Contoh Soal Simple Past Tense Dan Jawabannya

Contoh Soal Simple Past Tense Dan Jawabannya

contoh soal dan jawaban simple past continuous tense

Daftar Isi

1. contoh soal dan jawaban simple past continuous tense

Q. What were you doing at 9 AM yesterday?
A. I was studying at school.

2. contoh soal dari simple past tense and past perfect tense

1. She … in a two-story house when she was young.

  a. lived

  b. has lived

2. German Democratic Republic … the Berlin Wall in 1961.

   a. has constructed

   b. constructed

3. He … the car yet.

   a. didn't fix

   b. hasn't fixed

4. They … in Boston for ten years before moving here.

   a. have lived

   b. lived

5. The factory … in operation since 1980.

   a.  was

   b. has been

6. … already?

   a. has the bus left

   b. did the bus leave

3. contoh soal simple past tense

kalimat positif : The teacher came
kalimat negativ : The teacher didn’t come                                                                   kalimat introgatif : Did the teacher come?

4. Bantu jawab soal Simple past tense ini. ​


My father taught me


Karena past tense, jawaban menggunakan verb 2 dari teach yaitu taught.

semoga membantu.


Simple Past Tense:

My Father TAUGHT Me.


Jawaban menggunakan huruf kapital dan merupakan materi pembelajaran bentuk kalimat Simple Past Tense karena menjelaskan aktivitas kegiatan di masa lampau.

My Father taught Me.= Ayahku yang mengajariku.

Simple Past Tense:

(?) How + Did + Subject + Verb-1 + Object + ?

(+) Subject + Verb-2 + Object

Semoga membantu ya.

5. contoh soal un simple past tense

Contoh kalimat positif: Andy was here doing his homework. Contoh kalimat negatif: Andy wasn't here doing his homework Contoh kalimat tanya: Were Andy here doing his homework?contoh soal past tense UN:

Mother: where were you last night, brian?
Brian: I ..... with my friends, mom
Mother: Okay

A. study
B. studied
C. studying
D. studies

6. bwt soal serta jawabannya,tentang simple present tense dan simple past tense masing² 2 soal? #mohon_ bantuannya

1. What does she do everyday?
~ she waters the plants everyday
2. Where do you meet your friends?
~ I meet them at the bus station

1. Where did you go last night?
~ I went to stationary to buy a pencil
2. What did he do yesterday?
~ He studied English lesson yesterday

(*semoga membantu)

7. cara menjawab soal simple past tense

Simple past tense digunakan untuk menyatakan peristiwa atau fakta yang terjadi hanya di masa lampau

Maaf kalau salahpakai rumus ini...
S + V1 + O
S= Subjek
V1= Kata kerja bentuk dasar
O= Objek

8. tolong jawab soal Inggris ini menggunakan past simple tense atau past simple ya​


1) the weather was not nice

2) my parent did not come home late

3) they did not song beautifully

4) they did not have breakfast

5) bill did not lost his key


maaf kalo ada yang salah

9. contoh text yang ada simple present tense dan simple past tense

simple present : Descriptive text
Simple past tense : Recount text and Narrative textHere i will tell you about my cats, they are Miki and Mario. Miki is older than Mario, which mean, Miki is the older brother of Mario. Miki also fatter than Mario, he also have a longer tail than Mario's tail. Miki have a smoother fur than Mario. They always play together, but it seem like Miki is more active than Mario, Miki is more likely to sleep on my thigh, he love lie there more than Mario do. Sometimes i tickle his stomach or rub his stomach. I love Miki and Mario, they always be my best friend forever, even when they are died, i still remember how cute are they. Mario loves to take a nap on the floor more than Miki does. Mario is a fast-eater, he eat his food ravenous and faster than Miki does. Miki loves being held, while Mario loves being near my feet.

Kalimat yang bergaris bawah merupakan simple present tense dan simple past tense

10. Contoh simple past tense Kata kerja keep Contoh simple future tense, simple past perfect, simple past countinous dengan kata kerja cook Contoh simple present tense dengan kata kerja borrow

simple past tense kata kerja keep. "i kept this book last year"

kata kerja cook, simple future tense "i will cook for you tonight", simple past perfect "mother had cooked some food by the time sister went home", simple pas continious "grandma was cooking daily before in younger days"

simple present tense kata kerja borrow, "i borrow textbooks from the library everday"

11. simple past tense contohnya apa ? yg bisa jawab "

i went to the safari zoo two days ago

Beberapa contoh kalimat simple past tense dengan fungsi-fungsinya sebagai berikut.FungsiContoh kalimat Simple Past TenseSimple past tense untuk membicarakan aksi yang terjadi dengan durasi waktu tertentu di masa lampau. Preposition “for” dapat digunakan untuk menyatakan periode waktu kejadian.Vina and I went to the Ragunan zoo three months ago.
(Saya dan Vina pergi Ragunan tiga bulan lalu.)Did he come on time yesterday?
(Apakah dia datang tepat waktu kemarin?)The party started at 10.00 a.m.
(Pesta mulai jam sepuluh pagi.)Did you sleep enough last night?
(Apa kamu cukup tidur semalam?)I studied civil engineering for almost 4 years.
(Saya belajar teknik sipil selama hampir 4 tahun.)Simple past tense untuk membicarakan kebiasaan pada masa lampau. Subordinate conjunction “when” biasanya digunakan pada situasi ini.I often did exercises in the gym when I lived in Bandung.
(Saya sering berlatih di gym ketika tinggal di Bandung.)When I was a senior high school student, I always got up at 4 am to study.
(Ketika saya sma, saya selalu bangun jam 4 pagi untuk belajar.)Untuk menunjukkan bahwa ada aksi berdurasi pendek (simple past tense) yang terjadi ketika suatu aksi berdurasi panjang (past continuous tense) sedang berlangsung.I was reading a journal in the library when someone burped out loud.
(Saya sedang membaca jurnal di perpustakaan ketika seseorang bersendawa keras.)Untuk menunjukkan bahwa suatu aksi (simple past tense) langsung mengikuti aksi yang telah selesai (past perfect tense).I had already finished my breakfast when he picked me up.
(Saya telah sarapan ketika dia menjemput.)Simple past tense digunakan pada conditional sentence type 2.If she studied hard, she would be pass.
(Jika dia belajar keras, dia akan lulus.)I would buy a sport car if I had much money.
(Saya akan membeli mobil sport jika punya uang banyak

12. pengertian simple past tense,rumus simple past tense dan contoh kalimat nya.di jawab yang bener jangan asal asalan

Simple Past adalah kalimat dalam bahasa inggris yang menjelaskan kejadian atau peristiwa yang terjadi pada masa lampau. Rumus Simple Past (Verbal) adalah :
(+) S + V2 + O/C => She ate cake
(-) S + did + not + V1 + O/C => She didn't eat cake
(?) Did + S + V1 + O/C? => Did she eat cake?

Rumus Simple Past (Nominal) adalah :
(+) S + was/were + O/C => I was a student
(-) S + was/were + not + O/C => I wasn''t a student
(?) Was/Were + S + O/C? Were you a student?

Kalo ada pertanyaan seperti ini PM aja

13. contoh soal simple past tense v1

He ate an apple

kalau salah maaf yaa

14. Itu di suruh carik -definisi simple past tanse -formula simple past tense -Time signal simple past tense -contoh kalimat simple past tense

simple past tense adalah kalimat yang digunakan untuk menyatakan kejadian di masa lampau.
formula simple past tense:
1. kalimat verbal
subject + verb2
2. kalimat nominal
subject + was/were + keterangan (bukan kata kerja).
time signal simple past tense :
yesterday : kemarin
last night : semalam
last week : minggu lalu
contoh kalima simple past tense
Olivia went to Bali last week

15. contoh soal pg simple past tense

1. I ......... my drawing book two days ago 
a loss
b lost 
c was lossing 

2. i was listening music when my teacher ........... my class 
a has entered
b was entering 
c entered 

1. I ___________ about a yellow unicorn last night.




2. Anna ___________ to class yesterday because she was at the hospital.

    didn't come

    didn't take

    didn't arrive

3. It was snowing last night. It ___________ so cold!




4. Lucy ___________ her mother's watch, so she bought a new one.




5. We ___________ at the library for three hours yesterday.




16. 3 contoh soal simple past tense (+)(-)(?)

(+) I washed the car.
(-) I didn't wash the car.
(?) Did you wash the car?(+) i watched tv last night
(-) i didn't watch tv last night
(?) did i watch tv last night?

17. contoh pertanyaan serta jawaban simple past tense​


Did you study English yesterday


-Yes, I did studied English yesterday

-No, I did not study English yesterday

maaf kalau salah

semoga membantu (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠)

18. Contoh simple present tense dan simple past tense

simple present tense:
They study hard every day
simple past tense:
I bought a new bag yesterdayPresent: he studies english with my brother ( verba )
He has a beautiful girl ( nomina )
Past: they swam at the beach last friday ( verba )

19. cari arti simple past tense?rumus simple past tense? contoh simple past tense?arti simple continous tense?

Simple past tense adlh suatu kalimat yang menunjukan masa lampau, S+tobe+v3 I am eaten... Kalau nggak salah.. Semoga membantu arti simple past tense : menyatakan bentuk kalimat dengan tense (time signal/keadaan waktu) sekarang ini namun karena simple berarti bentuk ini single action, tidak berlangsung (tidak sedang blablabla)

rumusnya : S + V1 + ....

simple past : S + V2 + ....
contoh : he did his homework yesterday
              she bought a novel book 2 years ago

arti simple contious tense : menyatakan bentuk kalimat dengan tense sekarang ini namun berlangsung (sedang blablabla) tidak single action

20. 1. contoh simple past tense kata kerja : cari 8 soal 2. contoh simple past tense menyatakan fakta lampau : cari 2 soal


Semoga bermanfaat :)

21. contoh dari simple past tense yang dikombinasikan dengan past continus tense​


1. I was watching TV when she called.

2. Jack was studying while Dave was cooking


Rumus Past Tense:

S + V2

Rumus Past Continuous:

S + V-ing

22. contoh simple past tense dan contoh soal

Simple past tense = She closed the window yesterday
Conso : What did she do yesterday?Contoh Kalimat : My Parents Made a Cake for my birthday party Last night.
----------Arti--------: (Orang-Tuaku Membuat sebuah Kue Untuk Acara Ulang-
                                Tahunku Kemarin Malam)

Contoh Soal : Did You Call Me Yesterday ?
A. Yes, i did
B. Yes, i do
C. No, i doesn't
--Jawaban-- : A. Yes, i did,

Maaf Kalau Salah:)

23. Berikan 1 contoh kalimat di ubah ke dalam :simple past tense, simple present tense, simple past continue tense, past perfect continue tense, future continue tense

s. present 
She goes to school
s. past
She went to school
s. past continuous
 She was going to school
s. past perfect
she had been going to school

simple past: my mother bought vegetables last sunday morning.
simple present: my mother buys vegetables every sunday morning.
past continuous: my mother was buying vegetables.
past perfect: my mother had bought vegetables.

24. 3 contohpast tensepresent tensefuture tensesimple past tensesimple present tensesimple future tense​


Simple past tense

*She was here yeasterday (Dia berada disini kemarin)

*They were happy last week (Mereka gembira minggu lalu)

*He was with me yeasterday (Dia bersamaku kemarin?

Simple present tense

*They are at school every day (Mereka berada di sekolah setiap hari)

*She is here every morning (Dia berada disini setiap pagi)

*We are go to school every day (Kami berangkat ke sekolah tiap hari)

Simple future tense

*She will go to Bandung tomorrow (Dia akan berangkat ke Bandung besok)

*I shall boil water in the kitchen (Saya akan mendidihkan air di dapur)

*We shall go to school tomorrow (Kami akan ke sekolah besok)

25. soal essay dan jawaban tentang simple past tense

Is cook in the kitchen?

I cook in the kitchen-Question:Make sentences positive,negative and interogative in the form of Simple Past Tense.
1.(+)I saw the accident in the street yesterday
(- )I didn't see the accident in the street yesterday
(?)Did i see the accident in the street yesterday?
2.(+)I was playing football with my friends two hours ago
(-)I wasn't playing football with my friends two hours ago
(?)Was i playing football with my friends two hours ago?
Semoga membantu.

26. 1. Temukan tujuan Simple Past Tense 2. Tulis pola Simple Past Tense 3. Buat contoh Simple Past Tense (+, - and?) Masing-masing 5 kalimat. tolong di bantu jawab dong​


1. Menunjukkan sesuatu yang terjadi pada masa lampau.


Kalimat positif: Subject + Verb bentuk 2 (atau to be past seperti was dan were)

Kalimat negatif: Subject + Did + Not + Verb bentuk 1


Subject + To be past + Not

Kalimat interogatif: Did + Not + Subject + Verb bentuk 1


To be past + Not + Subject

Contoh Kalimat:


He ate the cake.

She came late to the class.

The cat chased the bird.

The girl cried all day.

Badu took the dictionary.


He did not get the first prize.

Mother did not buy vegetables yesterday.

The cat did not eat the cream.

Badu did not do it.

I did not cheat.


Didn't he win the competition?

Didn't the cat hiss at her?

Didn't I apologize to him?

Wasn't the concert great?

Weren't they angry?


tujuan simple past tense adalah menyatakan pristiwa dimasa lallu


S+verb 2+o/c


kalimat positive

i went to school yerderdayi ate ice cream this morningi was sickshe was stupidi cooked the egg lat night

kalimat negative

i did not go to school yerderdayi did not eat ice cream this morningi was not sickshe was not stupidi didi not cook the egg lat night

kalimat tanya

did igo to school yerderday did i  eat ice cream this morningwas i sickwas she stupid did i cook the egg lat night

27. Contoh simple present tense dan simple past tense :)))

i play football everyday>present 
she was died>simple pastSimple present: I work in London.
Simple past: I often brought my lunch to school.

28. contoh kalimat simple past tense dan simple present tense

Present : i am eat meatballs Past : she came to my house last nightsimple past tense:
(+) subject+V2
Ex: i launched this blog yesterday
(-) subject+ didnt+V1
Ex: she didn't go to school last week
(?) Did+subject+V1
ex: Did you came home last year?

simple present tense:
(+) subject+v1+object
ex: they usually take a nap after school
(-) subject+dont/doesnt+v1
ex: we dont play football everyday
(?) do/does+subject+v1
ex: do you like me?

29. contoh soal piliha ganda simple past tense SMA

Since he ... an accident, he ... to annual seminar last year
a. got, didn't came
b. had, didn't came
c. got, didn't come
d. had, doesn't came
e. get, doesn't come

30. contoh dialog simple past tense dan past continous tense ?

simpe past tense :
He was playing football yesterday

past continous tense
He is playing football everyday

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