Dialog Bahasa Inggris Tentang Wish

Dialog Bahasa Inggris Tentang Wish

Dialog bahasa inggris tentang i wish

Daftar Isi

1. Dialog bahasa inggris tentang i wish

A: “Happy birthday B! Wish you all the best!”
B: “Thank you A!”
A: “I wish you always happy and health”
B: “Thank you so much!”

Andi : Helo Ratna.

Ratna : Hello Andi.

Andi : I heard your dad and your mom will divorced. Is that true?

Ratna : Yeah that's right. I'm so sad because of that.

Andi : Owh... Don't be sad. I will cheer you up. Is there anything I can help you with?

Ratna : I think we can't do anything. (Crying)

Andi : It seems we can only pray for your parents. I hope they will repeal their decision

Ratna : I hope too. Thanks for your attention.

Andi : Let me take you home

Ratna : Thank you

2. dialog bahasa inggris dengan menggunakan wish

A : Have you known the latest news of our favorite band?
B : I think I haven't, what is it?
A : One of the band member, James is dating with a model! He is my favorite in the band and i am a bit broken
B : Oh how i wish that was me


A : Do you know Michelle, the 10th grader one?
B : Yeah why?
A : She won in a competition of story telling in another city! How cool she is
B : Oh God she's so smart! i wish that i could be like her

3. buat contoh dialog dalam bahasa Inggris yang menggunakan wish ​

Jawaban:Mohon Jadikan Sebagai Jawaban Terbaik ya Kak

1. I wish to meet mr.jhon

2. I wish you success

3. I wish you all the best

4. I wish i can't fly

5. Febri wishes be a president

6. I wish you luck

7. I wish you were here

8. Wish/ wishing you healthy life

9. I wish people will be okay

10. Tomi wishes to get the first rank


I wish I could go back in time, and have fun with my childhood friends

4. Buatlah sebuah dialog bahasa inggris tentang congratulation, hope, dan wish beserta artinya!


woooww congratulation , hope you always happy like you wish

5. Buatlah dialog bahasa Inggris tentang congratulation, hope, wish (2 orang)!


Contoh Dialog Percakapan Expression of Congratulations

Roy : Who won the football match yesterday? Siapa yang menang pertandingan sepak bola kemarin?Tom : Our team did. We won three to one. Tim kami yang menang. Kami menang 3-1.

Roy : Congratulation. I’m glad to hear it. Selamat ya. Aku senang mendengarnya.

Tom : Thank you. terimakasih.


A= I wish i can be like him

B= Of course you can


A= I hope you happy today

B= Thank's it's well


What Is an Expression of Congratulations?

Expression of Congratulations is an expression that we use give the congratulation utterance when he or she be succeed in doing someone.

Here are some expressions of congratulations and their proper response.

Congratulations dalam bahasa indonesia adalah ucapan yang diberikan kepada seseorang yang sedang mendapatkan kebahagiaan. Dengan kata lain congratulation adalah suatu ungkapan pujian karena adanya suatu pencapaian atau prestasi. Kata congratulation ini mempunyai arti yang sama dengan “good wish” atau harapan yang baik kepada seseorang.

Pengertian Hope

Verb “hope” digunakan untuk membicarakan bahwa suatu kondisi atau situasi memiliki kemungkinan terjadi di masa depan. Maknanya “to want something to happen or be true and and think that it is possible” (menginginkan sesuatu terjadi atau benar adanya dan berpikir bahwa itu mungkin).

Hope + Object / No Object

Hope dapat transitive (diikuti direct object) atau intransive (tidak diikuti direct object).

Sebagai transitive verb, hope dapat diikuti infinitive (to+verb) atau that-clause (noun clause) sebagai direct object-nya. Kata kerja ini digunakan bersama infinitive untuk menyatakan harapan dan niat untuk melakukan sesuatu di masa depan jika memungkinkan dapat dilakukan, sedangkan bersama that-clause ketika ada subjectbaru yang ingin disebutkan (subject baru tersebut berada di dalam that-clause).

Subordinator “that” pada that-clause tersebut dapat dihilangkan, sehingga hanya menyisakan subject dan predicate-nya. That-clause tersebut sering menggunakan present verb form (simple present tense) meskipun ada time reference(keterangan waktu) di masa depan (next week, tomorrow, next month, dll).

Pengertian Expressing Wishes

Verb wish adalah kata kerja yang digunakan ketika seorang speaker menyatakan keinginkan atas realita yang berbeda. Wish termasuk dalam subjunctive.

Penggunaan dan Contoh Kalimat Expressing Wishes

Wish diikuti oleh simple past untuk menyatakan bahwa situasi yang diinginkan tidak mungkin terjadi pada saat ini (present), sedangkan wishdiikuti past perfect untuk menyatakan tidak mungkin terjadi di masa lampau (past). Wishdapat pula diikuti past future(would/could+Verb1) untuk menyatakan keinginan seseorang untuk melakukan sesuatu secara berbeda.



ana: congratulation for you edi

edi: thank you ana


fina: i am hope you always to happy ema

ema: thank you fina, i hope too

wish nya gak tau hihi

maaf kalo salaah

6. buatlah dialog percakapan bahasa inggris tentang hope,wish,dan congratulation​


boy : hey what are you up to?

girl : hey I'm just waiting for my teacher to grade my exam

boy : oh I see

girl : by the way isn't it your birthday today?

boy : yeah I'm finally 18

girl : wow congratulation. did you ask your parents for anything?

boy : yea... I ask for a new phone I wish I could get the new iPhone

girl : yea I hope your parents let you buy a new phone so we can play more games together

boy : yapz btw I got to go bye!!

girl : bye

7. buat dialog bahasa inggris tentang ekspresing hope dan wish untuk 2 orang (kalau bisa yg panjang dialognya)

a : hi, how are you?
b : hi, i'm fine. how about you?
a : oh, i'm fine too
     bye the way, where are you school, now?
b : i'm school in senior hight school number 1 pariaman
a : wow.. congratulation
     it's one favorite school in pariaman
b: oh, thank you
a: welcome
b : oh yea, next week i will take a phisic olympiad in sumatra
a :oh yeah?
     i hope you can win in olympiad
B : oh, thank you so much

8. buatkan dialog bahasa inggris 3 orang dengan tema Expression wish/hope



B: Hi A 

A: Hi B 

B: happy belated birthday, this is your gift 

A: thank you! 

C: How was the party last night? 

A: It was so much fun! why didnt you come? i thought i sent the invitation 

C: yea you did. But my mom was not feeling really well, so i had to take care of her last night 

A: oh i see, is she okay now? 

C: yeah, she's getting better 

A: good to hear 

C: i wish i came to the party though, it was not really good of me, missed my friend's party like that 

A: It's okay, it happens you know, emergency situation like that, and i can assure we're still friends 

B: thanks, well i guess see you at lunch? 

A: yeah, thanks for the gift and i hope your mom will get well soon 

B: you're welcome, thanks. 

9. dialog bahasa inggris wish me luck


semoga aku beruntung





10. Dialog bahasa inggris tentang vongratulatiom wish hope pujian

Mrs. Tyas : And the winner of the singing competition in our class is Kiara. Congratulations!
Kiara : Thank you, Ma'am
Bayu : Congratulations, Kiara. You deserve it as you practiced well.
Mrs. Tyas : So, kiara because you are the winner of the singing competition in our class. You will represent this class for the singing competition in our school next month.
Kiara : Ok, ma'am
Mrs. Tyas : Prepare you best for the competition. I hope you win. You have a very beautiful voice!
Kiara : I hope so too, Ma'am. I will do my best. Thank you.

11. buat contoh dialog dalam bahasa Inggris yang menggunakan congratulation hope dan wish !​


A: I heard you are going to participate in the cooking contest.

B: Yes, I am.

A: Nice! I hope you will win the contest.

B: Thanks. I hope so too.

12. dialog bahasa inggris tentang congratulation hope dan wish 5 orang

lani: hi, guys.. how many score you got in math yesterday?
dina: i got 80,tiara got 75,edo got 60 and jaya got 95. how about you?
lani: i got 100.
edo: woww congratulation!!
tiara:it's mean your score is the highest from us.
lani:thankyou guys. and about your score you must try again.. keep spirit!! i know you can get a very good score in next time
jaya: thankyou for supporting us
lani: of course i will support you until we succes together
jaya: i hope we can succes in the future
edo: and i wish i will be the winner in the class with my score in math.. hahaha

13. Buatlah dialog Bahasa Inggris tentang congratulation, hope, wish beserta artinya!


Congratulation for being the first winner of the school story telling competition Cita

(Selamat karena telah menjadi pemenang pertama kompetisi penceritaan sekolah Cita )

I hope we can still be friends.

(saya harap kita masib bisa berteman)

I wish I can fly

(saya berharap saya bisa terbang)

14. Berikan contoh dialog dalam bahasa inggris dengan menggunakan wish dan hope

A: "wish you luck!" B: "thank's." Y: "hope him like it." Z: "I think he will like it. Don't worry." A: what your plan for next week? B: i hope all will be better than this week. And i wish we can be better person day by day.

15. 10 kalimat dialog bahasa Inggris tentang hope wish dan congratulation​


hope wish

a : tomorrow, i will take part in math Olympic in surabaya

b : really? wow that's great! good luck. I hope you will win it..


a: Jen, look I won the math olympiad yesterday

b : wow that's really great, congrats !

16. dialog bahasa inggris compliment congrat wish hope untuk 2 orang


lisa:hi,andy.i'd like congratulate you on your success to be the winner of singging competition too you must be really happy about it. i hope you can be successful singer in the future and i wish you can win the next competition too.

andy:thank you lisa.by the way, i know you like to play and i think you are a great pianis.

lisa:thanks.andy, i think have to go. i have to meet my mom now.good bye.

andy:good bye.

semoga membantu

17. dialog bahasa inggris yang singkat untuk 2 orang tentang expressing wish

dialogue jawabannya yang kamu tanyakan

18. buat contoh dialog dalam bahasa Inggris yang menggunakan congratulation hope dan wish ​


Umar: Good Morning Andi!

Andi: Good Morning Umar.

Umar: I heard you get a perfect score in last semester. Congratulation Andi.

Andi: Thanks Umar! You also helped me to achieve it.

I hope that in future we both can achieve the

perfect score, Umar.

Umar: Too bad for me, I was too careless so I did not notice some information while on examination.

I wish I could have more pay attention during the exam.


semoga dapat membantu.

19. Dialog singkat bahasa inggris yang ada kata wish, hope, congratulation. Makasih :)

MR: Hello nina,how about your exam last week.I hope you get a good result.
nina :I dont know.My teacher haven't shared to us yet.That for sure I have done best.I wish I will get a high score.
Mr:Dont worry Nina,you have worked hard.it's worth.
Nina :yeah,thank you.How about you?
Mr: I feel good,I get high score in exam.A+
Nina:oh great.congratulation.

20. contoh dialog bahasa Inggris hope,wish, congratulations 3 kalimat​


i hope i can get that phone

i wish i can fly

Congratulation for winning the football competition

Semoga memebantu :)

21. Contoh dialog bahasa Inggris dan artinya tentang wish and hope

dialog bhs inggrisnya tentang apa? kalo arti wish dan hope itu berharap. jadi wish dan hope artinya sama.

22. buatlah dialog dari kata congratulation, hope dan wish dalam bahasa Inggris ​

jawaban :

contoh dialog kata congratulation , hope , and wish

tokoh dalam dialog :

- chenin / 17th

- auren / 15th

percakapan dialog :

" chenin graduation "

auren :: hi! good to see you chenin ,how are you ?

chenin :: hi ren.. i am good thank you for asking.

chenin :: and by the way i want to tell you something..

auren :: what do you want to say chen?

chenin :: i- i graduated school!

auren :: wow! congratulation on your graduation! I hope you can get a job soon and i wish you have great live in the future chen.

chenin :: thanks you ren! and I hope you also graduate from school soon.

auren :: thank you!

arti dari percakapan dialog :

"kelulusan chenin"

auren :: hai! senang bertemu denganmu kak chenin, apa kabar?

chenin:: hai ren.. aku baik terima kasih sudah bertanya.

chenin:: dan ngomong-ngomong aku ingin memberitahumu sesuatu..

auren :: apa yang ingin kamu katakan kak chen?

chenin :: a-aku lulus sekolah!

auren :: wow! selamat atas kelulusanmu! aku harap kakak bisa segera mendapatkan pekerjaan dan aku berharap kak chen memiliki hidup yang bahagia di masa depan.

chenin :: terima kasih ren! dan aku harap adek juga segera lulus sekolah.

auren :: terima kasih!


23. Buatlah dialog bahasa inggris tentang congratulation, hope, dan wish antara 4 orang!



Rere : Hai Rani, Have you heard a good news of mine?

Rani : You told me nothing, but let me guess.. hmm wait, wait.. you got a surprise from you father?

Rere : You're wrong!

Rani : Hmm, enough, just tell me, dear..

Rere : You know that I had speech contest in Jakarta last week? I have won it!!

Rani : Are you serious? Did you win it? Oh my god, I can't believe it.

Rere : Of course I am..

Rani : Great, Congratulation. You have no idea how happy I am for you

Rere : Thanks, I appreciate that

Rani : I believe you are the best as always.

Rere : How nice of you to say that.. Now, lets have a lunch on my treat,

Rani : With great pleasure, dear..


A: Hello Anna, will you come to Rita’s house tonight?

B: I am afraid I can’t.

A: Why? Do you wanna go to with your boyfriend.

B: No, my father is sick. I have to make sure that somebody can take him care before I go.

A: I am so sorry to hear that and I hope your father gets better as soon as possbile.

B: Thank for your hope.

A: You’re welcome Anna.


Dahlia : Mommy, tomorrow I will present my report in front of the class, but I am so nervous.

(Ibu, besok aku akan menyajikan laporanku didepan kelas, tapi aku sangat gugup)

Mommy : Wish your report will be clear enough and your team will present well

(Berharap, laporanmu akan cukup jelas dan timmu akan menyajikan dengan baik)

Dahlia : Mommy, what should I do before presenting?

(Ibu, Apa yang harus aku lakukukan sebelum menyajikan?)

Mommy : The most important is self confident, you will prepare your material, source, equipments and your team it


(Yang paling penting adalah percaya diri, kamu akan mempersiapkan materimu, sumber, peralatan dan timmu sendiri)

Dahlia : I am a speaker..

(Aku pembicara)

Mommy : Everything will be okay, honey… believe me

(Semua akan baik, sayang…Percaya aku)

Dahlia : Thank you Mom

(Terima kasih bu)

24. dialog bahasa inggris tentang hope dan wish dengan situasi maksimal 4 dialog

A: Good morning, B
B: Good morning, A
A: How do you do?
B: I'm not good, I feel so could
A: I hope you have been healed

A: Hello
B: Hello
A: have you seen the test scores?
B: yea, I have remedial
A: I hope you get better than before

25. buat contoh dialog dalam bahasa Inggris yang menggunakan congratulation hope dan wish!​


Contoh Dialog Percakapan Expression of Congratulations

Dialogue 1

Roy : Who won the football match yesterday? Siapa yang menang pertandingan sepak bola kemarin?

Tom : Our team did. We won three to one. Tim kami yang menang. Kami menang 3-1.

Roy : Congratulation. I’m glad to hear it. Selamat ya. Aku senang mendengarnya.

Tom : Thank you. terimakasih

Dialog 2

Riski: Is it true what the newspaper’s headline said? Benar tidak headline surat kabar kemarin?

Anton : What news? Kabar apa?

Jodi : The news about you winning the national novel writing competition. Is it really you? Kabar tentang kamu yang memenangkan lomba menulis novel. APa benar itu kamu?

Anton : Yeah. It is me. Iya itu aku

Riski: Congratulations! We’re happy for you. Selamat ya. Betapa bahagianya kamu

Anton : Thanks a lot guys. Terima kasih banyak teman

Jodi : It’s a terrific job, Anton. Kerja hebat Anton

Anton : Oh, no, I guess it’s just my luck. Tidak juga, mungkin hanya keberuntuganku saja

Dialoge 3

Santy : Happy birthday, santy. Many happy return of the day. Selamat ulang tahun ya santy. Banyak kebahagian yang kambali hari ini.

Essy : Thank you, Santy. You are the first me who congratulates me.

Terima kasih, Santy. Anda adalah yang pertama saya yang mengucapkan selamat kepada saya

Santy : Oh realy? Here is a little present for you. I hope you like it. Oh benarkah? Berikut adalah sedikit kado untuk mu. Saya harap kamu menyukainya.

Essy : Thank you very much. You are really my best friend.


maaf kalo salah:)

semoga membantu ya

26. Buatlah dialog dalam bahasa inggris yang mencakup kata congratulation,hope,dan wish

God job, congratulation, i hope you filling better, and i wish for youcongratulation, you the winner

27. buatlah dialog singkat bahasa Inggris hope, wish, congratulations 3 orang​


Dayu : The vice principal said that i had all requirements to run for the OSIS chairman.

Lina : Congratulations Dayu. I hope you will be the next OSIS.

Andi : Congratulations Dayu. I wish you will do the best for OSIS.

Dayu : Thanks everybody.

Lina and Andi : You're welcome Andi.


semoga membantu :)

28. membuat cerita dalam bentuk bahasa inggris tentang wish dan buatkan dialognya 2 orang

Andi: heyy diana
Diana : hy andi
Andi : are you free to night?
Diana : no I'm not ... Im going to celebrate my birthday tonight ,and i wish you will come to my party
Andi : Sure! i wish the wish you wosh but if you wish, Din
Diana : ok see you
Andi :see you too

29. contoh dialog bahasa Inggris yang menggunakan kata congratulation, hope dan wish​


I hope we can meet again next holiday.

I wish I was a Superman.

congratulations on your success

30. dialog bahasa inggris yang menggunakan congratulation, wish, hope

a : congratulation for your graduation fitri.so what is your next plan after this?
b : thanks ayu,well you know that i love biology.so i wish to be a doctor someday
a : thats great fitri.i hope you can make your dream come true
b : sure i will

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