Surabaya Animal Clinic

Surabaya Animal Clinic

7. What does Mrs. Erina has ?a. Pet shop and clothes shopb. Animal clinic and pet shopC.Pet clinic and drugstored. Animal clinic and clothes shop​

Daftar Isi

1. 7. What does Mrs. Erina has ?a. Pet shop and clothes shopb. Animal clinic and pet shopC.Pet clinic and drugstored. Animal clinic and clothes shop​


D. Animal clinic and clothes shop

Arti =>d. Klinik hewan dan toko pakaian

Semoga bermanfaat

2. Where does he run a small animal clinic ?​


:Dimana dia menjalankan klinik hewan kecil


itu artinya ya...

3. What does Mrs. Erina have? A. Pet shop and clothes shop.B. Pet clinic and drugstore.C. Animal clinic and pet shop.D. Animal clinic and clothes shop.tolong dijawab kak plis​


C. Animal clinic and pet shop.


Bisa kita ketahui dari kutipan teks tersebut

"She has her own animal clinic and pet shop"

Dia (Ibuku) mempunyai klinik dan toko hewan sendiri


C. animal clinic and pet shop

4. ubahlah kalimat ini ke dalam bahasa indonesia !emergencyroom=doctor longue=admission dept=nurse longue=ortopedic clinic=psyciatric clinic=x-ray room=TERIMA KASIH

keadaan kamar/ruangan
gax tauu lagi dahh :-D

5. ciri ciri tame animal,wild animal path animal

tame: gampang di latih, tidak galak/liar
         easy to be trained

6. you went to the health clinic why​


To check my health, am I fine or have some disease.


Hope it helps, friends!


to check health and buy medicine

7. The dialogue is for number 5 tr 8My name is Dika. I have a small family becausc I am the onlychild. My father is Mr. Hantono. He is an office worker. He isvery bùsy, but I like playing with him. My mother is Mrs. Erina.She is a vet. She has her own animal clinic and pet shop.6 How many children docs Mr. Hantono and Mrs. Erina have ?a. TwoC. fourb. Noned. One7. What does Mrs. Erina has?a. Pet shop and clothes shopb. Animal clinic and pet shopC.Pet clinic and drugstored. Animal Clinic and clothes shop8. Who is the name of Dika's father?a. Mr. Kuntoc. Mr. Virab. Mr. Hantonod. Mr. Sanjaya​


6. Mr. Hantono and Mrs. Erina have d. One children.

7. Mrs. Erina has b. Animal clinic and oet shop

8. The name of Dhika's father is b. Mt. Hantono


6. D. one

7. B. animal clinic and pet shop

8. B. Mr. Hantono


#Semoga membantu

8. the snake is a A funny animal B tame animal C wild animal D cute animal​


c wild animal


beacuse a snake

because the snake is poisonous and can kill humans so it is called a poisonous wild animal


C. Wild Animal

Yaitu hewan liar. Karena ular bisa mengeluarkan bisa dan juga menggigit manusia.

Jadikan jawaban terbaik ya ^~^

9. cerita bahsa inggris tentang school clinic

jawabannya:sekolah klinik

10. Cerita singkat tentang school clinic

selamat mengerjakan tugas
semoga membantu

11. side if we go ahead and turn.BankThere is a clinic on the ...ClinicClinicside if we go ahead and turnAirportstrait is in the ....of Java island​

Maksudnya kyk gimana ya?

12. What facilities can we find in the clinic​


Health facilities are places that provide health care. They include hospitals, clinics, outpatient care centers, and specialized care centers, such as birthing centers and psychiatric care centers.

13. A cientish ......... in his clinic.​


A scientist doctor in his clinic.

^maaf jika salah

14. barang apa saja di school clinic

4.eucalyptus oil

15. cerita singkat School clinic menggunakan bahasa inggris

I'm Schooling at (nama sekolah kamu). At my school there have lots of classroom.
There also have Library,Headsmaster Office and also School Clinic.
We use school clinic for example my friend Chelsea have sick so we bring Chelsea on the School Clinic.

Thank You Semoga bermanfaat...

16. the next is for question 6 to 8my name is Rifat h. i live in a small family because i am the only child. my farel is Mr. Nugroho. he is a office worker. he is very busy, but i like playing with him. my mother is Mrs. Salma she is a vet. she has her own animal clinic and pet shop6. how many shildren does Mr. Nugroho and Mrs. salma have?A. thowB. noneC. fourD. one7.does firath like to play with his father?A. Yes,he does.B. Yes,he is.C. No,he doesn'tD.No,he isn't.8. what does Mrs. Salma have?A. pet shop and clothes shop.B. pet clinic and drugstore.C. animal clinic and pet shop.D. animal clinic and clothes shop. ​



7.A.Yes,he does.

8.C.Animal clinic and pet shop


Maaf kalau salah


6.D one

7. C No,he,doesn't

8. C

17. ciri ciri tame animal,wild animal,pet animal

wild animal: fierce, strong, hunting

18. 1. Who took Mrs Damiri to the clinic?​


yang membawa mrs damri ke klinik


itu bahsa indonesia


siapa yang membawa nyonya Damiri me klinik?

Maaf klo salah

19. apa yg dimaksud dengan : wild animal, protected animal, breeding animal, and pets.

Wild animal = Binatang Buas
Protected animal = Binatang terlindung
Pets = Binatang peliharaan
Breeding animal = Binatang ternakwild animal: Animals that, as a matter of common knowledge, are naturally ferocious, unpredictable, dangerous, mischievous, or not by custom devoted to the service of mankind at the time and in the place in which it is kept; ferae naturae.

protected animal: a species of animal which it is forbidden by law to harm or destroy

breeding animal: is the selective mated of animals to increase the possibility of obtaining desired traits in the offspring.

pets: companion animal is an animal kept primarily for a person's company or protection, as opposed to working animals, sport animals, livestock, and laboratory animals, which are kept primarily for performance, agricultural value, or research.

20. mention speciolists work in the clinic​


Internal medicine specialist. ...

2. Pediatrician. ...

3. Neurologist. ...

4. Obstetrician and gynecologist. ...

Surgeon specialist. ...

6. A specialist in skin and genitalia. ...

7. ENT specialist. ...

8. Ophthalmologist.

21. Guess the animal ! the animal has a tail, the animal can bark, the animal can be a pet, the animal is ...................................................



the animal has a tail, the animal can bark, the animal can be a pet, the animal is A dog


hope it helps


22. Arti dari clinic Nutritation

Clinical nutrition is nutrition of patients in health care.

Artinya: Nutrisi klinis adalah nutrisi pasien dalam perawatan kesehatan.

23. arti you look pale You .......go tou clinic


You look pale you better go to the clinic


maaf kalo salah

24. dispensary clinic... in indonesia?

Dispensary clinic artinya apotek klinik.

Maaf kalau salah

Apotik klinik....di Indonesia

25. cerita tentang school clinic

? Nulis yang bener gils

26. Apa perbedaan animal tame dan animal pet??

Hewan jinak dan Hewan liar

27. 5. What animal has tentacles? 6. What animal has horns? 7. What animal has feathers? 8. What animal has fur? 9. What animal has paws? 10. What animal has spots? 11. What animal has stripes? 12. What animal has a trunk? 13. What animal has scales? 14. What animal has antlers? 15. What animal has wings?​



6,water buffalo


8, rabbit



11, zebras

12, elephant





itu saja yang saya tau selamat berkerja

28. cerita tentang school clinic

klinik sekolah mungkinThe school clinic has a nurse, doctor, and the medicine. In the school clinic, there are a sink, table, and the bed. Maybe there is a dentist.

29. 43) A. zoo B. park C. pet shop D. animal clinic44) A. above B. next to C. around D. between45) A. is B. be C. am D. are

Jawaban :
43) C. Pet shop (karena ada kata pet's supplies and accessories)
44) D. between (karena ada dua bangunan lain)
45) D. are (karena nounnya plural, ada kata many)

semoga membantu^^43) C. pet shop

44) D. between

45.) D. are

30. What is Smart Health Clinic ?a. Kind of hotelb. The name of the clinicc. hospitald. Office​



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