Contoh Teks Explanation Dan Terjemahannya

Contoh Teks Explanation Dan Terjemahannya

Contoh explanation teks tentang rokok beserta terjemahannya

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1. Contoh explanation teks tentang rokok beserta terjemahannya


Health research data base shows that in 2010 the number of cigarettes connoisseurs increase annually on tobacco products including the number of children smokers. The dangers of smoking on the body health have been researched and proved by many people. The effects which appear are very harmful.

The impacts of smoking are already clearly known. Many researchers prove that habit of smoking increases the risk of the various diseases, such as heart disease, lung cancer, breast cancer, cervical cancer, throat cancer, cancer of the oesophagus, mouth cancer, kidney cancer, gastrointestinal cancer, impotence, coronary heart disease, and other medical disorder.

It is known that 90% of lung cancer caused by cigarette because the smoke inhalation entirely goes into the lungs. A cloud of cigarette will stimulate cell growing abnormally into the lungs. It is estimated that one of ten moderate smokers and one of five heavy smokers will die because of lung cancer.

Baca juga:  Contoh Cerita Liburan Tahun Baru dalam Bahasa Inggris dan Artinya

A woman who smokes has more risk of developing breast cancer. The study shows women who start smoking at the age of 20 years and five years before she is pregnant for the first time has a greater risk to breast cancer. About 30 % of death of people who suffer cervical cancer are caused by smoking because the women who start smoking are more vulnerable to the sexually transmitted infection by a virus.

The study found that cigarette smoke damages DNA from cells of the oesophagus so that it causes cancer of the oesophagus. About 80 % cases of oesophagus cancer have been associated with smoking. Although cigarette smoke enters into the lungs, but there is some smoke ingested so it increase the risk of gastrointestinal cancer.

When someone smokes, the smoke that contains nicotine and tobacco will enter into the body. Nicotine along with other dangerous chemicals such as tar and carbon monoxide cause changes in heartbeat, breathing circulation, and blood pressure. Carcinogens that screens out of the body through the kidneys also change a DNA cell and damage kidney cells. This change affects kidney function and triggers cancer.

Baca juga:  Contoh Artikel dalam Bahasa Inggris Tentang Sistem Pencernaan Manusia

Smoking is the main cause of mouth cancer. Smokers are known that they have six times greater possibility to experience mouth cancer compared to those who do not smoke, and people who smoke with smokeless tobacco are at risk of 50 times greater. The inhaled smoke of a cigarette before entering into the lungs will pass through the throat so this will relate to cigarette cancer.

Nicotine in cigarette smoke causes the heart works faster and increases blood pressure, while carbon monoxide takes oxygen in the blood more that makes the heart pump more blood. If the heart works too hard and high blood pressure, thus it can cause a heart attack. Most of coronary heart diseases are caused by cigarettes and will deteriorate if they have other diseases as diabetes mellitus.

Baca juga:  Cerita Pengalaman Lucu dalam Bahasa Inggris dan Artinya

For men at age of 30s and 40s years, smoking can increase the risk of erectile dysfunction about 50 percent because smoking can damage blood vessels, nicotine narrows the arteries so it reduces the flow of blood and blood pressure to the penis. If a person already suffers impotence, then it can be an early warning that cigarettes are destructive for other regions of the body.

Some medical interference can also be caused by cigarettes such as high blood pressure (hypertension), a disorder of fertility, aggravate asthma and inflammation of an airway, runs the risk of higher experienced macular degeneration (loss of sight gradually), a cataract, become more frequent sick, rise stain on the teeth and the gums, develop thrush in the intestines.

From the arguments above, it is obvious that various diseases can appear because of smoking. The compounds of cigarette are not good for our body. There may be many other harms of smoking. Smoking is harmful for our health

2. Tolong berikan contoh explanation text tentang earthquake dengan terjemahannya...

Gempa bumi adalah getaran atau goncangan yang terjadi pada permukaan bumi akibat dari pelepasan energi dari dalam secara tiba-tiba dan menciptakan gelombang seismik. Kata gempa bumi juga digunakan untuk menunjukkan daerah asal terjadinya kejadian gempa bumi tersebut.Bencana alam gempa bumi terjadi secara tiba-tiba, berbeda dengan bencana alam lainnya, seperti banjir misalnya, ada hujan deras dulu baru bisa banjir. Indonesia sering dilanda gempa, diantaranya disebabkan karena indonesia banyak gunung berapi. Ada beberapa macam gempa bumi diantaranya yaitu gempa tektonisme, vulkanisme, seisme, vulkanik, dan runtuhan atau longsoran. Tektonisme adalah peristiwa pergeseran dan perubahan kerak bumi dalam skala besar, pada umumnya meliputi patahan, lipatan dan tektonik lempeng. Vulkanisme adalah peristiwa alam akibat adanya aktivitas magma. Gempa seisme merupakan getaran keras dan terjadi secara tiba-tiba. Gempa ini merupakan peristiwa alam yang sangat menghancurkan. Gempa Runtuhan adalah gempa yang terjadi karena tanah atau batuan tidak mampu menekan beban di atasnya. Gempa bumi yang terjadi di daerah ciaruten bisa disebut gempa seisme atau bisa juga gempa runtuhan karena gempa tersebut terjadi secara tiba – tiba dan menyebabkan runtuhnya jembatan

Bumi kita walaupun padat, selalu bergerak, dan gempa bumi terjadi apabila tekanan yang terjadi karena pergerakan itu sudah terlalu besar untuk dapat ditahan. Gempa bumi biasanya terjadi di perbatasan lempengan - lempengan tersebut. Gempa bumi yang paling besar biasanya terjadi di perbatasan lempengan kompresional dan translasional. Gempa bumi fokus dalam kemungkinan besar terjadi karena materi lapisan litosfer yang terjepit kedalam mengalami transisi fase pada kedalaman lebih dari 600 km. Beberapa gempa bumi lain juga dapat terjadi karena pergerakan magma di dalam gunung berapi. Gempa bumi seperti itu dapat menjadi gejala akan terjadinya letusan gunung berapi. Sebagian lagi juga dapat terjadi karena injeksi atau akstraksi cairan dari/ke dalam bumi. Gempa juga dapat terjadi dari peledakan bahan peledak yang disebabkan oleh manusia itu sendiri, gempa bumi yang disebabkan oleh manusia seperti ini dinamakan juga seismisitas terinduksi.

Gelombang pada gempa bumi menyebabkan lapisan tanah bergerak, menggoyangkan bangunan gedung dan menyebabkan kontruksi bangunan menjadi tidak kokoh atau kerangka bangunan menjadi lemah, bahkan sebagian atau keseluruhan bangunan menjadi runtuh. Gempa bumi juga bisa menyebabkan air dalam sebuah waduk atau danau mengalir ke berbagai arah atau tumpah kembali dan keluar. Air yanga mengalir dalam jumlah besar tersebut akan memenuhi sungai-sungai dibawahnya akibat rusaknya danau atau jebolnya waduk akibat gempa sehingga dapat mengakibatkan banjir. Gempa bumi juga dapat mengakibatkan tanah longsor karena dapat menggoyangkan tanah – tanah yang tidak kuat. Selain itu gempa bumi juga dapat mengakibatkan tsunami. Gelombang tsunami disebabkan oleh adanya gempa bumi tektonik yang dahsyat di dasar laut atau hiposentrumnya dibawah dasar laut. Gempa tersebut terjadi karena adanya gesekan lempeng litosfer. Jika gempa bumi dalam skala besar atau disebut gempa tektonisme dapat menghilangkan nyawa manusia.

Gempa bumi tidak bisa dicegah karena gempa bumi disebabkan oleh alam yang datang secara tiba – tiba, jadi untuk menghadapi terjadinya gempa bumi harus membangun konstruksi tahan getaran/gempa khususnya di daerah rawan gempa, memperkuat bangunan dengan mengikuti standar kualitas bangunan.Bisa juga dengan membangunan fasilitas umum dengan standar kualitas yang tinggi atau memperkuat bangunan-bangunan vital yang telah ada agar tidak mudah runtuh jika terjadi Gempa Bumi. Jika terjadi gempa bumi dan posisi sedang dalam ruangan segeralah keluar jika sudah merasa goncangan atau gempa bumi agar tidak terkena runtuhan bangunan jika bangunan itu runtuh. Jika posisi sedang di luar ruangan carilah tempat yang terbuka jauh dari sesuatu yang besar yang mungkin runtuh seperti bangunan, pohon, tiang listrik, dan lain – lain. Jika sedang mengendarai kendaraan dan terjadi gempa bumi segeralah berhenti tetapi jangan berhenti dekat sesuatu yang mungkin akan runtuh terutama jangan berhenti di jembatan karena kemungkinan besar jembatan bisa runtuh maka berhentilah ditempat yang terbuka dan keluar dari kendaraan tersebut dan lari ke tempat terbuka. Jika sedang berada di pantai dan merasakan goncangan atau gempa bumi itu adalah tanda – tanda terjadinya tsunami maka segeralah pergi ke tempat dataran tinggi untuk menghindari tsunami.

3. tolong buatkan teks explanation singkat beserta terjemahan dan strukturnya. jangan yang ada di internet ya

Pernyataan Umum (Pembuka) Pelangi merupakan suatu busur spektrum besar yang terjadi karena pembiasan cahaya matahari oleh butir-butir air. Pelangi juga dianggap sebagai gejala optik dan meteorologi berupa cahaya beraneka warna saling sejajar yang tampak di langit atau medium lainnya. Pelangi tampak sebagai busur cahaya dengan ujungnya mengarah pada horizon pada suatu saat hujan ringan. Pelangi juga dapat dilihat di sekitar air terjun yang jelas.
2. Deretan Penjelas (Isi)
Pelangi dan efek cahaya lain di langit di sebabkan oleh cahaya yang membias dan menyimpang menjauhi partikel. Saat matahari terbenam, langit menjadi merah karena karena sinar matahari lewat melalui atmosfer yang jauh lebih tebal daripada ketika matahari berada tinggi di langit pada siang hari. Pelangi tidak akan tampak pada malam hari atau ketika cuaca mendung. Hal itu terjadi karena pelangi merupakan hasil dari pembiasan cahaya. Pada mulanya cahaya matahari melewati sebuah tetes hujan, kemudian di belokkan atau dibiaskan menuju tengah tetes hujan sehingga memisahkan cahaya putih menjadi warna spektrum.
3. Penutup (Interpretasi)
Pelangi hanya dapat di lihat saat hujan bersamaan dengan matahari bersinar tapi dari sisi yang berlawanan dengan si pengamat. Posisi si pengamat harus berada di antara matahari dan terkesan air dengan matahari di belakang orang tersebut. Matahari, mata si pengamat dan pusat busur pelangi harus berada dalam satu garis lurus. Cahaya dengan panjang gelombang terpendek seperti ungu, terdapat di bagian kurva dan yang memiliki panjang gelombang terpanjang seperti merah terdapat pada bagian luar

General (Opener)

    Spectrum of the rainbow is an arc that took place because of the refraction of sunlight by drops of water. Rainbow is also regarded as an optical and meteorological phenomenon in the form of a multicolored light parallel to each other in the sky or other medium. Rainbow appears as an arc of light at the end leads to the horizon at a time of light rain. Rainbow can also be seen around the waterfall clear.

2. Rows Modifier (Content)

    Rainbow and the effects of light in the sky caused by light refracted and distorted away from the particles. At sunset, the sky turned red because of the sunlight passing through the atmosphere is much thicker than when the sun is high in the sky at noon. Rainbow will not be visible at night or when the weather is overcast. It happened because the rainbow is the result of the refraction of light. At first light of the sun passing through a drop of rain, then steered or refracted toward the middle of the rain drops that separates white light into the colors of the spectrum.

3. Cover (Interpretation)

    Rainbow can be seen only when it rains coincide with the sun shining but from the opposite side to the viewer. The position of the observer must be between the sun and the water was impressed with the sun behind the person. The sun, the eye of the observer and the center of the arc of the rainbow should be in a straight line. Light with the shortest wavelength such as purple, located on the curve and which have the longest wavelengths like red are on the outside

4. explanation text tsunami dan terjemahannya

Tsunami is a natural disaster caused by the increasing waves of the sea to land with a high swiftness as the consequence of the quake which is centred under the ocean. The quake can be caused by land erosion, sifted plate, an erupted volcano as well as a meteoroid that falls in the ocean. Tsunami usually happens if the size of the earthquake exceed until 7 on the Richter scale. This tsunami is quite dangerous, mainly for those who live around the beach. With great force, it will sweep out whatever around it. From all causes of tsunami, earthquake is the major cause.

An earthquake on the bottom of sea gives rise to an affliction of the sea water that caused by the change of the profile of the ocean floor that generally occurs because of a tectonics earthquake and perpendicular (vertical) ground motion with the surface of the sea water or earth surface. If the movements of the ground are horizontal on the surface of the sea, there will not happen tsunami.

Even though the movement of the ground is horizontal, but the energy of the earthquake is big, and it can cause the collapse of cliffs/hill on the sea automatically in which the movement is perpendicular to the surface of the sea. Although there is no earthquake that hits the land directly which results vertical movement, the condition of a cliff and hill in the sea has been unstable and because of the force of gravity and ocean currents that led to landslides, it causes tsunami.

Earthquake causes perpendicular layers motion of earth. As a result, the sea bottom is suddenly up and down, so that the balance of sea water was disturbed on it, similarly with cosmic objects or meteors that fall from above. If the size of a meteor or landslide is quite big, megatsunami can happen with hundreds of meters high.

Vertical movement of the earth crust because of a volcanic eruption, an earthquake, the avalanche or a meteor falling to earth can cause the sea floor becomes up or down suddenly therefore it disturbs the balance of water on it. This makes the occurrence of energy flow of sea water on the beach become large waves so that tsunami happens. Billows can spread to all directions. Energy which conceives in the wave of the tsunami is fixed on the function of the altitude. The height of waves in the sea is only about 1 meter. Thus, the rate of a wave cannot be felt by a ship that was in the middle of the sea. When it approaches the coast, the speed of the tsunami of decline until about 30 miles per hour, but its height has increased to reach tens of meters. When it reaches the coast, tsunami enters the land until hundreds of meters, even kilometres.

The victim of tsunami is not a little. The casualties are hit by sluggish water flow and material that carried away by the tsunami. Besides the victim, tsunami also has a negative impact on the building, herbs, and pollution to agricultural land, and water.

5. pengertian general statement,explanation,closing(dalam bahasa inggris dan terjemahannya)

General statement

Woodchipping is a process used to obtain pulp and paper products from forest trees. The woodchipping process begins when the trees are cut down in a selected area of the forest called a coupe.

(Woodchipping adalah proses yang digunakan untuk memperoleh produk bubur kertas dan kertas dari pohon-pohon hutan. Proses woodchipping dimulai ketika pohon ditebang di area yang dipilih dari hutan yang disebut coupe.)

maaf klo salahhh

6. contoh teks explanation?

Explanation adalah menerangkan atau menjelaskan, contoh nya adalah explanation about the meaning of evolution
Evolution is subject in Biology lesson. The topic explains about the metamorphosis of creature from the past into the recent forms.  

7. Buatkan contoh teks explanation Meteor

Meteor is a meteoroid that burns up as it enters the Earth's atmosphere, creating the effect of a "shooting star". Meteoroids that reach the Earth's surface without disintegrating are called meteorites.

Meteors are mostly pieces of comet dust no larger than a grain of rice. Meteorites are principally rocks broken off asteroids in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter and can weigh as much as 60 tonnes.

When Meteors enter the Earth's atmosphere from outer space, the friction caused by air particles heats them so that they glow, leaving behind them a trail of gas and melted particles. Most glow for about a second, but others leave a trail that lasts for several minutes.

Meteors are no more than dust and ice from the trail of comets. Meteorites can be "stony", made up of minerals rich in silicon and oxygen, "iron", consisting mainly of iron and nickel, or "stony-iron", a combination of the two.

Saya artikan:

Meteor adalah meteoroit yang terbakar masuk ke dalam atmosfer bumi. Membuat efek bintang jatuh. Meteoroit yang menyentuh permukaan bumi tanpa disintegrasi disebut meteoroit.

Meteor kebanyakan dari bagian dari debu komet dan tidak lebih besar dari biji gandum. Meteor secara besar ialah batu yang terpisah dari sabuk asteroid diantara Mars dan Jupiter dan berat paling banyak 60 ton.

Ketika meteor masuk ke peemukaan bumi dari angkasa luar. Gesekannya disebabkan oleh partikel-partikel udara yang memanaskan mereka sehingga mereka menimbulkan ekor yang berisi gas dan bercahaya partikel yang mencair. Kebanyakan bercahaya hanya beberapa detik, tetapi ada yang beberapa menit.

Meteor tidak lebih dari debu dan es dari ekor komet-komet. Meteor dapat lebih membatu jika terbuat dari mineral silikon yang sangat banyak, oksigen, besi dan konsisten mempertahankan gabungan besi dan nikel yang menjadi sebuah kombinasi.

Jadikan yang terbaik:)

8. contoh teks explanation serra generic structure

How a Solar Eclipse Happens( bagaimana gerhana matahari terjadi)

A total solar eclipse is a rare phenomenon with stunning visual effects. Many people are so eager to see this phenomenon when it happens since it can be considered as an extraordinary phenomenon. But, what causes this extraordinary phenomenon?
Several things need to occur at once and in a straight line to create a total solar eclipse. A total solar eclipse appears as the result of sequenced events. First, The Moon orbits the Earth once a month and eclipse happens when it lines up exactly with the Earth and the Sun. The moon must be exactly in the right size and distance to block the sun. Eclipse does not appear every month because the orbits of the Moon and Earth are sometimes tilted at an angle. Next, the sun, moon, and Earth need to line up in a straight line, with the moon between the sun and Earth. Finally, to see the full eclipse, you need to be standing in the correct spot on Earth because not all of the sun shine is covered by the moon since its size is 400 times bigger than the diameter of the moon even though it’s also 400 times farther away from us than the moon.

Their different sizes and distances from the earth make the sun and the moon appear the same size and when the moon is exactly in front of the sun, it seems covering the entire disc of the sun. Therefore, for some areas which are located exactly under those two things will be dark because the sun light is blocked by the moon. When moon passes in front of the sun at the day time, it begins to cast a partial shadow (called the penumbra) onto Earth. At the height of the eclipse, the sun’s light is entirely blocked, and the moon casts a full shadow called the umbra.

General Statement (paragraph3)
Sequenced Explanation (paragraph2)
Closing (paragraph 3)

9. pengertian general statement,explanation,closing(dalam bahasa inggris dan terjemahannya)

general statement:pernyataan umum

10. contoh teks explanation

In Indonesia, we are very familiar with the word " Tsunami ". This natural disaster has ever killed thousands of lives in Banda Aceh a few years ago. Indonesia mourned, the world mourned. Then, how the Tsunami happens? Here is a brief explanation of the process of how the Asian tsunami happens.

Tsunamis can occur if there is a phenomenon which causes the displacement of large amounts of water in the ocean, such as volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, landslides, and meteors that fall to Earth. However, 90% of tsunamis is the result of underwater earthquakes.

Vertical movement in the Earth's crust in the bottom of the ocean causes a sudden up or down movement of sea floor which then causes the water balance disorders above it. This disturbance causes the occurrence of the flow of the massive sea water energy, that once it reaches the shore, it becomes huge waves resulting Tsunami.

Di Indonesia, kita teramat akrab dengan kata “Tsunami”. Bencana alam yang satu ini pernah menelan ribuan nyawa melayang di Banda Aceh beberapa tahun yang lalu. Indonesia berduka, dunia berduka. Lalu, bagaimanakah proses terjadinya Tsunami? Berikut ini adalah penjelasan singkat tentang proses bagaimanakah Tsunami terjadi.

Tsunami dapat terjadi jika terjadi sebuah fenomena yang menyebabkan perpindahan sejumlah besar air di samudera, seperti letusan gunung api, gempa bumi, longsor dan meteor yang jatuh ke bumi. Namun, 90% tsunami adalah akibat gempa bumi bawah laut.

Gerakan vertikal pada kerak bumi yang ada di dasar samudera mengakibatkan dasar laut naik atau turun secara tiba-tiba, sehingga mengakibatkan gangguan keseimbangan air yang berada di atasnya. Gangguan ini mengakibatkan terjadinya aliran energi air laut yang besar, yang ketika sampai di pantai,mereka menjadi gelombang besar yang mengakibatkan Tsunami.

11. contoh explanation text the life cycle of ladybug dan terjemahannya

i dnt have a boom about ladybug, but you can use this as a reference....

12. Contoh teks explanation berseta artinya

Getting Sleepy

Scientists know we need sleep, but it is not easy to find that what exactly make us sleepy. Hers is some explanation.

The brain cells called astrocytes fuel the urge to sleep by releasing adenosine, a chemical known to have sleep-inducing effects that can be inhibited by caffeine.

The longer a person or animal is awake, the stronger the urge to sleep becomes. This is known as sleep pressure. Prior studies pointed to adenosine as a trigger for sleep pressure. The chemical accumulates in the brain during waking hours, eventually helping to stimulate the unique patterns of brain activity that occur during sleep.


Artinya: Mengantuk

Ilmuwan tahu kita perlu tidur, tetapi hal ini tidak mudah untuk menemukan bahwa apa sebenarnya membuat kita mengantuk. Miliknya adalah beberapa penjelasan.

Sel-sel otak yang disebut astrosit bahan bakar keinginan untuk tidur dengan melepaskan adenosin, kimia yang diketahui memiliki efek tidur-merangsang yang dapat dihambat oleh kafein.

Semakin lama seseorang atau hewan adalah terjaga, semakin kuat menjadi keinginan untuk tidur. Hal ini dikenal sebagai tekanan tidur. Penelitian sebelumnya menunjukkan adenosin sebagai pemicu untuk tidur tekanan. Kimia terakumulasi dalam otak selama bangun jam, akhirnya membantu untuk merangsang pola unik aktivitas otak yang terjadi selama tidur.

13. contoh teks analytical exposition dan terjemahannya

The Importance of Breakfast

Why is breakfast important? “Breakfast like a King, Lunch like a Prince and Dine like a Pauper” It’s a well known phrase, but do you follow it?

Breakfast provides many benefits to our health and wellbeing. Breakfast providesthe body and brain with fuel after an overnight fast – that’s where its name originates, breaking the fast! Without breakfast you are effectively running on empty, like trying to start the car with no petrol!

Breakfast support cognitive function. Breakfast also restores glucose levels, an essential carbohydrate that is neededfor the brain to function. Breakfast provides energy, studies have shown how eating breakfast can improve memory and concentration levels and it can also make us happier as it can improve mood and lower stress levels.

Breakfast provides energy needs. People’s energy needs vary depending on activity levels and life stage but typically men require more energy than women. Growing children require a lot ofenergy, as an example boys aged 7-10 years should consume approximately 1970 kcals per day, and girls aged 7-10 years should consume approximately 1740 kcals.
Pentingnya Sarapan

Mengapa melakukan sarapan itu penting? “Sarapan seperti seorang raja, makan siang seperti Pangeran dan makan malam layaknya seperti orang yang tidak punya” itu adalah frase yang cukup terkenal, tetapi apakah Anda memahami pentingnya sarapan?

Sarapan memberikan banyak manfaat bagi kesehatan dan kenyamanan kita. Makan pagi memberikan tubuh dan otak asupan bahan bakar setelah berpuasa (tidak makan) selama satu malam – darisini nama “breakfast itu berasal (break = berbuka, fast = puasa) Tanpa sarapan Anda secara bagaikan berlari dalam keadaan lapar, seperti mencoba untuk menyalakan mobil tapi tidak ada bensin.

Sarapan juga mendukung daya kognitif juga mengembalikan kadar glukosa, yaitu karbohidrat penting yang dibutuhkan otak untuk bisa berfungsi. Makan pagi menyediakan tenaga, penelitian telah menunjukkan bagaimana makan pagi dapat meningkatkan tingkat memori dan konsentrasi, juga dapat membuat kita merasa lebih bahagia karena dapat meningkatkan mood dan menurunkan suasana stres.

Sarapan menyediakan kebutuhan energi yang dibutuhkan. Kebutuhan energi setiap orang itu berbeda tergantung pada pada kegiatan dan tahapan hidup. Meski begitu secara umum laki-laki membutuhkan energi lebih banyak dari pada permepuan. Pertumbuhan anak-anak juga membutuhkan banyak energi, sebagai contoh, anak laki-laki berusia 7-10 tahun harus mengkonsumsi sekitar 1970 kkal per hari, dan anak perempuan berusia 7-10 harus mengkonsumsi sekitar 1740 Kkal.

14. explanation text tentang pergantian musim beserta terjemahannya

contoh dialogue expressing attitude minimal 10 percakapan

15. contoh text explanation proses terjadinya petir ? dlm bhs inggris dan terjemahannya

the occurrence of lightning
For a simpler understanding of the occurrence of lightning, we use the analogy of a large capacitor, which is where the first plate is a cloud, this plate can be negative or positive and the second plate is the earth that has a neutral nature. As we have seen, the capacitor is a negative element in the electrical connection that can store power for a moment or can be called energy storage. As well as lightning, where there are clouds that are negatively charged and positive.The process of occurrence of lightningThe process of occurrence of charge in the cloud, because the clouds run regularly, and during his journey he will connect with other clouds resulting in the gathering of negative charges on either side, whether above or below. While the positive charge gathered on the other side. If the potential difference between the cloud and the big earth, will result in the discharge of negative charges or called electrons.
In this exhaust process, air is the medium through which electrons will pass. If at the time the charge of electrons can penetrate the limits of air insulation this makes the sound of explosion or thunder. Why lightning happens more often in the rainy season? Because during the rainy season, the air contains more high water content, which resulted in the insulation power of the air down and the current more easily passed.

16. contoh explanation teks dan struktur

Generic Structure Explanation Text
1. General statement
tentang penjelasan umum tentang fenomena yang akan dibahas, bisa berupa pengenalan fenomena tersebut atau penjelasannya.
2.Squenced of explanation
berisi tentang penjelasan proses mengapa fenomena tersebut bisa terjadi atau tercipta. A squenced of explanation berupa jawaban dari pertanyaan ‘why’ dan ‘how’ penulis ketika membuat sebuah Explanation text. Dalam squenced of explanation bisa terdiri lebih dari satu paragrap.
Sebenarnya closing itu tidak tercantum dalam generic structure dari Explanation text, tetapi kebanyakan orang beranggapan bahwa paragrap terakhir dari sebuah Explanation text adalah closing, padahal itu merupakan bagian dari squenced of explantaion yang berisi tentang langkah akhir yang dijelaskan pada bagian squenced of explanation.

How Earthquakes Happen

Earthquake is one of the most destroying natural disasters. Unluckily it often happens in several regions. Recently a horrible earthquake has shaken West Sumatra. It has brought great damages. Why did it occur? Do you know how an earthquake happens?

Earthquakes are usually caused when rock underground suddenly breaks along a fault. This sudden release of energy causes the seismic waves. It make the ground shake. When two blocks of rock or two plates are rubbing against each other, they stick a little. They don’t just slide smoothly. The rocks are still pushing against each other, but not moving. After a while, the rocks break because of all the pressure that’s built up. When the rocks break, the earthquake occurs.

During the earthquake and afterward, the plates or blocks of rock start moving, and they continue to move until they get stuck again. The spot underground where the rock breaks is called the focus of the earthquake. The place right above the focus is called the epicenter of the earthquake.

17. contoh teks bahasa sunda dan terjemahannya

Assalamualaikum wr wb Langkung tipayun urang panjatkeun puji sinareng syukur kailahiirabbi nu mana kalayan hidayah sareng inayahna, urang sadaya tiasa kempel dina ieu tempat kalwan dina kayaan sehat walafiat. Para wargi anu ku simkuring dipikahormat. Dina ieu waktos, abdi bade nerangkeun sakumaha pentingna hirup sehat kanggo urang sadayana. Janten, urang sadaya kedah atawa wajib ngajaga lingkungan sareng awak nyalira pikeun urang sadaya tiasa ngajaga tina sagala panyakit. Ku margi kitu, urang kedah ningkatkeun pola hirup sehat kanggo kapayunna di kawitan ti ayuena. Dina salah sahiji hadits diterangkeun... Inna dhofatu minal iman Nu hartosna : “Kabersihan teh sabagian tina Iman” Tina hadits eta, urang tangtu tos ngartos maksad sareng tujuannana, nyaeta urang teh umat muslim anu ngagaduhan iman dina jero hate urang. Upami urang sadaya iman ka Allah, berarti urang kudu bersih atanapi suci tina sagala kokotor boh hadas alit atawa hadas ageung, nu  nyebabkeun urang teu suci. Bersih eta sadaya teh nu didasarkeun tina bersihna jeung sucina urang sareng lingkungan di sakitar urang. Kabersihan sakola oge kudu urang jaga. Urang kudu mikacinta kabersihan sangkan hate urang ge milu bersih. Kabersihan teh aya marupi-rupi macemna, nyaeta aya bersih hate, bersih jiwa, bersih raga, sareng bersih rohani. Tah, urang kudu janten jalmi anu kaasup kana jalma anu bersih sadayana. Allohumma, amien... Hayu urang sami-sami ningkatkeun pola hirup sehat kanggo kasaean urang sadaya sangkan tiasa leuwih getol kana ibadah ka Gusti nu Maha Welas tur Maha Asih. Para wargi anu mulya. Cekap sakitu abdi nyanggakeun pihatur, pamungkas pisanggem, bilih aya basa anu kirang entep saeureuhna atanapi kecap anu kirang merenanh larapna, mugi kersa ngahapunten.
Wassalammu’alaikum Wr. Wb.

18. Please help me! Buatkan saya teks explanation tentang lingkungan Alam beserta structure generic Dan terjemahannya.

Ecample explanation text of this file

19. explanation text about rainbow dan terjemahannya

rainbow has 7 colours there are red, orange. yellow, green, blue, indigo, purple. rainbow is so beautiful. and always appear after raining. rainbow is the reasult of light refraction from the rest of the falling rain.
thats all, sorry if there's some mistake.....

20. contoh teks explanation beserta generic structurnya

paragraph 1 general statement
paragraph 2 dan 3 sequenced explanation
paragraph 4 closing

21. buatkan contoh teks explanation. yang pendek saja.

Contoh Explanation Text Berbagai Topik
Contoh explanation text tentang makanan How a chocolate is made
Contoh explanation text tentang permaianan How a kite flies
Contoh explanation text tentang benda-benda monumental How roman roads were built Why Eiffel tower was built
Contoh explanation text tentang penyakit How a cancer is formed
Contoh explanation text tentang teknology How a fuel light works How a cell phone works Contoh explanation text tentang fenomena alam How a tsunami happens How day and night happen Why daylight in summer is longer than in winter How a Venus eclipse happens How an earthquake happens How rain happens How seasons happencontoh teks explanation ⇒ tentang bagaimana akun dibuat

how does account making? is a learning web to help we doing our homework. we must have an account to use this website. if we want make an account, first we come to website, and click log on, then write your email addres and make password to save your account, then click ok and your account can be use, but before doing activities on the web, you must verification step on email and after that your brainly account can be use. good job!

Apabila menurutmu ini membantu,
Ucapkan terima kasih dan jadikan ini sebagai jawaban terbaik ya, teman?
Semoga membantu :)

22. explanation text about tornado dan terjemahannya

menjelaskan teks tentang tornado.Tornadoes are the spinning winds that arise from changes in atmospheric conditions, especially during the very low pressure that accompanies the storm.Tornado usually rotates counter-clockwise. This wind is a funnel-shaped column that extends from the height of the storm to the ground.Tornado is not always visible to the eye, it is because it takes the radar to detect its existence.
The shape of the tornado becomes visible after the debris and dirt begin to be sucked into it.
Tornadoes are also referred to as funnel clouds, although technically this term is not appropriate. In contrast to tornadoes, funnel clouds usually do not touch the ground.

23. explanation text about tornado dalam bahaaa inggris dan terjemahannya


teks penjelasan tentang tornado

24. tolong bantu contoh teks explanation ini tugas bahasa inggris

How a cell phone works : A cell phone is a great gadget in this modern world. What is a cell phone? A cell phone is actually a radio in certain way. Like a radio, by a cell phone we can communicate to other people in real time. Million people use cell phone for their communication. Even nowadays, people use cell phones to communicate in voice, written and data. Alexander Graham Bell is the person who make great change in the way people communicate to each other. He invented a telephone in 1876. While wireless radio was formally known in 18994 presented by Guglielmo Marconi. By these two technologies, then a cell phone was born. However do you know how actually cell phones work? This short explanation on how a cell phone work is really wonderful. A cell phone or in long term “cellular telephone’ works by transmitting signals of radio to towers of cellular. The towers are networked to a central switching station. The connection usually uses wire, fiber optic-cables, or microwave. Then the central switching station which handles calls in certain given area is directed connected to the wire-based telephone system. Cellulars are pick up by the towers and relayed to another cellular telephone user or the user of wire-based telephone network. The towers vary in the capacity and capability to receive signals. Some can receive the signal from short distance and the others can receive more distance. However, there are usually more than one tower in certain given area so that the system can handle the increasing telephone traffic.

25. Please help me! Buatkan saya teks explanation tentang lingkungan Alam beserta structure generic Dan terjemahannya.

Example explanation text of this file

26. Contoh soal teks explanation Bahasa inggris

Lunar Eclipse

The lunar eclipse is an event of the sun, the earth and the moon lie on one line so that the shadow of the earth covers a part or whole moon. The lunar eclipses that occur on this earth distinguished to several types, they are total lunar eclipse, partial lunar eclipse and lunar eclipse penumbra.

The process of the lunar eclipse begins when the earth is between the sun and the moon on the same line. The result is the sunlight can not reach the moon because it is blocked by the earth.

A total lunar eclipse is when the moon is right in the umbra (the darkest area). On a partial lunar eclipse, the earth is not entirely blocking the moon from the sun. While the other half of the surface of the moon is in the penumbra area. So there is still some sunlight that reaches the surface of the moon. On the lunar eclipse panumbra, all parts of the moon are in the penumbra. So the moon can still be seen with a gloomy color.

There is also a very rare lunar eclipse phenomenon called super total lunar eclipse red blood. This kind of lunar eclipse occurs due at the time of occurence of the total lunar eclipse. The moon position is in the position of the closest approach to the earth, thus making the moon seem larger and brighter than usual and at the same time only red color of sunlight penetrated to reflected by the earth’s atmosphere.


Gerhana Bulan

Gerhana bulan adalah suatu fenomena dimana matahari, bumi dan bulan terletak pada satu garis sehingga bayangan bumi menutupi sebagian atau keseluruhan bulan. Gerhana bulan yang terjadi di bumi ini terbagi menjadi beberapa jenis, yaitu gerhana bulan total, gerhana bulan sebagian dan gerhana bulan penumbra.

Proses dari gerhana bulan dimulai saat bumi berada diantara matahari dan bulan pada satu garis yang sama. Ini mengakibatkan cahaya matahari tidak dapat mencapai bulan karena terhalng oleh bumi.

Gerhana bulan total adalah saat bumi berada pada bagian umbra (bagian tergelap). Pada gerhana bulan sebagian, bumi tidak menutupi keseluruhan bulan dari matahari. Sedangkan sebagian bumi yang lain berada pada area penumbra. Sehingga masih ada sebagian sinar matahari yang mencapai permukaan bulan. Pada gerhana bulan penumbra, semua bagian bulan berada pada area penumbra. Sehingga bulan masih bisa terlihat dengan warna yang gelap.

Ada pula fenomena gerhana bulan yang sangat langka yang disebut dengan gerhana bulan super total merah darah. Jenis gerhana bulan ini terjadi saat terjadinya gerhana bulan total. Posisi dari bulan berada dalam posisi terdekatnya dengan bumi, sehingga membuat bulan terlihat lebih besar dan lebih terang daripada biasanya dan pada saat yang bersamaan hanya warna merah dari cahaya matahari yang tembus hingga terpantul oleh atmosfer bumi.

27. tolong buatkan contoh teks explanation

Metamorfosis katak

Frog or toad metamorphosis begins when the adult female frogs lay eggs,
The first phase yaitutelur: frog eggs will hatch after about 10 days old. / /
The second phase of tadpoles: After hatching, the eggs will be Tadpoles frog or tadpole. Tadpole tadpole or will live in the water and will have a feathery external gills to breathe after 2 days old. Tadpoles or tadpole gills will be covered by the skin after 3 weeks of age. After about 8 weeks old, the rear legs or Tadpole Tadpoles will be formed later enlarged and front legs began to emerge. At the age of about 12 weeks, or Tadpole Tadpoles front legs started to take form, ingsang do not work anymore and tail Tadpole Tadpoles or become short of breath and lung. / /
The third phase is a young frog: Tadpoles or tadpole will turn into a frog Young. / /
The fourth phase is the adult frog: the frog will grow into an adult frog and re-breed. / /

ni artinya

Metamorfosis Katak atau Kodok dimulai pada saat katak betina dewasa bertelur,
fase pertama yaitutelur: telur katak akan menetas setelah berusia kurang lebih 10 hari.//
fase kedua yaitu berudu: Setelah menetas, telur katak akan menjadi Berudu atau Kecebong. Berudu atau Kecebong akan hidup di air dan akan memiliki insang luar yang berbulu untuk bernapas setelah berusia 2 hari. Insang Berudu atau Kecebong akan tertutup oleh kulit setelah berumur 3 minggu. Setelah berumur sekitar 8 minggu, kaki belakang Berudu atau Kecebong akan terbentuk kemudian membesar dan kaki depan mulai muncul. Pada saat berumur sekitar 12 minggu, kaki depan Berudu atau Kecebong mulai berbentuk, ingsang tak berfungsi lagi dan ekor Berudu atau Kecebong menjadi pendek serta akan bernapas dengan paru-paru.//
fase ketiga yaitu katak muda: Berudu atau Kecebong akan berubah menjadi Katak Muda. //
fase keempat yaitu katak dewasa :Katak tersebut akan tumbuh menjadi Katak dewasa dan kembali berkembang biak.//

28. Contoh teks explanation beserta kalimat passive nya


Example explanation text passive voice :

Butterfly Metamorphosis


To grow into an adult, butterflies go through 4 stages: egg, larva, pupa and adult. Depending on the type of butterfly, the life cycle of a butterfly may take anywhere from one month to a whole year.

A butterfly starts life as a very small, round, oval or cylindrical egg. The egg hatches and the young one called larvae or caterpillar comes out of the egg. The caterpillar first feeds on the egg shell from which it is born. It then starts feeding on the leaves and starts to grow. Its exoskeleton (skin) does not stretch or grow, so it grows by “molting” (sheding the outgrown skin) several times while it grows. As soon as a caterpillar is done growing and it has reached its full length/weight, it forms itself into a pupa, also known as a chrysalis. The pupa remains motionless in the chrysalis. In the chrysalis, the pupa undergoes a series of changes. After about 15 days, a beautiful adult butterfly emerges out of the chrysalis. When the butterfly comes out, it’s wings are small and wet, then the butterfly pumps fluids into them to make them strong and to expand. After a few hours, the wings become strong enough and the butterfly is able to fly.


Explanation text adalah salah satu jenis teks dalam Bahasa Inggris yang menjelaskan mengenai suatu proses. Berbicara mengenai proses, teks ini hampir sama dengan procedure text.

29. contoh teks explanation dalam bahasa inggris

Flooding is a disaster which commonly happens in large and densely populated cities. In Indonesia, the floods hit Jakarta very often and cause many victims. Then, do you know the process of how flood happens? Pay attention to the following explanation.

The process of natural flooding is preceded by rain which falls to the surface of the earth. Then the rain water is absorbed by the ground surface and flows to the lower place. Once that condition happens, evaporation and the water appear to the surface of the land. Flooding can be disastrous for humans when floods happen in an area that people live because the water carries along objects like houses, bridges, cars, furniture and even people.

On the other hand, the process of non natural flooding is usually caused by bad habits of humans who do not care about the environment, such as littering that can make water flow clogged. This makes the water deposited in landfills which gradually becomes more common. When water reservoirs can no longer hold water discharge, the water then overflows out theland and cause flooding.Tsunami

Tsunami, known as mother flood happened from sea caused by other disaster such as seafloor quake, mountain eruption or meteoroid. Tsunami most often happened because earthquake which twice plate is hitting each other. the vibrate of them make big wave more than usually.

Tsunami was coming into land will destroying a lot of stuff in the front of them. Even, those create another accident such as Exploding of power plant, Electric short circuit and railway track cracked.

30. contoh teks hortatory exposition dan terjemahannya

Stating Thesis
Computer and internet are useful as well as powerful. To protect children, information on the safe usage of computer and Internet should be owned by each family. 

perlunya informasi yang bagus dan pengawasan anak-anak ketika menggunakan komputer yang tersambung dengan Internet 


Arguments 1
Computer connected to internet is powerful way to socialize with others. It can not only be good but also bad t. Recently we hear a lot of children get the advantage of social networking sites but we often see the news about the disadvantage of it for children.

Anak anak yang menggunakan komputer apalagi yang punya akses ke Internet bisa mendapatkan banyak sisi manfaat namun tidak bisa ditolak bahwa adanya bahaya akibat kegiatan online juga sangat besar.

Arguments 2
The role of parent in assisting and directing children in using computer is very necessary. Installation of software monitor such as key logger which has function to watch and note all activities relating to keyboard usage is helpful but not enough to protect children from potential harms. Children tend to hide what they have done in front of the computer to their parent. They see that all of they have done are their privacy and no one may know.

Karena anak anak cenderung menyembunyian apa saja yang telah dan sedang dikerjakan didepan monitor komuter, maka perlu sekali para orang tua harus sngat berhati hati dalam pengawasannya. Bila perlu instal key logger untuk mengetahi rekam jejaknya


Arguments 3
We can not prevent children from using computer because it is multifunctional. However, many parents worry about what their kids do in front of the computer; whether they are doing homework or even just playing games. Or spending all time to surf internet which is the materials do not fit with his age. There is a tendency, especially teenagers, want to become acquainted with many strangers out side.

Komputer itu bak pisau bermata dua. ada banyak manfaat yang bisa diambil akan tetapi ada jutaan pengaruh yang tidak cocok dengan jiwa anak-anak



The lack parental supervision of children’s activities is likely to pose a potential danger to them. So parental monitor against the use of computers should be done from time to time. Below is what parent can do:
Setting reasonable rules for computer use by your children
Getting to know the ISP which children use
Considering purchasing certain filtering software

Para orang tua perlu untuk memastikan bahwa anak anak tetap dalam penggunana komputer dan internet secara aman dengan melakukan hal hal seperti

§ Membuat peraturan dalam penggunaan Internet oleh anak anak

§ Mengetahui ISP (internet service provider) yang dipakai anak anak

§ Bila perlu membeli softwar khusu untuk mematikan kegiatan online anak-anak itu tetap aman

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