Conversation Asking And Giving Direction

Conversation Asking And Giving Direction

Conversation asking and giving direction 2 contoh

Daftar Isi

1. Conversation asking and giving direction 2 contoh


Nurul : Excuse me, ma’am!

Mrs. X : Yeah. Can I help you?

Nurul : Yes, Ma’am .Where is the city library?

Mrs. X : Go ahead in this road about 1km,and you will see city library on the left in this road.

Nurul : Thank you, Ma’am.

Mrs. X : No problem. Be carefull.


Tourist: Excuse me, can you help me? I’m lost!

Person: Certainly, where would you like to go?

Tourist: I’d like to go to the museum, but I can’t find it. Is it far?

Person: No, not really. It’s about a 5 minute walk.

Tourist: Maybe I should call a taxi …

Person: No, no. It’s very easy. Really. (pointing) I can give you directions.

Tourist: Thank you. That’s very kind of you.

Person: Not at all. … Now, go along this street to the traffic lights. Do you see them?

Tourist: Yes, I can see them.

Person: Right, at the traffic lights, turn left into Queen Mary Avenue.

Tourist: Queen Mary Avenue.

Person: Right. Go straight on. Take the second left and enter Museum Drive.

Tourist: OK. Queen Mary Avenue, straight on and then the third left, Museum Drive.

Person: No, it’s the SECOND left.

Tourist: Ah, right. The second street on my left.

Person: Right. Just follow Museum Drive and the museum is at the end of the road.

Tourist: Great. Thanks again for your help.

Person: You are welcome..

2. isi dari asking and giving direction

*Kl gk mau ngikutin gpp*
(?) Where is the city market located?
=> the city market is located across Edo 's house.
=> the city market is located on the east side of Edo 's school.
Semoga membantu ^ ^

3. Soal easy asking and giving direction


may I ask for a ticket brochure

“Excuse me, where is the train station?”
“Oh! It’s right there. Then go to the right.”

4. 2 contoh asking and giving direction

Giving direction :

• Go left/right, straight, beside

• Go behind, there's beetween

Maaf kalau salah i try my best

Kalimat yang bisa digunakan untuk menanyakan arah antara lain:

Can you please tell me how do I can get to Oxford Street?

Where is the nearest supermarket?

How can I get to the local market?

I’m trying get to Downing Street.

How do I get to the office?

What’s the best way to get to your house next?

Where is Mc Donalds can you tell me please?

Kalimat yang bisa digunakan untuk Memberi arah antara lain:

Go straight on till you see the hospital then turn left.

Turn back, you have gone past the turning.

Turn left when you see a roundabout.

Turn right at the end of the road and my house is number 67.

Cross the junction and keep going for about 1 mile.

5. make long dialogue (in pairs)! contains of : asking giving help, asking giving something, asking giving information (direction), and asking and giving opinion!please help me ya kak :)

a: excuse me,i want to ask something,i am lost, i do not know where am i?,do you know the street to the information center?
b: yeah i know,from here you must go straight,next you meet with bank you must turn left and go straight and at left side you Will meet with the information center
a: thanks sir
b: you are welcome.
Note: kalo writing tulisannya jngn disingkat ya

6. berikan 3 contoh asking and giving direction​


Asking direction (Using information question)

Where is the …?

Where can I find the …?

How can/do I get to …?

Giving direction (if u know the direction)

Go ahead/go straight ahead

Go straight on main street

Go straight on for about 2 kilometers

Jika kurang tepat silahkan komen

Jika tepat tolong brainliest answernya ya :D

7. contoh 10 soal asking and giving direction

soal aja ya

where is the school located?

where is the hospital located?

where is the bus station located?

8. dialog conversation asking and giving suggestion

giving suggestion banyak macamnya :
- you should.....
-you ought to...
-you must....
-you had better.....
-i suggest that you...
-i think you should
ex: you had better wear the shirt that you wore to the party last looks good on you 

Ex for giving an offer 
A: this gado-gado is delicious,why don't you try some
B: No, thank you ,i'm full let's ask the menu
A: what?no dessert? this place is famous for it's traditional about stay and have some dessert?
A: that's sounds great!

9. Fungsi asking and giving direction itu kaya gimana

Asking and Giving Direction (Menanyakan dan Memberikan arahan)

Guna mencari arah atau jalur yang benar sesuai dengan tempat yang ingin dituju.

10. tuliskan dialog/percakapan asking and giving direction​


Tourist: Excuse me. May I have your time?

Citizen: Yes. How can I help you?

Tourist: Can you show me the fastest way to get to the train station, please?

Citizen: You can take a taxi or a bus from the bus stop.

Tourist: Okay. Where should I go from there?

Citizen: If you take a taxi, you can get off right at the train station. Just ask the driver to go to Grand City Train Station.

Tourist: And, how to go there by a bus?

Citizen: Just take a bus number 003 and get off at Grand City Train Station bus stop.

Tourist: Is it far from the bus stop?

Citizen: No. it’s pretty near from there. The bus stop is around 200 meters from the station.

Tourist: I see. Thank you very much!

Citizen: You’re welcome.

Jawaban: Tourist: Excuse me. May I have your time?

Citizen: Yes. How can I help you?

Tourist: Can you show me the fastest way to get to the train station, please?

Citizen: You can take a taxi or a bus from the bus stop.

Tourist: Okay. Where should I go from there?

Citizen: If you take a taxi, you can get off right at the train station. Just ask the driver to go to Grand City Train Station.

Tourist: And, how to go there by a bus?

Citizen: Just take a bus number 003 and get off at Grand City Train Station bus stop.

Tourist: Is it far from the bus stop?

Citizen: No. it’s pretty near from there. The bus stop is around 200 meters from the station.

Tourist: I see. Thank you very much!

Citizen: You’re welcome.

^^Semoga Membantu^^

11. makes two convertation and using asking and giving direction

rina : good morning,rian!what are you looking for?
rian : good morning, rina! l am looking for my pen.did you see it?
rina : l am sorry.l don't see it.
rian:can l borrow your pen ?
rina : of course,here it is.
rian : thank you so much . l will give it later
rina : no problem
go follow yah insya allah bisa membantu kalian guys!!!:)

12. Tolong buatkan dialog tentang asking and giving direction dari gambar diatas


asking:i want to go to the fire station

Answer: go straigh to the oak street and go right and youre there

semoga bener

13. dialog asking and giving direction dan contoh soal​


Tourist: Excuse me. May I have your time?

Citizen: Yes. How can I help you?

Tourist: Can you show me the fastest way to get to the train station, please?

Citizen: You can take a taxi or a bus from the bus stop.

Tourist: Okay. Where should I go from there?

Citizen: If you take a taxi, you can get off right at the train station. Just ask the driver to go to Grand City Train Station.

Tourist: And, how to go there by a bus?

Citizen: Just take a bus number 003 and get off at Grand City Train Station bus stop.

Tourist: Is it far from the bus stop?

Citizen: No. it’s pretty near from there. The bus stop is around 200 meters from the station.

Tourist: I see. Thank you very much!

Citizen: You’re welcome.

14. Soal asking and giving direction kelas 12

How do I get to …?Bagaimana saya bisa…?

What’s the best way to …? 
Apa adalah cara terbaik untuk…?
What’s the quickest way of getting to your office? 
Apa adalah cara tercepat untuk kantor Anda?

Where is …? 

Mana adalah…?
Where are you exactly.
Mana yang Anda tepat

Can you tell me the best way of getting to your office?
 Bisa Anda ceritakan cara terbaik untuk 
bisa ke kantor Anda?

15. write a short dialog about asking and giving di rection ​


let's go through this road because this road is the safest


semoga membantu

Dialogue between Patient and Doctor (English)

Doctor: Good morning, Mrs. Walt. What seems to be the problem?

Patient: I couldn’t sleep for three days, doctor. Do you have any suggestion to help me with my sleeping problem?

Doctor: There are actually a few simple solution to your problem. You could try exercising a few hours before you sleep, turn off your phone at least 10 minutes before your sleep schedule, and turn off the lights of your room to help your eyes rest. Have you tried any of that before?

Patient: I haven’t, doctor. I will try that tonight.

Doctor: That would be a good idea. However, since you haven’t slept for three days, I will prescribe you a little bit of sleeping pills to help you rest tonight too.

Patient: Alright, I understand. Thank you so much, doctor.

Dialog antara Pasien dan Dokter (Bahasa Indonesia)

Dokter: Selamat pagi, Nyonya Walt. Ada masalah apa?

Pasien: Saya tidak bisa tidur selama tiga hari, dokter. Apakah Anda memiliki saran untuk membantu saya dengan masalah tidur yang saya miliki?

Dokter: Sebenarnya ada beberapa solusi sederhana untuk masalah Anda. Anda bisa mencoba berolahraga beberapa jam sebelum Anda tidur, matikan ponsel Anda setidaknya 10 menit sebelum jadwal tidur Anda, dan matikan lampu kamar untuk membantu mata Anda beristirahat. Apakah Anda sudah mencoba hal-hal itu sebelumnya?

Pasien: Belum, dokter. Saya akan mencobanya malam ini.

Dokter: Itu ide yang bagus. Akan tetapi, karena Anda belum tidur selama tiga hari, saya akan memberikan resep sedikit obat tidur untuk membantu Anda beristirahat malam ini juga.

Pasien: Baiklah, saya mengerti. Terima kasih banyak, dokter.



16. pengertian asking and giving direction dan digunakannya saat kapan?

menanya dan memberi jawaban 
digunakan saat menanyakan sesuatuasking and giving direction adalah menanyakan dan memberikan arah, digunakan pada saat kita menanyakan arah suatu tempat kepada seseorang

17. Make a conversation about asking and giving attention!


A:hi, b what are you doing now?

B:too i just read some book

A;oh can i have your attention please?

B:sure, what is it?

A:can you go with me to supermarket after we're back school


A;ok thanks for your attention

B;my pleasure....

teacher : attention please, good morning student

student: good morning miss

teacher: today we gonna learn English

student:  what will we learn miss?

teacher: we will learn about past-tense, please open book page 14

18. Make conversation about asking and giving suggestion


A: hey, look at this, i draw it myself.

B: wow cool! what great art of a beautiful lady. but i think it will look even better if you add some backgrounds.

A: really? okay then. Could you please give me some more suggestion?

B: sure. you can add some details on the gown, so that it'd look fancier.

A: thanks.

B: No problem.



A: Hey, lihat ini, aku menggambarnya sendiri.

B: Wow, keren! Gambar wanita yang sangat cantik. tapi menurutku, itu akan telihat lebih baik jika kamu menambahkan background.

A: Masa? oke deh. Bisakah kamu memberi saya beberapa saran lagi?

B: tentu. kamu bisa memberi tambahan detail pada gaunnya, sehingga (gaunnya) terlihat lebih mewah.

A: makasihh

B: ga masalah.

"I think it will look even better if you add some backgrounds"

artinya, itu akan terlihat lebih baik jika kamu menambahkan background.

=> wujud memberikan saran (giving suggestion)

"could you please give me some more suggestion?"

artinya, bisakah kamu memberi saya beberapa saran lagi?

=> wujud meminta saran (asking suggestion)

"you can add some details on the gown"

artinya, kamu bisa memberi tambahan detail pada gaunnya

=> wujud memberikan saran (giving suggestion)

19. Sebutkan kalimat asking and giving direction ?

can you help me?(asking).I try to explain the lesson in the class when my studen asking . and I am giving direction to do the homework

20. Make a dialogue about asking and giving direction!


Tourist: Excuse me. May I have your time?

Citizen: Yes. How can I help you?

Tourist: Can you show me the fastest way to get to the train station, please?

Citizen: You can take a taxi or a bus from the bus stop.

Tourist: Okay. Where should I go from there?

Citizen: If you take a taxi, you can get off right at the train station. Just ask the driver to go to Grand City Train Station.

Tourist: And, how to go there by a bus?

Citizen: Just take a bus number 003 and get off at Grand City Train Station bus stop.

Tourist: Is it far from the bus stop?

Citizen: No. it’s pretty near from there. The bus stop is around 200 meters from the station.

Tourist: I see. Thank you very much!

Citizen: You’re welcome.


Turis: Permisi. Boleh minta waktunya sebentar?

Warga: Ya. Ada yang bisa saya bantu?

Turis: Bisakah Anda menunjukkan jalan tercepat untuk pergi ke stasiun kereta?

Warga: Anda bisa naik taksi atau naik bis dari halte.

Turis: Baik. Ke mana selanjutnya saya harus pergi?

Warga: Jika Anda naik taksi, Anda dapat langsung turun tepat di stasiun kereta. Minta saja pada supirnya untuk menuju ke Stasiun Kereta Grand City.

Turis: Dan, bagaimana caranya pergi ke sana dengan bis?

Warga: Naik saja bis nomor 003 dan turun di halte Stasiun Kereta Grand City.

Turis: Apakah stasiunnya jauh dari halte?

Warga: Tidak. Cukup dekat dari sana. Haltenya sekitar 200 meter dari stasiun.

Turis: Saya mengerti. Terima kasih banyak!

Warga: Sama-sama.


21. write types asking and giving direction


who was the first president of Indonesia?

22. berikan contoh asking and giving direction bahasa inggris

a. Asking direction :
Excuse me Sir . Can you tell the direction of Mutiara Airport

b. Giving direction :
The mutiara airport is straight up

23. tolong dong buat conversation dialogue asking and giving opinion

X: what do you think about my dress?
Y: I think your dress is cute

A: I need a refreshing,do you have an idea?
B: I think we should go to mountain

24. Asking & giving direction

you : can you help me? your friend : yes, off course. what can i do for you? you: can you tell me where the post office is near our school? your friend : the post office near our school is at jalan adisucipto. you : please show me the directions. your friend : you turn left from in front of our school. and then go straight until you find crossroad. you turn left and see the post office on your left side. you : thank you. your friend : you're welcome.

25. tugas : buat contoh asking and giving direction​


1.Where is the Nara Park? (Ada di mana Taman Nara?)

2.Can you tell me how to get to train station from here? (Bisakah kamu menunjukkan cara ke stasiun kereta dari sini?)

3.I am trying to find a Mitra Hospital. Could you tell me how to get there? (Aku sedang mencari Rumah Sakit Mitra. Bisakah kamu memberitahuku cara ke sana?)


1.Goes lord on dhe roun

2. Your nose is good

3. The car there is very good


contoh dari asking and giving direction

26. pengertia materi Asking and Giving direction , lalu ringkas materi tersebut ​


semoga bermanfaat ya buat sobat semua yang ada di Indonesia dan di luar sana

27. dialog asking and giving direction dan contoh soal​


A : excuse me, do you know where is the nearest hospital?

B : yes i do

A : would you give me the direction please?

B : just go straight this way, then turn right in that intersection. Go about 300 meters, that's where the hospital is. it is on the right side.

A: thank you

B : glad i could help


28. latihan soal asking and Giving direction??


1. Roundabout

2. Take the second right

3. Next ro

4. Turn right

5. Go past

6. Take the second left

7. Traffic lights

8. Go straight on

9. Opposite

10. Turn left

29. dialogue about asking and giving direction

Jawaban :
--Asking and Giving Direction--

Ratna : Excuse me, Miss. I'm new here. Can you tell me where is the bank?
Fira : Hy. Yes, you can go ahead, and then turn left when you see crossroad. The bank is in the left side.
Ratna : Thanks a lot, Miss. And where is the post office?
Fira : The post office is across from the bank.
Ratna : I see. Thank you, Miss. Have a nice day.
Fira : You're welcome. Have a nice day too.

Semoga membantu^^

30. what meaning of asking and giving direction​


arti dari meaning of asking and giving direction adalah menanyakan dan menunjukkan arah dalam bahasa inggris

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