause) adalah salah satu bagian paling penting dalam tata bahasa bahasa Inggris karena sering digunakan dan berperan dalam memberikan informasi lebih rinci dalam suatu kalimat. ... Terdapat tiga karakteristik penting dariadjective clause, yaitu: Harus memiliki subjek dan kata kerja.suatu klausa yang tidak dapat berdiri sendiri (dependent clause) yang berfungsi untuk memodifikasi noun atau pronoun pada kalimat kompleks.
contoh: i lost the book whom I borrowed from her.

30. contoh soal pilihan ganda adjective /relative clause​

Contoh soal pilihan ganda adjective/relative clause​:

1. Is she the girl ... you met at the party?

a. when

b. who

c. whom

d. which

e. where

2. Williamsburg, Virginia, is a place ... I'd like to visit.

a. that

b. is

c. are

d. which

e. where

3. The woman ... lives next door is a registered nurse.

a. which

b. whom

c. that

d. where

e. who

4. Math, ... is Dave's favorite subject, has always been easy for him.

a. when

b. what

c. that

d. which

e. where

5. Mike, ... ancestors came from Ireland, marched in the St. Patrick's Day parade.

a. which

b. whose

c. who

d. where

e. whom


Adjective clause merupakan serangkaian kata atau clause yang memiliki peran seperti adjective atau kata sifat. Adjective clause lebih umum dikenal sebagai relative clause karena adjective clause berperan untuk memberikan informasi baru yang berkaitan dengan subjek yang ada pada kalimat. Adjective clause digunakan untuk menerangkan noun (kata benda) dan pronoun (kata pengganti) dalam sebuah kalimat.

Dalam penulisan adjective clause pada umumnya menggunakan relative pronoun. Relative pronoun merupakan kata ganti yang berfungsi untuk menghubungkan kalimat yang menerangkan noun (kata benda), seperti:

That, digunakan sebagai kata ganti untuk menunjukkan subject atau object berupa manusia, hewan dan benda mati.Which, digunakan untuk menggantikan subject dan object berupa barang, peristiwa maupun hewan.Who, berfungsi sebagai relative pronoun untuk menggantikan subject berupa manusia.Whom, digunakan untuk menggantikan object manusia.Whose, berfungsi untuk mengganti possessive pronoun atau kata ganti kepunyaan.

Pelajari lebih lanjutMateri tentang passive voice: tentang subject: tentang grammar:


Detail jawaban  

Kelas: 12

Mapel: B.Inggris

Bab: Bab 8 - Adjective Clause

Kode: 12.5.8


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