Contoh Undangan Meet And Greet

Contoh Undangan Meet And Greet

Contoh text recount tentang idola meet and greet

Daftar Isi

1. Contoh text recount tentang idola meet and greet

meet and greet my idol
i decided to come to an event of meet and greet my idol on last saturday afternoon.
the event took place in a cafe near my aunt's house.
i went there with my best friend, lala. lala and i happened to adore the same idol.
we were very excited and we also got a chance to talk and got the autograph of my idol.
at first, i was not sure about getting my idol's autograph, knowing the crowds we were facing but we got it eventually.
that was the moment i would not forget

2. Apa arti dari meet and greet


meet and greet: bertemu dan menyapa

3. apakah arti meet and greet

Meet and greet artinya bertemu dan menyapa

Maaf kalau salah
Meet and Greet = temu kangen.

4. what is the writer's opinion about the meet and greet event?

The meet-and-greet event was held on Saturday morning at a local radio station.

As seen in the text: "A day before the concert, there would be a meet-and-greet event at a local radio station. Feeling excited, I packed all my Afgan’s CDs to get his signature at the event. On that bright and sunny Saturday morning, the radio station was full of Afganism (that’s how Afgan’s fans are called)."

5. When was the meet and greet event?

kapan kamu bertemu dan menyambut acara ini?

maaf kalo salah

#suruh ngartiin bukan? Kapan Acara bertemu Dan bersapa diadakan ?

6. when and where was the meet-and-greet event?


kapan dan di mana acara bertemu dan menyapa

7. buatkan invitation card tentang meet and greet

To = ...
From = ...

Hi! Please come to my meet and greet at ... on ..... pm/am

gitu bkn? maaf klw salah

8. joko and dini accident meet on the street at 12.00 pm they greet each other ( buat percakapan )

Joko:hello dini
Dini:hello joko
Joko:can we meet at to do homework?
Dini:sure where is the place
Joko:at my home
Joko:ok bye

Joko: hey dini!
Dini: hey how are you doing?
Joko: good
Dini :what are you doing here
Joko :nothing much just buying some things that my mom asked me too
Dini :ooo well at 12 pm i need to go somewhere can you accompany me
Joko :ok but let me asked my mom first
Dini :ok call me later
Joko :ok bye
Dini: bye

9. when and where was the meet and-and-greet event?

when we meet up with the friend long standing
and we meet in the road

10. Apakah masjid boleh dijadikan tempat meet n greet ?

tidak boleh, karena masjid tempat ibadah bukan tempat meet and greet......

Tidak boleh.karena masjid itu digunakan untuk beribadah.
#jadikan jawaban terbaik ok

11. greet others when i meet them​


Hello, how are you?


basic greeting : •hello • how are you

12. Kalimat untuk a meet and greet event

1.hello,how are you?
2.nice to meet you
3.pleased to meet you
4.hey nigga come here
5.whassup doug,come here
7.whassup homie
9.come here cock

13. Yang pinter bhs inggris, bisa minta contoh text announcement tentang meet and greet artis gak? thx


Sunday, 12 january 2014  at kelapa gading mall 

go and get the tshirt, and signature from him

14. A meet and greet event Apa Artinya

acara meet dan greetSetahu saya acara bertemu dan menyapa

15. What and where was the meet-and-greet-event?


dimana saja juga bisa


soal nya ngacok

16. What is the writer's opinion about the meet-and-greet event

Jawaban: Bagaimana pendapat penulis tentang acara meet and greet ini?


Semoga bermanfaat...Mohon maaf mungkin soal ini minta di terjemahkan

17. Kapan dan dimana acara meet and greet nya


Ditempat dan tanggal yang sudah ditentukan


18. apakah arti meet and greet

kelas: SMP
pelajaran: B. Inggris
katagori: opti
kata kunci: meet n greet

saya bantu jawab ya dek.
jika diartikan sesuai dengan asal katanya, maka meet n greet adalah: bertemu dan mengenal. akan tetapi, meet n greet adalah sebuah acara khusus yabg diadakan untuk mempertemukan seorang idola dengan penggemarnya. tujuannya adalah untuk mendekatkan saling mengenal lebih dalam.

demikian jawabannya. semoga bermanfaat ya
selamat belajar----Jawaban----
Meet = bertemu
Greet = menyapa

19. What is the writet's opinion abaut the meet and greet event

B. Inggris

What is the writet's opinion abaut the meet and greet event

B. Indonesia

Apa pendapat penulis tentang acara meet and greet

20. tolong artikan ke b indonesia.they meet some friends and they greet each other​


mereka bertemu beberapa teman dan mereka saling menyapa


mereka bertemu beberapa teman dan mereka saling menyapa.


semoga Bermanfaat

21. Apa artinya what is the writer opinion about the meet and greet event



What is the writer opinion about the meet and greet event?


Apa pendapat penulis tentang acara tegur dan sapa?


What: Apa.

The writer: Penulis.

Opinion: Pendapat.

About: Tentang.

Event: Acara.

22. A meet and greet event Apa Artinya

acara temu sapa, kalo di indonesia kaya temu kangen gituAcara bertemu dan menyapa

23. Kapan dan dimana ada acara meet and greet

Di tempat dan tanggal yang sudah ditentukan

24. contoh percakapan/ dialog bahasa inggris expressing invitation (ajakan/mengundang) bertema kan= meet and greet naufan raid azka dan rasyifa. tolong dibantu ya ka:)

would you like come to meet and greet naufan raid azka dan rasyifa

25. Who was coming to the meet and greet program

Participants of meet and greet programParticipants of meet and greet program..
Maaf Klo Salah..

26. contoh undangan meed and greet dalam bahasa inggris

To: Members of English Debate
I would like to invite you to join with English debate. It will be held next month in Gandaria School on July 10th 2015. This event will be start at 09.00 a.m. until 17.00 p.m. Do not miss it!
Untuk : Anggota English Debate
Saya ingin mengundang Anda untuk turutserta pada acara debat bahasa Inggris. Acara ini akan diselenggarakan bulan depan di Sekolah Gandaria pada 10 Juli 2015. Acara ini akan dimulai pukul  09:00 sampai 17.00 sore. Jangan sampai anda lewatkan!

27. S0558 ] 8. When was the meet and greet event

Layak we pinterr, sobonem nng kene teross

28. When and where was the meet-and greet event?

artinya itu kapan dan dimana kegiatan meet and greet diadakan?

29. greet others when i meet them


orang-orang hebat ketika saya bertemu mereka

30. Whrn and where was the meet and greet event?

at the concert maaf kalau salah

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